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The mystifying world of online dating gets a terrifying, clever, and darkly hilarious twist in this unputdownable thriller.

Gwen Turner has made a bloody mess of her life. She recently broke up with the best man she’s ever known for reasons even she can’t admit to herself and quit a lucrative job to open her own coffee shop. To top it all off, her best friend is getting married and leaving her behind in singlehood.

Along with too much cheap wine and bad reality TV, Gwen turns to a dating app to help fill the void in her life. Swiping through the few eligible bachelors left in town, she spends her evenings out on one disastrous date after another. But when a string of murders suddenly occurs in her small coastal English city, she’s shocked by the connection between each of the victims—they’ve all been on a date with her.

Before she knows what’s happening, Gwen finds herself the main suspect in a serial killer’s murderous spree, and the only way she can clear her name is to track down her former dates (even those that have ghosted her) and unmask a killer before it’s too late.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published June 22, 2023

About the author

L.M. Chilton

2 books144 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,011 reviews
Profile Image for Maureen .
1,582 reviews7,011 followers
February 24, 2023
Gwen Turner is still devastated by the breakup of a long term relationship, but enough is enough, she’s joined the new dating app Connector, and she’s putting herself out there again (well, at least dipping her toes in)!

Problem is, each date seems to be worse than the one before, and then comes the mother of all dates, a serial killer intent on murdering all of her previous dates!

Don’t Swipe Right may be a murder mystery, but it was also a fun read ( you don’t often get to say that when a serial killer is involved). Gwen is determined to find out who the perpetrator is, but the police see her as the prime suspect. I have to say it kept me guessing, and entertained, and boy was I shocked to discover who the killer really was!

*Thank you to Netgalley and Head of Zeus for an ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *
Profile Image for Lit with Leigh.
598 reviews6,248 followers
July 28, 2023

Writing: fine | Plot: fun | Ending: oh fr??


Gwen is tryna get back in the saddle after a traumatic breakup, but things goes from bleak to abysmal when her dates start getting picked off one by one.


This was one of my most-anticipated reads of the summer and I'm so glad it didn't disappoint. For those unfamiliar with the Honda Civic Reliable rating, this means it's a SOLID book that I would still happily recommend but it's just lacking that je ne sais quoi to take it into 4/5 star territory. Some people may refer to these as 'popcorn thrillers'. It came and did what it needed to do, and that's that.

Also, hats off to the author for a great FMC. It's low-key daring when men try to write snarky, young women because most of the times it veers into super-bitch territory (AHEM Harry Hole and Ragdoll series). I won't say that Gwen will be everyone's cup of tea, but think of her as a grittier Finlay Donovan or like the FMC of any Lindsey Kelk book. She's certainly not perfect and she definitely uses humour as a shield to ward off feeling things, but she's funny and trying her best.

Not only does Chilton do a great job capturing the voice of a snarky 29-year-old woman who's hit a couple speed bumps in life recently, but he did a fantastic job writing realistic and cringeworthy dates. I guess my expectations for men writing women's experiences is resting at the ocean floor with the 16-eyed critters that haunt my dreams, but I was really impressed with how he captured the dates and our knee-jerk reaction to be 'nice' and try not to upset the beast. My only issue was Gwen trying to right the ship when Josh revealed himself to be a racist douche. She seemed more upset with him calling her posh than him nearly chanting Make Britain Great Again in the middle of mini-golf.

Comedic thrillers can be hard to pull off because most of the time they start of super funny and punchy but lose steam as they go along. I thought the jokey jokes were pretty evenly dispersed throughout the book, and there were several legit laugh out loud moments. Chilton does get a lil deep with it when necessary but overall it's a pretty light read. A good palate cleanser if you just finished Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter or something equally gory and depraved.

Like the Finlay Donovan series, yeetage of disbelief required. This is citizen and lowkey cop gone rogue. And like miss Finlay and her horny detective, we have a (unnecessary IMO) love story between Gwen and Dandy Lyons that includes sex in his superior's office (professionalism? never heard of her LOL). This was my least favourite part but I guess Dandy needed a reason why he was risking it all for the biscuit (yeah, I said it). My second least fave part was the ending. I'm not gonna get into any spoilies but I can't say I'm rockin with that choice. CONSIDER YOURSELF @-ed GWEN (iykyk). This could be a great book club discussion though.

Overall, a funny and low-stakes (feels weird saying that given all the death) murder-mystery that can be read in an afternoon while you ignore your responsibilities.


Pros: legit funny, good balance of jokes throughout, serious when needed, 'fun' and interesting premise, everyone's a suspect, fast-paced, bingeable

Cons: love story between detective and Gwen, sometimes they went a lil too rogue, some eyeroll moments (the taser scene at the end.... plz), not on board with Gwen's decision when her and the baddie meet face-t0-face


For some sick reason, do you want to hear more of my nonsense? Check out my podcast: Novels & Nonsense streaming everywhere.
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,313 reviews3,275 followers
May 21, 2024
3.5 stars ✨

If you are looking for a darkly comic, entertaining book-this one might fit the bill!

Things aren’t going very well for Gwen Turner.

She still isn’t over her last boyfriend, Noah, and her best friend Sarah is getting married in a few days and moving out of their shared flat.

Gwen turns to the dating app, CONNECTOR, to help fill the void but so far all of her SWIPES have led to one disastrous date after another and the same end result-BLOCKING each match as soon as she can walk (run!) away!!

No one is more surprised than Gwen when a string of murders suddenly occurs in her small town and she learns from the Police that there seems to be only one connection between each of the victims—they’ve all been on a date with her-arranged through CONNECTOR.

She is suddenly the main SUSPECT and with the Police not really wanting to look elsewhere, she decides she will have to investigate on her own…

FOR THE MOST PART, this is a highly original, and really fun story which kept me amused-especially the chapters which give us the “fly on the wall” peek of what happened on each of her dates, and the two which share with us “what happened with Noah”.

It would have been a solid 4 stars if not for the slightly ridiculous and very OTT ending which let me down.

A buddy read with DeAnn. Did the ending work for her? Be sure to check out her amazing review!

Original Title: Don’t Swipe Right

Thank You to Gallery/Scout Press for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,360 reviews1,970 followers
January 25, 2023
4 - 5 stars rounded up

This book grabs you from the very funny start at the (groans, from hell) Hen Do from which Gwen retreats to the ladies and desperately swipes through dating app Connector as her best friend Sarah is now abandoning her to singledom. After a curious incident with one potential date via the app, he sends her a cryptic message about a dead jogger. To her shock the deadman is Rob Hamilton, who Gwen dates (once, that was enough) two weeks ago. Shortly afterwards , two policeman turn up at her door. It gets worse, way, way worse . ……

This book is exactly why I really like reading and reviewing debuts as methinks we have a cracking writer here! Right from the start I love the tone as at times it’s funny, at others it’s wry and ironic, it veers into deadpan and when needs must, it’s serious, though you can always count on Gwen to break the tension with a really smart remark. The dialogue is so good as the banter goes back and forth.

This is a very good blend of perfect pitched humour with a very twisty, suspenseful mystery and police investigation. It’s fast paced and even the backtracking doesn’t halt the momentum and serves to give us further information.

The characterisation is very good, I really like Gwen, she’s a quip a minute but with pluck, bravery and gumption, well, some of the time! A big shout out to for policeman Dandy Lyon’s who is my kind of policeman!! Wouldn’t it be great to “meet“ these two again as they’re far too good characters for a one off. The plot builds, escalates, barrels and turns its way to a, hallelujah, a good ending.

Overall, this is a very promising and highly entertaining debut which I recommend.
Profile Image for Jamie.
301 reviews201 followers
November 16, 2023
Swiped isn't exactly fine literature, but it is a whole lot of fun. It also made me very, very glad that I met my husband long before Tinder was a thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to online dating. I might be dating (Ha! How punny!) myself here, but I met my first serious, non-high school boyfriend on AOL Personals, way back when you had to use dial-up and wait twelve minutes for your potential date's photo to load. Spent six years with the guy, despite the fact he ghosted me on our first date because he went to the wrong Kmart location (the only place within walking distance for then-carless me – it was, um, a very … romantic Kmart, okay?!) on the wrong road on the wrong side of town, and then got annoyed that he couldn't find me and turned off his phone and went home and didn't contact me again until weeks later. (I was not a smart teenager, you guys.) Years later, by the time OkCupid made it's appearance, I was a little more internet dating-savvy and managed to snag my now-husband (I mean “now-husband” in the “he - obviously - wasn't my husband when I met him” sense, not in the “eventually he won't be my husband anymore” sense) … after a few terrible, terrible dates with other guys, anyway. So what am I trying to say here? I've completely forgotten at this point. Oh, yeah, so I'm no stranger to internet dating, but the idea of Tinder and having strangers out there swiping left and right on me just freaks me out for some reason.

Anyway, oh, right, the book. It's too bad I actually have to write a review here, because I'd love to tell y'all all about the date who kept sniffing the shoes at Kmart. Yes, it was another Kmart date. Don't judge.

Okay, so … the book. Such a fun and original premise. Such fun and exasperating characters. Gwen (the main character) is full of bad decisions and is a total spaz, but it's kind of what makes the book work? If she'd just calmly sat back and waited for the police to solve the murders, it wouldn't have been much of a novel, yeah? The stories of all of her terrible dates are hilarious, and I probably would have taken a golf club to that one guy, too.

The plot is twisty and turny and I think I suspected just about every character of being the murderer at one point or another … and so did Gwen, for that matter. You do kind of have to suspend disbelief when it comes to the big reveal because it's not exactly the most plausible sequence of events, but it's still tremendously entertaining. And is it possible that Gwen is hiding a secret or two of her own?

Swiped will likely resonate with anyone who has ever attempted online dating with less than ideal results. It's a delightful (and murderous) read, full of suspense and humor and cleverness and fuckboys (Gwen's word, not mine).

Many thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review.
Profile Image for Cara.
411 reviews778 followers
June 26, 2024

Profile Image for Constantine.
971 reviews274 followers
April 18, 2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ ½
Genre: Mystery Thriller

The plot of this story revolves around the concept of online dating and the circumstances that may arise when something goes wrong. After going through a difficult breakup with the man she loves, the protagonist, Gwen Turner, turns to an online dating app in order to find a new romantic partner. What Gwen didn’t expect was for things to go that wrong.

In her city, there is a string of murders that have taken place. What comes as a surprise to the protagonist, however, is the fact that all of the men who were murdered were men that she had dated. As a result of this, she is the primary suspect in the commission of all of these murders!

In order for Gwen to be able to find the real killer and demonstrate that she is innocent, she needs to collect additional information from all of her dates and make an effort to track down each and every one of them.

This was a fun book to read because it was a combination of comedy and suspense. The narrative struck the ideal balance between the two, in my opinion. Although I would not go so far as to say that I felt a connection with the main character, I believe that she was someone that a great number of other readers would find extremely endearing.

This thriller, like many others that have been released in recent years, suffers from the fact that it is not realistic in any way. There are instances where over-the-top situations in the plot are evident, but fortunately, they do not affect the fun gained out of it if you are not too critical about them. Overall, it was a good and entertaining read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,363 reviews
June 9, 2023
Watch out for the ‘book joke’ it��s kinda badly good and it did get me thinking….
Anyway thats by the by,the book itself is a rare humorous yet dark Serial killer Whodunit based around a dating app and the users on it and how our main character,Gwen,seems to be causing the deaths of anyone she meets via it
It had me chuckling throughout and is at times tongue in cheek yet others a serious look at how these apps work and how people can manipulate them for devious means
Gwen is great, a bit over feisty sometimes but loved her and her musings and her way of talking to the reader,the rest of the cast are if not wholly loveable have a bit of likeable in them, hidden at times but there
An unusual read but a good one that fully enjoyed
Profile Image for Sara.
1,280 reviews399 followers
April 17, 2023
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

Gwen is currently stuck in a dating nightmare. Date after date, full of useless guys who are only after one thing. And it's not a long term relationship. Add in a useless coffee van, with equally useless assistant, and a ton of broken dreams and Gwens life couldn't really get any worse. Until all those dates start turning up dead, and Gwen turns into suspect number one.

This was a really fun, campy romantic suspense that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's very fast paced and easy to read, leaving the reader constantly guessing who the killer could be. I'd say it's similar in vein to Sweetpea in that it's far fetched, but as the reader you're still happy to go along for the ride. Although the conclusion definitely pulled me out of the story a bit with just how outlandish it got.

Gwen is an interesting, if not exactly likeable character. She's full of quick wits, but she's also pretty judgemental at times too - especially of poor old Audrey. She's also makes some very dubious decisions, often throwing herself in harms way for no reason that had me rolling my eyes. Because of her actions throughout the course of the plot I can't say I ever warmed to her as a character, and I really didn't like how her story arc played out, but I enjoyed the plot enough to see it through to the end.

Quick and exciting thriller, but the plot jumped the shark a bit, and took the main character in a direction I couldn't get on board with. However, I'd definitely pick up another thriller by this author for the fun ride.
Profile Image for Katie B.
1,441 reviews3,095 followers
May 21, 2024
Swiped was a fun read and maybe that’s because I like hot mess lead characters. So much more fascinating than reading about someone who has their life all figured out and going according to plan.

Gwen Turner recently broke up with her boyfriend and so she’s singlehandedly running the coffee shop that was supposed to be a joint business venture. She starts using a dating app but each date is a disaster. A string of murders occur in her small town and Gwen realizes the victims are men she met thru the app. So now police view her as a suspect but Gwen is worried she might be the killer’s next victim.

Lots of humor in this one and it’s definitely a sit back, relax, and enjoy the show type read. The big reveal is the weak spot but given it was an otherwise entertaining read, I can just roll with it.

Gwen reminds me of Izzy Spellman from Lisa Lutz’s Spellman series so if you enjoy that as author’s writing, Swiped is right up your alley. Looking forward to reading more books by L.M. Chilton.

Thank you Gallery Books for sending me a free copy! All thoughts expressed are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for anouk♡ semi-hiatus.
352 reviews217 followers
February 4, 2024
i enjoyed this so much!
the best way to describe this book is as a ‘lighthearted serial killer/murder mystery’, which sounds like a strange combination.
it has a lot of sarcasm and a good sense of humor, and frankly it just works. ♡

❥𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚:
gwen is newly single and ready to mingle! 💃🏻
what better way to start dating then to go online and start swiping.
when every guy she’s been on a date with turns up dead, and the police are looking in her direction, gwen is determined to find out who the killer is..

❥𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏:
i’m not claiming this book to be the pinnacle of literature, but let me tell you, it’s definitely a page-turner.
even with all the murders happening, i personally see it more as a mystery than a thriller.
don’t get me wrong, i mean- can you imagine the stress gwen must have felt? so it’s surprising that the book doesn’t feel all that tense. throughout, i found myself trying to figure out who the killer could be, instead of being stressed for gwen. after being suspicious of basically every character in the book at some point, i can proudly announce to have figured out the killer after reading 90% of this book. 💀
safe to say, all the misdirections and twists and turns in the story had me completely fooled!
Profile Image for Finucha.
239 reviews37 followers
June 25, 2024
holy fuuuuuuu, this was so good and I ate it up!! i couldn’t trust anyone and it gave me more trust issues that I already had. the plot twist was INSANE and I never in a million years could have imagined. LM Chilton you’re a genius🫡
Profile Image for emilybookedup.
445 reviews6,047 followers
June 22, 2024
3.5 rounded up to 4 for GR! this was such a fun audio binge. it was laugh-out-loud funny and the ending was surprising.

if you’re a fan of the FINLAY DONOVAN series or Dolly Alderton’s GHOSTS or GOOD MARERIAL, you’ll enjoy this one! similar vibes, very funny, a good blend of litfict, mystery and semi-romance and an overall quick binge.

the audiobook format was perfect because it gave it more comedic value and you got a good vibe for the character’s personality. plus the narrator is British which is always a vibe!

the premise: after a bad breakup, a woman joins a dating app and goes on a bunch of dates. but then everyone she went on dates with happens to turn up dead… and sometimes she was the last to see them alive. is she a secret serial killer? or being set up?

it’s not a WOW OMG read it now book but i had a great time binging it and would reco it for a quick beach binge/audio listen on a car ride!

Profile Image for tia ❀.
161 reviews604 followers
November 27, 2023
Oh my GOD!! Swiped has me guessing until the very last chapter. The last 10% of the book I read at lightning speed because I needed to know how this was going to end. I was so invested in the story and seeing who was behind the murders and the connection (LOL) to our main character. I was NOT disappointed at the reveal. I think this book accomplished what it set out to do, as it was a fast paced and quick witted read. Gwen is an easy character to root for and I got roped in immediately once the murders started. I think the ending was a little unhinged but in a surprisingly good way! I’m happy I read this - plus, isn’t the cover stunning?? Thanks so much to NetGalley and Gallery books for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Rachel the Page-Turner.
494 reviews5 followers
January 5, 2024
This book is a mystery/thriller, but I noticed right before I read it that it was also in the romance category. I went into this with some trepidation because I historically am not a fan of romance novels, but I didn’t need to worry - this is an original thriller that just happens to deal with the subject of dating.

Gwen and her longtime boyfriend, Noah, broke up, and being a younger woman, she immediately joins a dating app to “get back out there”. Get back out there she does, with some very lackluster first dates. The entire situation is quite boring for Gwen, until the men she met on the app start getting murdered. She probably would rather it had stayed boring! It seems that people with big money can pay a little extra for more exposure on this app, and Gwen may be having some troubles dating because of that…

You see, these men are being murdered in the order of their dates with Gwen, and there is also someone threatening her from a number she doesn’t know. The book flashes back to each date, and gives us glimpses into the time they had with her. Those were actually my favorite chapters, as we find out a little about each man’s personality and why they didn’t make it to a second date (aside from the dying part). Also, who is threatening Gwen? Is someone trying to set her up for these murders? She didn’t end up liking any of the guys, and a couple were total jerks, but she didn’t want to kill them.

This was a very different way of writing a murder mystery, and I liked the format a lot. When Gwen suspected that the dating app algorithm was off, she found her own hacker - who found even more damning evidence. There are a lot of hackers out there; not everything online is as it seems, of course. This is both a cautionary tale, and a fun mystery. Four stars!

(Thank you to Gallery Books, L.M. Chilton, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on May 21, 2024.)
Profile Image for mariana sz 🧚‍♀️.
180 reviews176 followers
March 4, 2024
3,5 ✨

Resumo, vou me manter solteira e longe das dating apps.

Gostei, entreteve-me imenso mas em imensas partes achei demasiado irrealista.

Desconfiei de toda a gente e mesmo assim no final fiquei chocada com o verdadeiro assassino.
Profile Image for Catherine.
387 reviews185 followers
May 24, 2024
Fresh out of her breakup, Gwen turns to a dating app to get herself back out there and fill the void. After a string of awful dates with guys from the app, men in her city start turning up murdered – coincidentally, all these men are ones she’s just gone on dates with. But if she’s not going after them, who is?

The premise of this book caught my attention, I think it’s unique; however, sometimes I found that I really needed to suspend my beliefs and just let the story flow and take me wherever it was going. If you want a thriller that is logical, this book probably isn’t going to be satisfying for you, but if you are willing to let it take you on the ride and accept what is happening, you will find it entertaining.

While the book is meant to be humorous and I sometimes did see it, I didn’t always find it funny. Gwen can be insufferable; she tries to meddle in the investigation, and it often gets her in trouble. She is a deeply flawed character who uses crude humor to mask her feelings about herself and how she feels everyone’s life is taking a certain direction but hers is staying stagnant.

She makes a lot of mistakes, but she also owns up to them at the end and tries to make things right, even though admittedly the scenes where she is trying to right her wrongs and all the reasons for her wrongs in the first place made me cringe a bit with how it was executed.

Despite any cons I have though, this book was very readable. I wanted to sit and read chunks at a time, and I became almost addicted to the idea of getting closer to finding out the truth. It wasn’t until the reveal that I really knew who the actual murderer was, and the fact that the book kept me guessing for so long made this an entertaining read.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Andrea | andrea.c.lowry.reads.
674 reviews37 followers
June 12, 2024
Swiped was quite the fun, entertaining and humorous story that I completely binged on audio!

What appealed to you the most in this story?

Trying to solve the murders was engaging, but the online dating nightmares were absolutely hilarious, and I could not get enough of those chapters. Poor Gwen is a bit of a hot mess, but she held it together while having to navigate through every cringe worthy dating nightmare imaginable and the comedic elements had me laughing so hard at times.

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁:

Serial Killer
The joys of online dating apps😜
Dark Humor
Civilian and cop teaming up
Fast Paced
Finlay Donovan vibes if Bridget Jones was the MC

How was the audiobook?

The audio was an absolute blast! I found my commute to work flying by with the nonstop dating mishaps, drama, murders and off the wall characters coming to life with Georgia Maguire���s lively narration.

How was the pace?

This is one of those sit back and enjoy the ride type stories that never lets off the gas.

Do you recommend this book?

If you are looking for a fun story with characters you can’t help but root for while finding yourself invested in solving a serial killer case, then you are going to want to add this book to your summer reading stack!

3.5 stars

Thank you, Simon and Schuster Audio for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinions.
Profile Image for Delaney.
414 reviews314 followers
May 4, 2024
Thank you to the publisher for the gifted (free) ARC

After recently ending a longtime relationship, Gwen has turned to dating apps. When the men she dates start turning up dead and the police begin to question her, she takes matters into her own hands.

This book kept me entertained, and the chapters moved along at a nice pace. While the expected “detective who tolerates and even encourages her rouge investigation” is overdone in many books, it didn’t detract from the story for me.

I would recommend this read for fans of a mysterious romance suspense, not necessarily a hardcore thriller read.
Profile Image for Lyds.
167 reviews7 followers
May 13, 2024
0.5 ⭐️. If I could give this book zero stars, I would. Going into this book, I really thought it was right up my alley -- a young thirty-something navigating online dating and running into a true crime adventure. Everything about this book was WRONG.

From the jump, something felt off about these characters. We open up at a bachelorette/ hen party where the main character is "celebrating" her best friend's upcoming nuptials. She is supposedly the maid of honor for a friend whom she has been close with for years and years...yet she is questioning everything about the upcoming marriage and dips out of the bachelorette early. Throughout the book, she asks her best friend "are you really sure, no really, are you sure you want to marry this man?" It's just not how supportive friends talk. A GOOD FRIEND would care about their best friend more than this main character is.

As I continue reading, everything about this main character's actions and thoughts around dating seemed "off" -- she goes on a million and a half dates, references herself as being a "manic pixie girl" in her former relationship, and sleeps with the first person who gives her a little bit of attention. Then I looked into the author more and everything clicked into place...the author is a man using a vague author name (presumably to hide the fact that this book about female dating is written by the very type of person the main character is DATING).. The author allegedly went on a number of dates and used various dating apps as "research" for this book....but it's obvious he didn't learn anything.

The only characters that actually had any dimension were the MEN whom the main character went on dates with. Please see some excerpts from the book that (I think were meant to be ~satire~ but actually read as the author's inner monologue -- his true thoughts):

-- "I love women," he says. "And by love, I actually mean respect. I'm actually really pissed that my latest screenplay doesn't pass the Bechdel test. Granted it's an arbitrary bar to judge by, and my work has some feminist theme in it that are hopefully a little more deep-rooted than that, but I do worry about it.

-- " I mean, the characters are all women, of course, which was really refreshing to write. They're all fighting over the same man, a rather dashing chap names Jeb. It really helped me write the female struggle. --- I MEAN WHAT!!!!!!

-- "You think it's not my place, as a man, to tell these women's stories. You're quite right, we've heard enough male voices now. Time to let women have a go. Now, normally, I'd totally agree, but I really think this might be my best work, so maybe we could make an exception for little old me?" -- BRO, WHAT! Are we supposed to APPLAUD you to RECOGNIZING this? and YET you STILL wrote a book centering women & the female perspective of dating with this SH!!T peppered into it?

I'm so over this book. It was such a waste and this author should NEVER write about women again.

(t/y to NetGalley & Galley/Scout Press for an advance reading copy in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,506 reviews69 followers
November 13, 2023
A pink and fluffy serial killer novel!

I know…serial killer books shouldn’t be fluffy. They should be dark and depraved and intense. Or…should they?

Because this is frothy and fluffy and is full of ice cream vans and hen parties and, yes, a little killing. (Or a bit more than a little.)

Gwen is a fun character. Her life is messy. Her love life is messier. And the whole thing where her dates are ending up dead? Messiest of all!

The book is lighthearted and charming and it’s so much fun figuring out who our killer is!

I absolutely adored this in a Lisa Frank Sparkly Unicorn way and I make no apology!

• ARC via Publisher
Profile Image for hollyreadit.
390 reviews307 followers
May 8, 2024
THIS BOOK WAS SO FUN!!!! I was LOLing while trying to solve a murder, how is that possible? Everyone who has had any experience with dating apps, will find our MC so relatable. Her dating horror stories, were hilarious. But, also the murder mystery aspect of this book, kept me guessing. This comes out later this month, so make sure you have it on your radar, I LOVED IT!
Profile Image for Xana.
712 reviews44 followers
March 28, 2024
Que personagem tão fraquinha...
Li até ao fim, porque queria ter a certeza de quem era o assassino, mas..
É um livro que não vai deixar lembranças..
Profile Image for Ana.
512 reviews59 followers
January 4, 2024
Este livro cumpre o que promete. Um thriller levezinho, com algumas tiradas cómicas. Achei que o tema era bastante original e senti que andava a deslizar nas minhas teorias. Foi um bom livro, gostei da leitura
Profile Image for Janaya Kabamba.
636 reviews8 followers
January 19, 2023
Absolutely amazing! It had me up til 5am getting it finished. I love thrillers that are also funny and I was chuckling away to myself throughout this. To be fair, I have dated these men.... not that mine ended up dead but its still nice to be able to relate to the sheer insanity that's the world of online dating. Granted it was a wee bit out there when everyone In the book was shady and I'm sure Dandy would have been written up a dozen times over but its just such a sweet book. It's real, as real as you can make a fiction thriller without it being dull anyways and I just loved it. The main character is so relatable, there were so many twists and turns. You are literally second guessing absolutely everyone and it's summed up nicely in the end with no real plot holes. It got a good pace throughout, it's actually pretty fast going and jumps from one incident to the next so you never get bored. I just loved it! It's not deep and dark and going to take a week to get through, but it's absolutely perfect and such a breath of fresh air! There ate no clichés, the policeman isn't a divorced drunk with authority issues, the main character isn't always crying and going into abandoned basements alone....... I couldnt recommend this enough to thriller fans and non thriller fans alike
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