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The Coast Road
Debra is currently reading
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2 hours, 0 min ago

Stolen Mothers
Debra is currently reading
by Stacy Green (Goodreads Author)
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2 hours, 0 min ago

Donna Leon
“And now he lay, a pile of clean bones and tatters of flesh, in a box in a church, and even the policeman, sent to find his killer, could summon up no real grief at his early death.”
Donna Leon, A Noble Radiance

Percival Everett
“I had never seen a white man filled with such fear. The remarkable truth, however, was that it was not the pistol, but my language, the fact that I didn’t conform to his expectations, that I could read, that had so disturbed and frightened him.”
Percival Everett, James

Kevin Ansbro
“If every do-gooder in this world actually did some good, then the world would do better.”
Kevin Ansbro

Dorothy L. Sayers
“The untoward incident cast a certain gloom over the breakfast table, though Wimsey, who felt his sides clapping together like an empty portmanteau, was only too happy to devour his eggs and bacon and coffee in peace.”
Dorothy L. Sayers, The Nine Tailors

San Mateo
“Sexual diversity into one, ends diversity.”
San Mateo, San Mateo: Proof of The Divine

82803 Kick Up Your Heels — 340 members — last activity Feb 15, 2024 08:31AM
As the name of the group suggests, relax and do something that you enjoy! This group is for ladies who love to read and discuss books. We are an easy ...more
1171614 Friends Sharing Book Love — 141 members — last activity 2 hours, 21 min ago
This group is solely for friends to share the links to their reviews with one another. Friends should feel free to invite other friends. Since Goodr ...more
12544 The Life of a Book Addict — 12161 members — last activity 19 minutes ago
We now read at "On the Same Page." ...more
88432 The Perks Of Being A Book Addict — 35564 members — last activity 1 hour, 55 min ago
This group is for anyone who loves books from different genres. Every month we have group Books of the Month which you can join, reading challenges, a ...more
1003230 Behind the Pages with The Traveling Sisters — 220 members — last activity Sep 01, 2021 02:53AM
Brenda and Lindsay from The Traveling Sisters Book Reviews host the Q & A with authors Our Blog We invited e ...more
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