Julie's Reviews > Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie
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bookshelves: 2019, christmas-theme, e-book, classic-mystery, mystery, golden-age-mystery

Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie is a 1938 publication.

A masterful Golden Age mystery!!

Simeon Lee, a difficult old man, blessed with wealth, but cursed with bad health, has invited his adult children home for the holidays. One might believe the old man has become sentimental and is hoping for a reconciliation and perhaps forgiveness from his family before he passes on.

However, that doesn’t appear to be the case. It would seem that Lee, the host of this less than cheerful gathering, is playing some dastardly tricks on the people who hope to inherit his fortune.

Unfortunately, his game backfires horribly, leaving investigators with a house full of suspects and a puzzling locked room mystery on their hands. Thankfully, Hercule Poirot has kindly offered his assistance in solving the case.

"Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?"

When I was younger, if I were to grab an Agatha Christie novel, for some reason, I always chose a Miss Marple mystery.

But, over the years Hercule Poirot became my favorite of Christie’s detectives. However, there are still many books in this series I have yet to read- and this was one of them.

While I understand that some aficionados have suggested it might be wise to read ‘Three Act Tragedy’ or ('Murder in Three Acts"), before reading this one, but I wanted to read a holiday themed mystery so I skipped way ahead. ( I honestly don’t think it really matters what order you read them in- but purists will be purists-😁😁 - and I'm just in this for the fun- so... )

Christie’s trademark twists kept me on my toes in this solid whodunit/locked room mystery!!

I didn’t figure out who the murderer was and loved the clever red herrings Christie used. I also enjoyed her tongue in cheek humor, poking fun at her own tendency to avoid too much graphic violence and her slight sarcasm about ‘locked room’ mysteries, carefully avoiding any insult to the reader’s intelligence.

Although I thought Poirot was maybe a bit subdued in this installment, I can’t think of a better way to wind up my 2019 holiday reading than with a solid Golden Age mystery written by the queen of crime herself!

4 stars
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Reading Progress

December 4, 2019 – Started Reading
December 4, 2019 – Shelved
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: christmas-theme
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: e-book
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: classic-mystery
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: mystery
December 4, 2019 – Shelved as: golden-age-mystery
December 14, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Fabulous review Julie. Glad you enjoyed it 🤗

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Fabulous review Julie. Glad you enjoyed it 🤗"

Thank you so much, Ceecee!! 💖🎄💖

message 3: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fabulous review Julie!💜

Julie Kaceey wrote: "Fabulous review Julie!💜"

Thank you very much, Kaceey!! 💖🎄💖

Lady Alexandrine Great review Julie! It is a perfect book for Christmas :) One of the best Agatha Christie's mysteries

Paromjit Great review, Julie.....so very glad you enjoyed it! 💐💛

Julie Lady Alexandrine wrote: "Great review Julie! It is a perfect book for Christmas :) One of the best Agatha Christie's mysteries"

Thank you, Lady A!! Agreed! 💖🎄💖

Julie Paromjit wrote: "Great review, Julie.....so very glad you enjoyed it! 💐💛"

Thank you very much, Paromjit!! 💖

Books Just 4 Me Agatha Christie was the first mystery author I read when I was younger. I loved her mysteries!Great review! I’ll have to check it out!

message 10: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Fantastic review Julie, so glad you enjoyed it 🤗🌸

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

I think I need to read this one!

Julie Books Just 4 Me wrote: "Agatha Christie was the first mystery author I read when I was younger. I loved her mysteries!Great review! I’ll have to check it out!"

Thank you so much!! I hope you can squeeze this one into your reading schedule someday. It is centered around the Christmas holidays, but can be enjoyed any time of the year! 🎄💖🎄

Julie Maureen wrote: "Fantastic review Julie, so glad you enjoyed it 🤗🌸"

Thank you very much, Maureen!! 🎄💖🎄

Julie Dita wrote: "I think I need to read this one!"

Yes! A good holiday mystery- but can be enjoyed anytime of the year! 🎄💖🎄

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

I hope I can squeeze it in!

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Another fabulous review Julie!!😉💞💋👍

message 17: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review, Julie!

message 18: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review, Julie!!

Julie Kat wrote: "Another fabulous review Julie!!😉💞💋👍"

Thank you very much, Kat!! 💖🎄💖

Julie Jen wrote: "Great review, Julie!"

Thanks so much, Jen!! 💖🤗💖

Julie Deanna wrote: "Excellent review, Julie!!"

Thank you very much, Deanna! 💖🤗💖

message 22: by Tina (new)

Tina What a great review! 😁 I really must read more, "Golden Age Mysteries!"

message 23: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro A wonderful review of a perfectly-timed read, Julie! : )

message 24: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Fantastic review, Julie !

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Julie! I need to read this!!

message 26: by Kimber (new) - added it

Kimber Silver The word 'dastardly' isn't used enough. I love that line! Spectacular review, Julie! ✨You've had an incredible selection of holiday reads.😊

Antoinette Terrific review, Julie! I really enjoyed this one as well!! I like you am reading Christmas books- 2 more to go!!

Julie Tina wrote: "What a great review! 😁 I really must read more, "Golden Age Mysteries!""

Thank you so much, Tina!! I'm enjoying these older mysteries very much, 🤗💖🎄

message 29: by Julie (last edited Dec 15, 2019 09:42AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Julie Kimber wrote: "The word 'dastardly' isn't used enough. I love that line! Spectacular review, Julie! ✨You've had an incredible selection of holiday reads.😊"

Thanks so much, Kimber!! I've enjoyed all the season's books this year! 💖🎄🤗

Julie Antoinette wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! I really enjoyed this one as well!! I like you am reading Christmas books- 2 more to go!!"

Thank you, Antoinette!! I hope you enjoy all of your holiday reading this year! 🎄💖🤗

Julie Kevin wrote: "A wonderful review of a perfectly-timed read, Julie! : )"

Thank you very much, Kevin!! 🎄😊

Julie Angela M wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie !"

Thanks so much, dear Angela! 💖😊💖

Julie Meredith wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie! I need to read this!!"

Thank you, Meredith!! These Golden Age mysteries are so fun! 💖🎄💖

message 34: by Debra (new)

Debra Great review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed it.

message 35: by Yun (new) - rated it 4 stars

Yun Terrific review, Julie! I haven't read this one in ages, and probably have forgotten it by now. so now I'll have to go back and reread it again! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Julie Debra wrote: "Great review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks so much, dear Debra!! 💖🎄💖

Julie Yun wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! I haven't read this one in ages, and probably have forgotten it by now. so now I'll have to go back and reread it again! Glad you enjoyed it! :)"

Thank you so much, Yun!! I'm having so much fun reading through Agatha Christie's books! 😊💖😊

message 38: by Paige (new)

Paige Excellent review Julie :)

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Awesome review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed <3 x

Julie Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Awesome review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed <3 x"

Thank you very much, Alex!! 💖🎄🎁🎅

message 41: by Sandra (new) - added it

Sandra Wonderful review Julie! :D

message 42: by *TUDOR^QUEEN* (new)

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Terrific review, Julie! So glad to see you dipping into the classics and finding some buried treasure to enjoy! :-)

message 43: by Libby (new)

Libby Fantastic review, Julie! It sounds like a great one to have enjoyed over the holiday season.

message 44: by Leila (new)

Leila I really enjoyed your fascinating review Julie. I did read lots of her books before joining Goodreads. Also I have loved watching the TV series. After reading reviews like yours I want to re-read them especially the Miss Marple books. Thank you.

message 45: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Great review, Julie. I recently came across this book. It looked interesting, so I’m happy to see your review and rating.

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