Readers' 54 Most Anticipated Summer Mysteries & Thrillers

Posted by Cybil on May 13, 2024

A dead scientist on a utopian island surrounded by lethal fog. A former NBA player who may be the victim of a serial killer. An ancient pagan entity preying on oblivious rich people.
This is but a sampling of the story hooks on offer this summer in the mystery and thriller section. As part of our big Summer Reading package, we’ve sorted through the genre stacks to compile this preview of upcoming titles. These books were selected by monitoring early reader reviews and crunching the numbers on which titles are on the Read or Want to Read shelves of Goodreads members. And what did we find? Criminals! Investigators! Protagonists making dubious choices concerning kitchen knives and locked staircases!
All the books listed below are slated to be published between May and late August. We’ve sorted by month, but you can click through the cover art for each book to get exact publication dates, further details, and the occasional review from advance readers.
Some of the familiar names publishing this summer include John Grisham, Ruth Ware, Freida McFadden, Akwaeke Emezi, Riley Sager, Liz Moore, Alex Finlay, and Lucy Foley. Also: the latest in Katharine Schellman’s Jazz Age mystery series featuring uncommonly cool cover art.
As always, if you find any interesting leads, feel free to add them to your Want to Read shelf. Happy summer reading, crime fighters!





Whodunit readers, let us know which mysteries and thrillers you're planning to read this summer in the comments below!

Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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message 1: by Law (new)

Law So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?

message 2: by Susan (new)

Susan What a lot of lovely books to look forward to.

message 3: by Riana (new)

Riana Where is The Best Lies by David Ellis?!? That’s going to be THE thriller of the summer, if not the entire year.

message 4: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Me, clapping excitedly, adding even more books to my already way too long TBR! :) :) :)

message 5: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Riana wrote: "Where is The Best Lies by David Ellis?!? That’s going to be THE thriller of the summer, if not the entire year."

I have seen many good reviews of that one! Will add to TBR!

message 6: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly Sneed I'm currently reading an ARC of HOMECOMING QUEEN by Chad Boudreaux that comes out in August. So good!

message 7: by Laceygoodbooks (new)

Laceygoodbooks Summer book vibes

message 8: by Christie (new)

Christie I had not heard about Freida plagiarizing, that really sucks cause I love her books. The Housemaid series is my favorite. Noelle W Ihli is fast becoming my favorite. Ask for Andrea had me SWEATING in fear!

message 9: by leah (new)

leah angela Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?" OK reads, have read all of her books but none have wowed me. They seem cheap.

message 10: by Meredith (new)

Meredith Stone Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I didn't know she was accused of this, but that's interesting. I agree that her books can be underwhelming. I've chosen not to read anymore of her books for that reason. I've read 2 I think and I was disappointed with them both.

message 11: by Eva (new)

Eva Cmak Meredith wrote: "Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I didn't know she was accused of this,..."

I cannot understand all the hype that this author has. Do you have a good thriller recommendation? I love a good psychological one

message 12: by Janet (new)

Janet Martin Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I don't know about the plagiarism, but that book was not particularly original. Without knowing the specifics of this charge, I have to say that using someone else's plot is not plagiarism. One must actually copy text from another work, and even then the copied text must be from a work still under copyright protection. Plots do not qualify for copyright protection. Although I thought she wrote some decent books early in her publishing career, I thought The Teacher was a dog--predictable and boring with unlikable characters. Several other recent books were not very good, either. That one was my last McFadden. She's off my list of writers to read.

message 13: by Angela (new)

Angela Coffey if you want some true crime , look up Christy Barrit omg page turners for sure.

message 14: by Ann Koester (new)

Ann Koester Where is The Briar Club by Kate Quinn?

message 15: by Sean (new)

Sean OMG! I'd given up waiting for Southern Man. After tearing the Natchez Burning trilogy I started making frequent checks to see when the next Penn Cage book was coming out. Then I read about Greg Iles' health issues and then I sort of stopped checking. The pace of Natchez Burning -- three thick books that each start the second the previous ended -- left me panting for more. So excited that he was well enough to recover and the story continues. Going to seem odd though, picking up 15 years after the event of the NB trilogy.

message 16: by Theresa (new)

Theresa You forgot Linda Castillo's book in her series

message 17: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah McArthur Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

It really all depends on your preference. In my opinion, I loved her books. I've read all of them, and a good few are sitting in my favourites. Not all books you read are going to be epic story lines. If the plot catches your interest, give it a quick read to see if you get into it. If not, move on to the next. But I try not to get so invested in the author.

message 18: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Eva wrote: "Meredith wrote: "Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I didn't know she was..."

The Kind Worth Killing by Steve Cavanagh and What Happened to Nina were my favorites so far this year. Do not pay attention to the cover of What Happened to Nina. It's God-awful. It desperately needs a new cover. Fantastic books, both!

message 19: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Where is The Best Lies by David Ellis out on July 23rd? That is at the top of my list!

message 20: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Eva wrote: "Meredith wrote: "Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I didn't know she was..."

I've read The Coworker and The Teacher and Freida is just not for me. Very juvenile writing and just not enjoyable. I don't know about the plagiarism accusations, but the claim is that The Wife Upstairs is very similar to Verity and The Housemaid is like the Last Mrs. Parrish.

message 21: by Lisa (new)

Lisa The Return of Ellie Black on audio is phenomenal! I'm not big on audio books, but I couldn't turn this one off.

message 22: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton! I have really enjoyed his other novels and am very much looking forward to this genre bender. I enjoy his work immensely. I only wish there was more. The other titles look great. I seriously need more time to read!

message 23: by Terry (new)

Terry Eva wrote: "Meredith wrote: "Law wrote: "So many books. Where to start? The Teacher by Freida McFadden was underwhelming. Should I avoid that author, since she is accused of plagiarism?"

I didn't know she was..."

Try Tana French. Way more detailed and interesting stories.

message 24: by Anna (new)

Anna Battista She wasn’t accused of plagiarism where did you hear that? Lots of nasty rumors in Facebook book groups.

message 25: by Maria (new)

Maria Freida McFadden is my favorite as she injects humor into her thrillers, which are super fun to read. Do not care at all about any nasty rumors.

message 26: by Mike (new)

Mike I am looking forward to the new book by Stuart Turton. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle was amazing.

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