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The Unkindest Tide
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21 hours, 35 min ago

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Book cover for Ice Storm
He wanted to lock the house this time so he wouldn’t have to check the closets again for Slenderman or yeti or Slenderyeti, some terrible hybrid of the two.
Jim Butcher
“Speak for yourself,” Murphy said. “I just gave my last grenade to a Valkyrie and ordered her to blow up a kraken. I’m having a ball.”
Jim Butcher, Battle Ground

Michelle Schlicher
“Sometimes we have to say goodbye to people,” she said, looking to the front of the church, and then returning her gaze to Payton. “And, sometimes they say goodbye to us. We’re not always ready for it, but it happens just the same.”
Michelle Schlicher, The Blue Jay

Adam J. Wright
“When I’d seen Sheriff John Cantrell in the picture, standing by the lake, I had thought that he might wrestle grizzlies in his free time. Now that I saw him in real life, I figured bears would be too easy an opponent for this huge man. A T-rex might be more worthy an adversary.”
Adam J. Wright, Lost Soul

Dana Fredsti
“In the event of a nuclear catastrophe, 1000 rads is the max tolerance for humans, but insects like the H. hebetor wasp can withstand up to 158,080 rads. So, it’s the wasp—not the ubiquitous cockroach—that can survive the apocalypse!”
Dana Fredsti, Joe Ledger: The Official Companion

Jim Butcher
“I wonder what it says about me that pizza has been one of the better long-term investments in my career.”
Jim Butcher, Battle Ground

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