Claude's Bookzone's Reviews > Project Hail Mary

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
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I dropped Science as soon as I could in High School. Nothing to do with the teachers (I believe one is a police detective now). It just felt really hard to understand. So by all accounts I should have disliked this book. I did not. I loved it. Deeply.

At the risk of embarrassing myself, I don't 100% know what parts of the science were real or fiction or hypothetically true (aside from what felt glaringly obvious...well I sincerely hope the parts that I thought were fiction actually are fiction or we are munted). In the end it didn't matter because I completely understood the Science as it was presented in this book. Oddly, I also enjoyed and understood the mathsy type stuff as well. Anyone who has watched me count knows I still use my fingers...

It was such an entertaining story and I thought the two main characters were absolutely brilliant.

In and among the science there was humour. Exactly my type of humour.

"I penetrated the outer cell membrane with a nano syringe."
"You poked it with a stick?"
"No!" I said. "Well. Yes. But it was a scientific poke with a very scientific stick”

The audiobook was amazing and it was so well narrated. The 17 hours flew by!

This superb book is a must for science fiction lovers!

CW: Impending Extinction Level Event, (view spoiler)
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Reading Progress

January 14, 2022 – Started Reading
January 14, 2022 – Shelved
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: sci-fi-aliens
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: sci-fi
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: sci-fi-apocalypse
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: sci-fi-space-exploration
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: adult
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: new-adult
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: nz-y13
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: male-protagonist
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: great-premise-well-executed
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: gripping
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: humourous
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: friendships
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: apocalypse
January 17, 2022 – Shelved as: dual-timeline
January 17, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Angie (new) - added it

Angie I bought my teenage son this book for Christmas. He hasn't read it yet, but I'm quite keen to see what he thinks when he gets to it. (I may give it a go myself, too.)

Claude's Bookzone Angie wrote: "I bought my teenage son this book for Christmas. He hasn't read it yet, but I'm quite keen to see what he thinks when he gets to it. (I may give it a go myself, too.)"

I hope you both enjoy it, Angie. I had quite a few laugh out loud moments ❤📚

message 3: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Fantastic review, Claude! Glad you loved it. That quote is hilarious! 🤣

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Excellent review, my husband read this one and said he thinks I would like it so I will probably give it a try at some point. I think I'll get the audiobook.

Claude's Bookzone Michael wrote: "Fantastic review, Claude! Glad you loved it. That quote is hilarious! 🤣"
Thank you, Michael. It really was quite funny in places ❤📚

Claude's Bookzone Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Excellent review, my husband read this one and said he thinks I would like it so I will probably give it a try at some point. I think I'll get the audiobook."

Thank you, Melissa. The audiobook is fabulous ❤📚

Nataliya Great review, Claude! The audio for this one was excellent. Andy Weir is so enthusiastic about science that it becomes so much fun!

Claude's Bookzone Nataliya wrote: "Great review, Claude! The audio for this one was excellent. Andy Weir is so enthusiastic about science that it becomes so much fun!"

Thank you, Nataliya. I was totally into the science which is unusual for me ❤📚

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