Brandice's Reviews > The Many Lives of Mama Love: A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing

The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin
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The Many Lives of Mama Love is Lara Love Hardin’s memoir of “lying, stealing, writing and healing”. In one of the first chapters, Lara recounts checking into a hotel with her youngest son by using a stolen credit card. Of course, her actions were wrong, but wow, the stress induced just reading this early scene! Lara and her husband were funding their heroin addiction through stolen credit cards and are eventually caught.

Lara is convicted of 32 felonies. She spent a year in jail and upon her release, worked diligently to redeem herself, regain custody of her youngest son, and be the mother she wanted to be to all of her sons. She faced numerous obstacles with finances, some probation requirements, and her exes. Lara began working at a literary agency and despite making great strides, also had to battle her constant companion, shame, for her past behavior and resulting reputation through the neighborhood.

Today, Lara is a successful literary agent and ghostwriter. I have read and enjoyed The Book of Joy and The Sun Does Shine, two excellent books she worked on. This memoir is only further proof she can write. I am a big believer in righting wrongs including paying consequences. That said, I also believe people can change when they truly want to, and work to. The Many Lives of Mama Love is a real redemption story — 4.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for providing an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by Tina (new)

Tina Wow, what a story! Excellent review Brandice!

message 2: by Bianca (away) (new)

Bianca (away) Terrific review, Brandice.

message 3: by L.A. (new)

L.A. Outstanding review!🩷

kimberly i can’t WAIT to read this one!

message 5: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Hanes Great review, Brandice!

Nicole I have this book , can’t wait to read it

message 7: by Brandice (last edited Jul 26, 2023 07:13PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Brandice Tina wrote: "Wow, what a story! Excellent review Brandice!"

Thank you, Tina :)

Bianca wrote: "Terrific review, Brandice."

Thanks, Bianca :)

L.A. wrote: "Outstanding review!🩷"

Thank you, L.A.! :)

Brandice kimberly wrote: "i can’t WAIT to read this one!"

I hope you find it an engaging read too, Kimberly :)

Rachel wrote: "Great review, Brandice!"

Thank you, Rachel :)

Nicole wrote: "I have this book , can’t wait to read it"

Can’t wait to hear what you think, Nicole!

message 9: by Christy (new) - added it

Christy fictional_traits Great review. This sounds like such an intriguing book!

Brandice Christy wrote: "Great review. This sounds like such an intriguing book!"

Thanks Christy, it really was!

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) I enjoyed this one too!

message 12: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Read about this book in the NYT, thanks for the great review, Brandice.

Brandice Melissa (Back But Always Behind) wrote: "I enjoyed this one too!"

I’m glad, Melissa :)

Michelle wrote: "Read about this book in the NYT, thanks for the great review, Brandice."

Thanks, Michelle :)

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Wonderful review Brandice 💖

Brandice Margaret M - wrote: "Wonderful review Brandice 💖"

Thank you, Margaret :)

message 16: by Sapna (new) - added it

Sapna Bisht What an Interesting review Brandice !! added it to my TBR.

message 17: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fantastic review Brandice!💞

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Loved this one too! She’s such a fabulous writer, definitely need to check out her other books. Terrific review Brandice! 💕

message 19: by JanB (new)

JanB It’s nice to see a story like this turn out so well. Sounds like a powerful story!

Canadian Jen Terrific review, Brandice. I enjoyed this one too

Brandice Sapna wrote: "What an Interesting review Brandice !! added it to my TBR."

Hope you enjoy hearing her story too, Sapna :)

Kaceey wrote: "Fantastic review Brandice!💞"

Thank you, Kaceey :)

Brandice Catherine wrote: "Loved this one too! She’s such a fabulous writer, definitely need to check out her other books. Terrific review Brandice! 💕"

Thanks Catherine, I’m glad you enjoyed this one too :)

JanB wrote: "It’s nice to see a story like this turn out so well. Sounds like a powerful story!"

It really is!

Brandice Jen CAN wrote: "Terrific review, Brandice. I enjoyed this one too"

Thanks Jen, glad you enjoyed reading her story too :)

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