
Georgie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "georgie" Showing 1-14 of 14
Melina Marchetta
“But grieving people are selfish. They won’t let you comfort them and they say you don’t understand and they make you feel useless when all your life you’ve been functional to them.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Rainbow Rowell
“We're not broken up."
"I know, but we're still broken.”
Rainbow Rowell, Landline

Elizabeth Eulberg
“Georgie took out her phone. 'I want to take a picture of you two.' She held up her phone and motioned for us to get together.
Darcy and I lined up against the railing. 'No, I need you closer together to get you both in the photo,' she instructed.
I had taken countless pictures on the waterfront and I knew that if you were getting the skyline in the background, you didn't need to be that close.
Darcy put his arm around my shoulder and we leaned in. I slipped my arm around his waist and I noticed how easily I fit into the little nook on his side.
'Oh, hold on, I'm having problems.' Georgie played with her phone for a few moments while we just stood there in our posed embrace.
She looked up at her brother and blushed. 'Um, I think it works now.”
Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom & Prejudice

Melina Marchetta
“She misses him more now than when he was away”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Melina Marchetta
“They always prided themselves on looking youthful. “Forty’s the new thirty,” they’d joke.
Until heartbreak and grief enter your life, and then forty’s the new one hundred.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Stephen King
“They'll float," it growled, "they float, Georgie, and when you're down here with me, you'll float, too-”
Stephen King, It

Melina Marchetta
“She knows that feeling too. Of believing that each time someone says her name, it’s to tell her that something bad has happened.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Melina Marchetta
“..and how sometimes when she can’t get her clients talking about what happened over there she’ll get a map of the country, an appropriate map for their world, and pinpoint where they last lived, where their family went missing.
Sometimes they would be reluctant to talk, but when they saw the map they would point to a place and say, “There. My village,”
and that’s how their dialogue would begin. With a sense of place.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Melina Marchetta
“Does it help?” he asks. “The e-mailing.”
She nods. “A tiny bit. It’s strange. You’re writing a letter to someone who’s never going to read it, so it kind of frees you up a bit.”
Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

Rainbow Rowell
“And it's not just my upper body," he said. "My whole body is stronger than yours. I can pin you in like thirty-five seconds."
"Only because I let you" she said. "Because I love you."
"Oh okay."
"Don't sound so disappointed, Neal."
"I'm pretty sure I don't sound disappointed at all.”
Rainbow Rowell

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
“-Y tampoco nada de consoladores -dijo-, aun que se lo mucho que deseas uno. Lo cual no es ninguna sorpresa, ya que...
-¿Quieres dejarlo de lado de una vez?
-De lado...Encima...Debajo... -Bram le acaricio la curvatura del labio superior -. Dentro...
una ráfaga de calor recorrió el cuerpo de Georgie. Estaba a punto de derretirse.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips, What I Did for Love

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
“De repente, las rodillas de Georgie empezaron a temblar. A temblar de verdad. Un temblor de terremoto, sólo que aquel terremoto se estaba produciendo en su interior.
Se había enamorado de él.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips, What I Did for Love

Kate Milford
“Georgie's eyelids lowers dangerously. "The thing about meditation is that it works best if people don't tell you you're doing it wrong.”
Kate Milford, Ghosts of Greenglass House

E.F. Benson
“It was possible to slam his door, go to bed, and be very polite in the morning.”
E.F. Benson, Queen Lucia