Misty Marie Harms's Reviews > Cassey: The Darkness Is Coming

Cassey by Raymond M.  Hall
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bookshelves: fiction, hells-minions, horror, kindle-reads, paranormal

Welcome to my worst nightmare: Dolls. Cassey is a doll possessed and takes no prisoners. She ruins lives of every family she resides in. Cunning and conniving Cassey truly is a source of deep evil. No one is safe from her ultimate goal of wiping out human existence.

Okay I have read a bunch of horror books based on dolls. This is the absolute best out there. I loved the backstory and the history of Cassey. Recommend!
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September 3, 2022 – Shelved

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Paul (Life In The Slow Lane) That is one scary cover picture!

Misty Marie Harms Paul this book was crazy. I am terrified of dolls.

message 3: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy  Yay! Taking your advice, Misty - added. Great review! ♥︎

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