Canadian Jen's Reviews > The Many Lives of Mama Love: A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing

The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin
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bookshelves: memoirs-biographies

Mama Mia. What a memoir.

How does a successful woman, wife and mother, spiral out of control? Drugs will do that to you. Addiction will pin you down and keep you there. At the cost of losing your children. Losing yourself.

Lara Love addicted to heroin and opiates until she gets charged with 32 felonies. She flips her hustle into healing in jail. Her empathy, compassion and education moving her up through the ranks. She acquires the title, Mama Love, and the respect from the inmates.
But returning to the real world is like clawing your way out of a deep, dark hole. Fighting the cycle of addiction. Including those who you surround yourself with. Fighting the stigma of being a felon. Even old neighbours can hold a grudge for years.
However, hope and perseverance can light the way- even when three steps back are required to move one forward.

A stunning story of addiction, recovery and forgiveness.
And now I must search out The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row as she co-authored this one.
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Reading Progress

June 20, 2023 – Shelved
June 20, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
September 13, 2023 – Started Reading
September 13, 2023 –
page 104
September 16, 2023 –
page 218
September 17, 2023 – Shelved as: memoirs-biographies
September 17, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 73 (73 new)

message 1: by Alina (new) - added it

Alina Thanks for this review Jen, made me wanna read the book. And Sun Does Shine is amazing!!

message 2: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Terrific review!

Nicole Loved this book

message 4: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Excellent review, Jen . I’m not a huge reader of memoirs, but this one sound’s important and so relevant today.

message 5: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Great review, Jen! Must be so tough to write about such painful memories.

message 6: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Greer- Hansen Fab review on what seems to be a very tough read. 👏🏻

message 7: by Martha☀ (new) - added it

Martha☀ Sounds excellent - in a heart-wrenching way.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Great review of a highly relevant subject!

message 9: by Tina (new)

Tina Wow, that's quite a story! A fab review Jen 🌟

Canadian Jen Alina wrote: "Thanks for this review Jen, made me wanna read the book. And Sun Does Shine is amazing!!"

Thanks Alina - good to know about the Sun Does Shine - this sounds like an amazing story. Hope you enjoy this one!

Canadian Jen Nicole wrote: "Loved this book"

it was a good one!

Canadian Jen Angela M wrote: "Excellent review, Jen . I’m not a huge reader of memoirs, but this one sound’s important and so relevant today."

I'm not a huge reader either. And it can be uncomfortable rating them when it's someone's own experience. She's a terrific writer though....and a relevant topic too. Thanks Angela!

Canadian Jen Jayme wrote: "Terrific review!"

TY Jayme!

Canadian Jen Rosh wrote: "Great review, Jen! Must be so tough to write about such painful memories."

And cathartic. Thanks Rosh!

message 15: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fabulous review Jen!🩷

message 16: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Sounds like a tough read Jen, great review.

Canadian Jen Thanks Tracy & Martha - a tough one but what a transformation!

Canadian Jen Thanks Dorie & Tina!

message 19: by Beata (new)

Beata Great review, Jen! Recovery & forgiveness - often hard to achieve ... I recommend The Sun Does Shine, terrific read teaching optimism and faith against all odds!

message 20: by Julie (new)

Julie Great review, Jen!! 💖

message 21: by Carmel (new)

Carmel Hanes Terrific review, Jen.

message 22: by Karen (new)

Karen Fab review, Jen!

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Wonderful review Jen 💖

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader I’ve been looking forward to this, Jen, and you will love The Sun Does Shine. Terrific review!

Canadian Jen Carol wrote: "Superb review, Jen ♥️!!!!"

Thanks Carol!

Canadian Jen Thanks Kaceey & was so well written. Easy to see how things can spin out of control once it starts. And easy to see how recidivism is frequent with a broken system

Canadian Jen Beata wrote: "Great review, Jen! Recovery & forgiveness - often hard to achieve ... I recommend The Sun Does Shine, terrific read teaching optimism and faith against all odds!"

Thanks Beata - I'm so looking fwd to it. Glad you enjoyed it!

Canadian Jen Thanks Julie, Karen, Margaret & Carmel!

Canadian Jen Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "I’ve been looking forward to this, Jen, and you will love The Sun Does Shine. Terrific review!"

Jenni - if you enjoyed it, I'm sure I will too. I think you will enjoy this one as well and I'll be looking fwd to your thoughts when you get a chance to read it!

Shelley's Book Nook Mama Mia. What a review, Jen. 💕🤗

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! I’m so glad you loved this too! It made me want to read her other books ASAP. Terrific review, Jen! :)

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Jen! What a compelling story!

message 33: by Bianca (away) (new)

Bianca (away) Terrific review, Jen.

message 34: by Rowan (new)

Rowan This is a wonderful review, Jen! 💗

Canadian Jen Shelley's Book Nook wrote: "Mama Mia. What a review, Jen. 💕🤗"

It really was, Shelley! :))

Canadian Jen Catherine wrote: "I’m so glad you loved this too! It made me want to read her other books ASAP. Terrific review, Jen! :)"

I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did, Catherine. Thanks!

Canadian Jen Meredith (Trying to catch up!) wrote: "Fantastic review, Jen! What a compelling story!"

She def worked for everything she got - meeting Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama and even Oprah! Wow. Thanks Meredith

message 38: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Fabulous review, Jen! This sounds like an intense, powerful read, but with a happier ending!

Canadian Jen Thanks Bianca & Rowen :)

Canadian Jen Cheri wrote: "Fabulous review, Jen! This sounds like an intense, powerful read, but with a happier ending!"

Thanks Cheri. Yes, she was a luckier one for sure!

message 41: by Jayne (new)

Jayne Fabulous review, Jen. Fascinating and inspirational story. So glad you enjoyed this one!

message 42: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Glad you enjoyed it Jen! 🥰

Canadian Jen Thanks Jayne & Holly 😊

message 44: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky This sounds like a great story at the ending.

Canadian Jen Joe wrote: "This sounds like a great story at the ending."

It really was - and she's alluded to her next one that will be about her new found family!

message 46: by Debbie (new)

Debbie W. Sounds like a memoir that focuses on growth. Excellent review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Debbie wrote: "Sounds like a memoir that focuses on growth. Excellent review, Jen!"

Absolutely right on that one, Debbie! TY

message 48: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Glad she got clean and free!

Canadian Jen Sarah wrote: "Glad she got clean and free!"

me too, Sarah. She's fortunate that she was able to.

message 50: by Mark (new)

Mark  Porton Cracking review Jen Jen - yeah, I can imagine the people you surround yourself with on release would be the hardest part. Imagine, old friends and family - they may be the only people you know!!

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