Natalie Monroe

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The Jasmine Throne
Natalie Monroe is currently reading
by Tasha Suri (Goodreads Author)
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"Hmm is the rot a metaphor for HIV? It seems like it considering you can't catch it through skin contact, but close-minded people believe it can be" 10 hours, 54 min ago

Brandon Sanderson
“We always pretend the ideals and culture of the past have aged like wine, but in truth, the ideas of the past tend to age more like biscuits. They simply get stale.”
Brandon Sanderson, Tress of the Emerald Sea

Leigh Bardugo
“This is a bad idea," moped Adrik.
"I have a surplus of bad ideas," said Nikolai. "I have to spend them somewhere.”
Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves

Leigh Bardugo
“Love was the destroyer. It made mourners, widows, left misery in its wake. Grief and love were one and the same. Grief was the shadow love left when it was gone.”
Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves

Leigh Bardugo
“This is what love does. In the stories, love healed your wounds, fixed what was broken, allowed you to go on. But love wasn’t a spell, some kind of benediction to be whispered, a balm or a cure-all. It was a single, fragile thread, which grew stronger through connection, through shared hardship and trust.”
Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves

Brandon Sanderson
“One of the great tragedies of life is knowing how many people in the world are made to soar, paint, sing, or steer—except they never get the chance to find out.”
Brandon Sanderson, Tress of the Emerald Sea

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A place to connect writers with Beta readers. Sometimes writers get so involved in the plot they can't see the wood for the trees. Hang on a sec'--th ...more
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This is an extension of the web site where nearly every week you can get a list of the best "selling" free Kindle book tit ...more
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