Kelly (and the Book Boar)'s Reviews > There Is No Ethan: How Three Women Caught America's Biggest Catfish

There Is No Ethan by Anna Akbari
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“America’s biggest Catfish?????”

Ummmm, Ashley Taylor would like a word . . .

But seriously though. This thing was making its rounds on The ‘Gram so of course I got big FOMO and requested it immediately from the library. At some point I have to learn there are lots of people who (a) are much kinder than I am, (b) obtain advanced copies and feel obligated to push them to the front and center on/near pub date, and/or (c) are not addicted to all things trash T.V. like myself. This is the story of three ladies who all get taken by “Ethan” – their online boyfriend – back in 2011. While I understand the intertubes and at-home sleuthing weren’t quite what they are today, that actually worked against me feeling for these women. Call me a victim blamer, but JFC at some point even if Ethan weren’t a total fabrication, it was REAL apparent . . . .

Releasing this book THIRTEEN YEARS after the fact certainly did it no favors either. Ethan was a little minnow in comparison to some of the Catfish stories that have been on my boob tube for almost the same amount of time.
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June 14, 2024 – Started Reading
June 17, 2024 – Finished Reading
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June 20, 2024 – Shelved as: walkin-and-talkin

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Yodamom (new)

Yodamom That's a shame. I hope the next book is much better

I will be leaving a similarly disappointed review this afternoon.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Erica wrote: "I JUST FINISHED READING THIS AT LUNCH TODAY!
I will be leaving a similarly disappointed review this afternoon."

The hype train was working triple-time for this. So underwhelming!

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Yodamom wrote: "That's a shame. I hope the next book is much better"

Thanks! This was something to listen to while I walked, so it served its purpose, but I definitely don't get all the praise it is receiving.

Erica Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "The hype train was working triple-time for this. So underwhelming!"

Had it actually been about three women pooling their resources and tracking down America's biggest catfish in 2011-2013, that would have been amazing! I got hyped up over the title, myself!
But then, as you said, so underwhelming.
Also, I want to know what the two P.I.s came up with. We never got to hear back from them.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Erica wrote: "Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "The hype train was working triple-time for this. So underwhelming!"

Had it actually been about three women pooling their resources and tracking down America's big..."

Not to mention that "Ethan" obviously had a screw loose, but the fact that this book didn't come out for over a decade, the author thought he could be charged criminally when no monetary theft or anything like that ever occurred and very much came off as being jealous that Ethan wanted to remain in contact with the other two women made me think maybe she wasn't all there herself.

Erica I have a whole list of red flags that don't involve Ethan at all.
I get the Ethan part.
It's the Anna A. part I find, as the kids were saying four years ago, sus.

message 8: by Kelly (and the Book Boar) (last edited Jun 20, 2024 02:02PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Erica wrote: "I have a whole list of red flags that don't involve Ethan at all.
I get the Ethan part.
It's the Anna A. part I find, as the kids were saying four years ago, sus."

100%. The call very well could have been coming from inside the house too if Anna A was not simply a jelly nelly who felt she wasn't getting the attention due her. I just watched this stalker show on Netflix last night and the woman SHOT HERSELF IN THE LEG to act like she was the victim instead of the perp. People be cray (as the youths say no longer).

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