Ananya K

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so that one day
a hundred years from now
another sister will not have to
dry her tears wondering
where in history
she lost her voice”
Jasmin Kaur

Vincent Bevins
“I fear that the truth of what happened contradicts so forcefully our idea of what the Cold War was, of what it means to be an American, or how globalization has taken place, that it has simply been easier to ignore it.”
Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World

“Thank God for books; let them be your friends and companions through life—for information, for recreation, but above all for inspiration.”
Arthur E. Bostwick, A Librarian's Open Shelf: Essays on Various Subjects
tags: books

Vincent Bevins
“Looking at it this way, the major losers of the twentieth century were those who believed too sincerely in the existence of a liberal international order, those who trusted too much in democracy, or too much in what the United States said it supported, rather than what it really supported—what the rich countries said, rather than what they did. That group was annihilated.”
Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World

Fareed Zakaria
“You could choose to live in either America or Denmark. In high-tax Denmark, your disposable income after taxes and transfers would be around $15,000 lower than in the States. But in return for your higher tax bill, you would get universal health care (one with better outcomes than in the US), free education right up through the best graduate schools, worker retraining programs on which the state spends seventeen times more as a percentage of GDP than what is spent in America, as well as high-quality infrastructure, mass transit, and many beautiful public parks and other spaces. Danes also enjoy some 550 more hours of leisure time a year than Americans do. If the choice were put this way—you can take the extra $15,000 but have to work longer hours, take fewer vacation days, and fend for yourself on health care, education, retraining, and transport—I think most Americans would choose the Danish model.”
Fareed Zakaria, Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World

179584 Our Shared Shelf — 228803 members — last activity Jun 28, 2024 03:39PM
OUR SHARED SHELF IS CURRENTLY DORMANT AND NOT MANAGED BY EMMA AND HER TEAM. Dear Readers, As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading ...more
970 Boxall's 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die — 20675 members — last activity 6 hours, 30 min ago
For those attempting the crazy feat of reading all 1001 books! For discerning bibliophiles and readers who enjoy unforgettable classic literature, 10 ...more
1198386 The Deity Club Join The Fun — 354 members — last activity 8 hours, 18 min ago
Welcome to our group here you can make friends, suggest and review books. This is a place for avid readers so please keep this group going by communic ...more
71 Haruki Murakami fans — 5569 members — last activity 18 hours, 52 min ago
Discuss all things Haruki Murakami: novels, short stories, translation projects, related music/film, interviews, symbolism, surrealism, similar writer ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 246732 members — last activity 2 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
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