Julie's Reviews > Happy Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve by Jackie Ladbury
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bookshelves: 2019, contemporary-romance, choclit, christmas-theme

Happy Christmas Eve by Jackie Ladbury is a 2019 Ruby Fiction publication.

A warm, festive holiday romance!

Eve has been in love with Lucien Malikov for ages. But her feelings are unrequited as the popular rock star strings Eve along while surrounding himself with fans and other women. But, while they are both home for the holidays, Eve is hoping for a chance to make Lucien see they belong together. But when she reconnects with Theo Wright, an old childhood friend, Eve begins to wonder if she’ been wasting her time with Lucien.

If you are looking for a story to get you into the holiday spirit, this one should do the trick. All the trimmings you need for a delightful holiday story are here! Although this is a short story, there is plenty of character growth, as Eve’s holiday wishes take an eye-opening turn. People aren’t always what they seem, and perhaps, Eve isn’t the only suffering from unrequited love!

The characterizations are well-done, evoking the right emotional responses. Thankfully, Eve has an awakening of sorts, gaining confidence, self-worth, a new passion and at long last- true love!!
The romance is sweet and charming, and the holiday cheer practically leaps off the pages. You’ll want to grab a plate of sugar cookies, a nice hot cup of cocoa and curl up by the fire with this lovely feel good story that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy!!

4 stars

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Reading Progress

October 21, 2019 – Started Reading
October 21, 2019 – Shelved
October 21, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
October 21, 2019 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance
October 21, 2019 – Shelved as: choclit
October 21, 2019 – Shelved as: christmas-theme
October 25, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by Paige (new)

Paige 🎄🎅🤶 It's right around the corner!

Julie Paige wrote: "🎄🎅🤶 It's right around the corner!"

Hard to believe! But, I think I'm ready this year- for a change! 💖🎄

message 3: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Wonderful review Julie!🤗❤️💚

Julie Kaceey wrote: "Wonderful review Julie!🤗❤️💚"

Thank you, Kaceey!! 🎄💖

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Julie!!💞😉👍💝

Julie Kat wrote: "Excellent review Julie!!💞😉👍💝"

Thank you, Kat!! 💖😊💖

message 7: by Mischenko (new) - added it

Mischenko Beautiful! I added it. ♥️💚♥️

Julie Mischenko wrote: "Beautiful! I added it. ♥️💚♥️"

Thank you, Mischenko!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 🎄

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill Fantastic review Julie!! I love Christmas themed books ❤️🎄

message 10: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Sounds like a perfect holiday romance.🥛🍪🎄

message 11: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Ah lovely! I watched a few romantic Christmas movies this week while home from work.... I must try a Christmas book as well 😊💕

message 12: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Lovely review Julie 🤗

message 13: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Wonderful review, Julie.

message 14: by *TUDOR^QUEEN* (new)

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Delightful review! 💗 And what a heartwarming book cover! ⛄❄🎅

Julie Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill wrote: "Fantastic review Julie!! I love Christmas themed books ❤️🎄"

Thank you, Kim!! So do I!! I tend to over indulge in them this time of year! 💖🎄

Julie Deborah wrote: "Sounds like a perfect holiday romance.🥛🍪🎄"

Thank you, Deborah!! It was a very charming story!! 💖🎄

Julie *TUDOR^QUEEN* wrote: "Delightful review! 💗 And what a heartwarming book cover! ⛄❄🎅"

Thank you, TQ!! I don't know who does the artwork for Choc-lit and Ruby Fiction, but the cover art is always adorable! 🎄🎄

Julie Angela M wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie."

Thank you very much, Angela!! 🎄💖

Julie Sandra wrote: "Ah lovely! I watched a few romantic Christmas movies this week while home from work.... I must try a Christmas book as well 😊💕"

Thank you, Sandra!! Yes! There are so many holiday books to choose from. Hope you find one- or three- to enjoy this year! 💖🎄

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Lovely review Julie 🤗"

Thank you so much, Ceecee!! 🎄💖

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ I love christmas romances! Glad you enjoyed this one, Julie! Fantastic review x

Julie Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "I love christmas romances! Glad you enjoyed this one, Julie! Fantastic review x"

Thank you, Alex!! So do I!! Wish I had time read all the new ones this year! 🎄💖

message 23: by Paula (new)

Paula K Love your holiday plate! Wonderful review, Julie!

Julie Paula wrote: "Love your holiday plate! Wonderful review, Julie!"

Thank you very much, Paula!! 🎄

Brenda ~The Book Witch at Witch Words Great review, Julie!

Julie Brenda -Traveling Sister host of The Traveling Friends wrote: "Great review, Julie!"
Thank you very much, Brenda!! 🎄

message 27: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen 'Tis almost the season! Great review, Julie :D

Julie Jen wrote: "'Tis almost the season! Great review, Julie :D"

Thank you very much, Jen!! 🎄

message 29: by Kendall (new)

Kendall Great review Julie!!! Definitely getting in the mood for Xmas feel ;)

Julie Kendall wrote: "Great review Julie!!! Definitely getting in the mood for Xmas feel ;)"

Thank you, Kendall!! 🎄❄🎅

Julie Dean the Bibliophage wrote: "Nice review, it's time to crack open festive fiction!"

Thank you, Dean!! Hard to believe the holidays are upon us! 🎄❄🎅

message 32: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sounds good Julie!

Julie Holly wrote: "Sounds good Julie!"

Thank you, Holly!! It's a really sweet story! 💖

message 34: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit Lovely review, dearest Julie xx

Julie Paromjit wrote: "Lovely review, dearest Julie xx"

Thank you, very much Paromjit!! 🎄

message 36: by Kimber (new)

Kimber Silver What a wonderfully charming review, Julie! 💖😊

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Julie! Sounds like the perfect holiday read!

Julie Kimber wrote: "What a wonderfully charming review, Julie! 💖😊"

Thank you, Kimber!! 🎄

Julie Meredith wrote: "Fabulous review, Julie! Sounds like the perfect holiday read!"

Thank you, Meredith!! 💖🎄

message 40: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Great review Julie and love that graphic! 💟

Julie marilyn wrote: "Great review Julie and love that graphic! 💟"

Thank you so much, Marilyn!! 💖

message 42: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fab review, Julie! 💖😘

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Fab review, Julie! 💖😘"

Thank you, Mary Beth!! 💖

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