
Lucia Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lucia" Showing 1-12 of 12
Melina Marchetta
“But grieving people are selfish. They won’t let you comfort them and they say you don’t understand and they make you feel useless when all your life you’ve been functional to them.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Kresley Cole
“Ach, woman! He raked his fingers through his hair. "You want me as much as I want you."
"Assuming that's true -"
"It's true."
"- I can't. Not now."
"It's no' your time of the month. I know that."
"Ew." Valkyrie didn't have periods. "You're the only one here with a monthly cycle, werewolf."
- Lucia and Garreth MacRieve”
Kresley Cole, Pleasure of a Dark Prince

Kresley Cole
“I can't believe you're going to sacrifice your archery mojo for MacReive." Lucia would forfeit her fantastical skill with a bow if she was unchaste. "Who am I going to hang out with when your a talentless nobody?”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Morgan Rhodes
“What? Who are you marrying?”
His jaw tightened.“Princess Cleiona Bellos.”
Lucia could not believe her ears. “This has been arranged.”
Magnus gave her a look.“Oh, not at all. Since helping to take her father's kingdom and destroy her life,I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with her. Yes,obviously it was arranged.”
Morgan Rhodes, Rebel Spring

E.F. Benson
“Miss Elizabeth Mapp might have been forty, and she had taken advantage of this opportunity by being just a year or two older. Her face was of high vivid colour and was corrugated by chronic rage and curiosity; but these vivifying emotions had preserved to her an astonishing activity of mind and body, which fully accounted for the comparative adolescence with which she would have been credited anywhere except in the charming little town which she had inhabited so long. Anger and the gravest suspicions about everybody had kept her young and on the boil.”
E.F. Benson, Miss Mapp

“El silencio es glorioso, ya que no escuchar nada, quiere decir que todo marcha bien.”
carla medina, Soñando Despierta
tags: lucia

E.F. Benson
“This little colloquy in Adele's box was really the foundation of the secret society of the Luciaphils, and the membership of the Luciaphils began swiftly to increase. Aggie Sandeman was scarcely eligible, for complete goodwill towards Lucia was a sine qua non of membership, and there was in her mind a certain asperity when she thought that it was she who had given Lucia her gambit, and that already she was beginning to be relegated to second circles in Lucia's scale of social precedence. It was true that she had been asked to dine to meet Marcelle Periscope, but the party to meet Alf and his flute was clearly the smarter of the two. Adele, however, and Tony Limpsfield were real members, so too, when she came up a few days later, was Olga. Marcia Whitby was another who greedily followed her career, and such as these, whenever they met, gave eager news to each other about it. There was, of course, another camp, consisting of those whom Lucia bombarded with pleasant invitations, but who (at present) firmly refused them. They professed not to know her and not to take the slightest interest in her, which showed, as Adele said, a deplorable narrowness of mind. Types and striking characters like Lucia, who pursued undaunted and indefatigable their aim in life, were rare, and when they occurred should be studied with reverent affection...

Sometimes one of the old and original members of the Luciaphils discovered others, and if when Lucia's name was mentioned an eager and a kindly light shone in their eyes, and they said in a hushed whisper "Did you hear who was there on Thursday?" they thus disclosed themselves as Luciaphils...

All this was gradual, but the movement went steadily on, keeping pace with her astonishing career, for the days were few on which some gratifying achievement was not recorded in the veracious columns of Hermione.”
E.F. Benson, Lucia in London

E.F. Benson
“Marcia was silent a moment. Then a sort of softer gleam came into her angry eye.

"Tell me some more about her," she said.

Adele clapped her hands.

"Ah, that's splendid," she said. "You're beginning to feel kinder. What we would do without our Lucia I can't imagine. I don't know what there would be to talk about."

"She's ridiculous!" said Marcia relapsing a little.

"No, you mustn't feel that," said Adele. "You mustn't laugh at her ever. You must just richly enjoy her."

"She's a snob!" said Marcia, as if this was a tremendous discovery.

"So am I: so are you: so are we all," said Adele. "We all run after distinguished people like--like Alf and Marcelle. The difference between you and Lucia is entirely in her favour, for you pretend you're not a snob, and she is perfectly frank and open about it. Besides, what is a duchess like you for except to give pleasure to snobs? That's your work in the world, darling; that's why you were sent here. Don't shirk it, or when you're old you will suffer agonies of remorse. And you're a snob too. You liked having seven--or was it seventy?--Royals at your dance."

"Well, tell me some more about Lucia," said Marcia, rather struck by this ingenious presentation of the case.

"Indeed I will: I long for your conversion to Luciaphilism. Now to-day there are going to be marvellous happenings...”
E.F. Benson, Lucia in London

Shari L. Tapscott
“Tell me, what's the difference between tracking a wild beast and securing a husband?”
Shari L. Tapscott, Moss Forest Orchid

Manel Loureiro
“What was that all about? She looked like a pissed-off Siberian tiger."
"Believe me, Prit, a Siberian tiger is a pussycat compared to Lucia.”
Manel Loureiro, Apocalipsis Z: La ira de los justos

“Arriba los astros siguen su curso, indiferentes. No hablarán esta vez. Te han dado trampas en lugar de oídos.”
Lucia Estrada, Katábasis

E.F. Benson
“Lucia did push and shove, and had everything her way.”
E.F. Benson, Queen Lucia
tags: lucia