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Happy Christmas Eve

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All I want for Christmas is you … or you?
Eve Halligan is back in her hometown for Christmas after a whirlwind few years touring with her band, the Molotovs. A lot has changed since she left, but two things have stayed the same. One: Eve is head-over-heels in love with Lucien Malikov, the Molotovs’ bad boy lead singer. Two: Lucien is completely indifferent to her.
Still, Eve dreams that this could be the Christmas where she convinces Lucien that they’re made for each other. But when childhood friend and local caterer Theo Wright comes back into her life bringing with him festive cupcake and sausage roll conundrums, Eve begins to question whether her Christmas dreams have been wasted on the wrong man …

145 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 15, 2019

About the author

Jackie Ladbury

7 books12 followers

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Profile Image for Julie.
4,151 reviews38.2k followers
October 26, 2019

Happy Christmas Eve by Jackie Ladbury is a 2019 Ruby Fiction publication.

A warm, festive holiday romance!

Eve has been in love with Lucien Malikov for ages. But her feelings are unrequited as the popular rock star strings Eve along while surrounding himself with fans and other women. But, while they are both home for the holidays, Eve is hoping for a chance to make Lucien see they belong together. But when she reconnects with Theo Wright, an old childhood friend, Eve begins to wonder if she’ been wasting her time with Lucien.

If you are looking for a story to get you into the holiday spirit, this one should do the trick. All the trimmings you need for a delightful holiday story are here! Although this is a short story, there is plenty of character growth, as Eve’s holiday wishes take an eye-opening turn. People aren’t always what they seem, and perhaps, Eve isn’t the only suffering from unrequited love!

The characterizations are well-done, evoking the right emotional responses. Thankfully, Eve has an awakening of sorts, gaining confidence, self-worth, a new passion and at long last- true love!!
The romance is sweet and charming, and the holiday cheer practically leaps off the pages. You’ll want to grab a plate of sugar cookies, a nice hot cup of cocoa and curl up by the fire with this lovely feel good story that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy!!

4 stars

Profile Image for Dash fan .
1,482 reviews720 followers
December 14, 2019
4☆ A Light Hearted, Warm and Cosy Festive Romance!

Happy Christmas Eve is a light hearted, cosy festive romance that is full of warmth and charm.

Eve is and always has been, head over heels in love with Lucien, if only he felt the same way back. Eve has loved him for so long despite them only just being friends.

But when Eve meets up with childhood friend Theo he has her in a bit of a stir. They have an attraction and he likes her... But he isn't Lucien.

The heart wants what the heart wants.... even if that someone clearly isn't into you.
But is it time for her to let someone different take a chance!

I was willing Eve to get with Theo as Lucien doesn't deserve her. He treats her badly, and if it wasn't for her his music career wouldn't be as successful.
Theo is kind, caring, good with his hands... for baking purposes of course 🙊

Happy Christmas Eve is a warm and Cosy Romance about opening your heart to new relationships, believing in yourself and realizations.
The Characters are really well written and definitely evoked all the right emotions!
So if you are looking for a deliciously festive, light hearted Romance then Happy Christmas Eve is the book for you.
Just one more thing to say.... and that is how much I Adore this Charming and Festive Book Cover!
Jackie Ladbury has written another Gem of a book!

Thank you to Rachel Random Resources for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

My Review is also on my Blog Website :-

Profile Image for Brenda.
4,513 reviews2,863 followers
October 15, 2019
Eve Halligan, singer, songwriter, was back home for Christmas with the boyband, the Molotovs. The lead singer, Lucien, had been in her heart for years, but he only tossed her crumbs of affection, while allowing the fans – girls and women – to be by his side. Eve was hoping that this Christmas, surrounded by their families and everything familiar that Lucien would decide he couldn’t do without her.

Theo Wright was an old friend and when he turned up, Eve’s memories of their past came flying back. Theo was a baker and caterer, highly successful in a business that could have been part of Eve’s life. What were the feelings that were coursing through Eve? Had she given the last few years to the wrong man?

Happy Christmas Eve by Jackie Ladbury is a sweet Christmas romance, set in the snow and freezing temperatures, where sledding was the order of the day, along with cupcakes, Christmas trees, Nativity plays and decorations. Recommended.

With thanks to Choc Lit publishers for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,591 reviews216 followers
October 29, 2019
A fun read about one sided love.

Eve loved Lucien, Lucien used Eve to write his songs while holding the carrot of a singing career in front of her. Theo loved Eve, but she was obsessed only with Lucien. Only at 70% of the book, she saw the light...

My first book by author Jackie Ladbury, the emotions and the writing was pretty smooth like the initial snow flurry. The characters stayed true to the slots the author had drafted them in. I loved Theo, every woman needs a Theo in her life. Lucien was being an egoistic pop star with his band.

It was Eve who made me see red. She was obsessed with a man who used her for years, yet she had hopes he would give her an engagement ring. I kept screaming at her via my kindle. But it was all Lucien with her even when she felt the tingles with Theo and Lucien's on stage kiss left her cold. Ugghhh!! Grow up!! See the truth!!

The last 30% was brilliant when she stood up for herself, and then I started thawing toward her. Whew!! I loved all the scenes which had Theo in them. At times, I was almost jealous of Eve. I wanted to delete her and boot her off with Lucien and plop myself next to Theo. A girl can dream, can't she?

A sweet, cosy read.
Profile Image for Frankie.
970 reviews73 followers
October 17, 2019
I love a feel-good Christmas romance, and this is just perfect for those colder, chilly nights wrapped in a blanket with your fluffy socks on. It is pure festive joy; fun, charming, cheery and a very delicious romance, everything you would want from a Christmas book is right here….it even has sausage rolls, who doesn’t love a sausage roll at Christmas…or any time of the year? Yes, I am afraid to say that Jackie Ladbury did have me hooked from the moment a sausage roll making gorgeous guy was mentioned.
Eve is back home after years on the road with her band; the Molotov’s – well, when I say her band she is more like a roadie than a participating band member, she is in her own right a brilliant singer, songwriter and guitarist yet the bands lead; ridiculously arrogant and vain Lucien does push her into the background, Eve may like him and think that the sun shines when he is around but personally I thought he was a bit of a pillock and did take against him from the off, which I have to congratulate Jackie Ladbury for that brilliant piece of writing. Anyway, our Eve she has been infatuated with him since they were children, so when he asked her to tour with him and be his singer she literally jumped at the chance – unfortunately for Eve she soon learned that he didn’t want anyone to take the limelight from him so she became a basic dog’s body.
Once back home for Christmas she did hope that things would change and Lucien would change and start to see and treat as in the way she would like – really Eve, haven’t you heard that Leopards never change their spots, and this leopard is well and truly stuck in his, well that is until he realises there is competing for lovely Eve’s attention in the form of delicious and kind; Theo – ahhh, Theo – be still my beating heart!!
Theo is another of their childhood friends, whereas Lucien wants to be this hugely loved internationally adored pop star; our Theo is more than happy in the kitchen baking some delicious treat’s, yet he has made a name for himself and his catering business has soured and now they are all back together – in some sort of fashion. Now there are two men in Eve’s life, two completely different men; one is charming, natural, kind and actually see’s her as a person and the other is a notorious playboy, a rogue, charming yet arrogant and only interested because someone else is, but which one will sweep her off her feet and make this Christmas the best yet? I can tell you which one I was cheering on and for once it wasn’t the bad boy if a man-made me sausage rolls he would have my heart for life
Well, I ain’t going to tell you, you’re going to have to read for yourselves! I’ll just say that this, I loved the journey Eve goes on to have her perfect Christmas, she has difficult choices to make. If you love your sweet, heart-warming and very festive romances then this is a perfect read, even if you don’t then I definitely recommend you give it a go. It is one of those stories that you will pull off the shelf every Christmas, I know that it will be one which I will be re-reading again.
July 20, 2020
Just take a moment to stare at this beautiful cover. I just love it.

Happy Christmas eve is such a sugar infused, blissfully heartwarming romance novel that cannot fail to put the reader into the festive mood.

Eve has been in love with Lucien forever but is constantly taunted and teased by his constant preferences for his adoring fans. Despite this she continues to live in hope that this year may the right time for a romantic rendezvous, that is until childhood friend Theo appears and makes Eve question everything she thought she felt.

As well as the romance aspect of the novel, Eve’s journey of self discovery and figuring out what she really wants was so delightful. To being with she is very unaware of her own skills and talents and has limited knowledge of just how much she deserves. Even though I I felt she was a bit slow on the uptake, it was charming and sweet watching her come to some realisations about herself and about Lucien.

This is a novella that just has all the Christmas feels. Perfect for cosy nights the duvet.
Profile Image for Anne.
1,991 reviews
December 7, 2019
The publishers are calling this one “a heart-warming Christmas story to put you in the mood for the festive season” – and I couldn’t agree more. Eve has loved Lucien since childhood – he was the privileged child of rich Russian parents, indulged in every way, while she was the housekeeper’s daughter. Now he’s a rock star, belting out his songs for his adoring fans. But they’re really not his songs, are they? Eve’s the song writer – and a pretty impressive singer and guitarist too – but there are few people that know that. She’s now Lucien’s assistant and dogsbody, still hoping for an unlikely show of affection, brushing away the rubbish and fetching and carrying whatever he requires.

Eve is the loveliest character, but there are times when you really want to shake some sense into her. Why on earth didn’t she stick with the equally lovely Theo? He’d have been there for her in a way Lucien never has been – they could have run their catering business together, and most definitely lived happily ever after. And when she returns to her hometown, he’s still there, just waiting to pick up the pieces – but will Eve ever walk away from Lucien and her life in his shadow?

This is a great story – plenty of “will she/won’t she”, and more than a few moments when you want to give Eve a big hug and throw a punch at slimy and entitled Lucien. It’s not too Christmassy – but just Christmassy enough for anyone’s tastes. Remember that catering business? There’s a lot of food in this book (my kind of Christmas really…), and it’s full of the tastes and smells of cooking, really not a book to read if you’re feeling hungry. A chocolate fan? There’s some lovely detail you’ll really enjoy too. The writing is excellent – a nice conversational style, a gentle emotional touch, a well-drawn setting, just the right amount of humour to offset the pain of unrequited love – and the pages fly by as you really hope for a happy ending.

I really enjoyed this one… another one to add to your Christmas reading list!
Profile Image for Jane Hunt.
Author 3 books108 followers
December 3, 2019
There’s a lot going on this Christmastime for Eve, as she returns home after touring with a band. Eve has always loved Lucien, he has always used her. Will this Christmas see her finally shed her rose coloured glasses, or will she continue to play Cinderella, to this arrogant, deceitful Prince Charming? Theo, another friend from the past, who she let down to pursue Lucien, hopes so.

This is a lovely story of friends to lovers, and self-realisation, as Eve finally realises her how talented she is, and how fantasy often fails to live up to expectation.

The glitzy glamour of the boyband lifestyle and the importance of family and true friends at Christmas are in sharp contrast in this story. Eve knows she is the reason for the band’s success, for so many reasons, but still, she allows Lucien to put upon her. This makes her frustrating in the beginning, but her final realisation that she doesn’t need anyone but herself to succeed is gratifying.

The friend to lover trope is well written here, and the romance is slow-burning but worth the wait. The festive setting is lovely. There’s a good balance of humour, poignancy and romance in this short story, which delivers a Christmassy romantic tale with a contemporary twist.

I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
3,000 reviews544 followers
October 16, 2019
What a sweet romance, featuring Eve who has been in love with Lucien for her whole life and is suddenly becoming unblinkered to just what sort of a man he really is, and Theo her home town best friend.

Lucien really is a nasty piece of work, I didn't take to him or his family at all, and really wasn't sure why Eve had been pining for him for so many years, other than the fact that love really is blind.

Whereas Theo I fell for instantly, he felt like the boy next door, was a talented baker, and left me with a craving for cupcakes. He also had a slightly hidden depth that surprised me.

It took a short while for me to get to know Eve and when I did I really liked her, and felt for her. She is without a doubt a talented singer / song writer not that anyone really knows it and has such a kind heart that she is taken advantage of a lot.

Set in the run up to Christmas, this is about discovering if you have the courage to go for what you really want in life, to make changes, and about reconnecting with old friends.

It was a enjoyable novella to read, with lovely short chapters to keep you hooked on reading just one more, and was a lovely story to enjoy.

Thank you Liz at Ruby Fiction for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Els .
1,893 reviews37 followers
October 15, 2019
I love the title. It was a clever idea, because by adding a comma, you give it another meaning. 🙂

It’s true the story takes place during the festive season, but in my opinion that is not the most important thing going on. The focus is, to me, more on discovering people’s true colours and finally putting yourself on the highest podium instead of being the slave for someone who does not appreciate it at all and only looks out for number one.

You do realise you should change, but your heart gets in the way and it’s at that point that you need a little help from some friends to see things for what they really are.

I just love this book. It’s not sugary sweet with some humour and of course the much longed for happy ending. 5 stars.

Thank you, Jackie Ladbury and Ruby Fiction.

Profile Image for Karen Mace.
2,069 reviews79 followers
December 19, 2022
This is a fabulous festive read about unrequited love! And boy does the lovely Eve have it bad!! She can't see the bad points of the object of her affection - Lucien - and I found myself wishing I could jump in the book and snap her out of her obsession!!

He's the lead singer of The Molotovs and they've been friends since childhood. Also in the childhood friend group is Theo, who is in catering, and sees Lucien for what he is, but Eve can't be told! She follows around like a love sick puppy, and even Lucien's family take advantage of her kindness and innocent outlook! She sees the good in people, but eventually she starts to see the shine come off Lucien and the way he treats her, and you'll find yourself cheering her on from the sidelines to stand up for herself!

I loved the characters in this one and having the backdrop of the music business was a nice touch. I'm sure we've all had crushes on pop stars whose behaviour we often see past, and this time Eve gets a close up view of that! With time at home, comes more time spent helping Theo out and she begins to see that kindness is king and it's ok to treat people nicely!!
Profile Image for Jessica Redland.
Author 35 books935 followers
June 16, 2020
Eve's back in her hometown for Christmas, playing a few local gigs with her band, fronted by bad boy Lucien. Eve gave her heart to him years ago, when they played together as children... only she's never told him this. She's hoping that this will be the year he finally sees her in a different light instead of holding her in the friend zone. And speaking of the friend zone, the trip back home gives her a change to reacquaint with old friend, Theo who treats her more as a friend than Lucien ever did, despite her running off to join the band when she and Theo had business plans together.

This is a lovely tale told with warmth and humour. Jackie Ladbury writes in a way that really draws you in. I could almost feel the snow on my eyelashes and smell the delicious treats cooked up by Theo as the story progressed. It's a gentle heartwarming love story but it's also about realising what you want for the future might not be the direction your future's heading in and being brave enough to stand up for yourself. Awww
Profile Image for Lynn Cheryl.
718 reviews33 followers
December 6, 2019
It's a Christmas filled with cupcakes, a boy band against the glamorous mansion backdrop of Holly Grange! 

Eve Halligan is back home for Christmas after touring with The Molotovs but with a fund-raising concert held in the grounds of lead singer, Lucian Malikov's family home, there's still plenty to do. As a singer-songwriter, she's disappointed her work with the band more backstage rather than frontstage. Even more, disheartened by Lucian's indifference to her as a person. So, when she meets up with her old friend, Theo Wright, she begins to question her decisions from the past and wonders where her future lies? 

I particularly enjoyed the contrast in personalities between the two main men in Eve's life. Lucian, the self-assured teen idol and Theo, the caring baker. They share a common link and that's Eve but for very different reasons. When the two of them are together, the jealous tension between them is palpable. Both want lovely Eve's attention, but one craves her affection. 

With a cosy atmosphere and short timeline, there's plenty to keep the attention of the reader. I particularly enjoyed the numerous references to seasonal foods and treats. 

The author has written a fascinating festive story full of hope. With unrequited love and deception, I rooted for Eve as she faces the consequences of previous actions. I like how others are supportive of her at her time of need, even though it takes time for her to realise how she's exploited. With both a hero and a villain close to her, it's heart-warming when devious actions are exposed and Eve's dreams are about to come true... professionally and romantically.

Overall, a very satisfying happy ending with likeable characters, best served with marshmallow-topped cocoa.

***arc generously received courtesy of Ruby Fiction via Netgalley***
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,026 reviews51 followers
December 3, 2019
I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing a couple of Jackie's books. Those that I have read, I have thoroughly enjoyed. I read the synopsis for 'Happy Christmas Eve' and it certainly sounded like just my kind of read. A fun and festive tale. 'Happy Christmas Eve' was certainly that and so much more. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book but more about that in a bit.
It didn't take me long at all to get into this story. Once again, when I started to read that was it, I knew that I wouldn't be putting this book down any time soon. 'Happy Christmas Eve' proved to be very addictive reading. My Kindle wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. The book isn't particularly long so I was able to read it fairly quickly. I tried to ration how much I read in one go but I was enjoying the book so much that I just couldn't stop myself reading it all in one go.
'Happy Christmas Eve' is well written but then I have found that to be the case with Jackie's other books. She certainly knows how to grab your attention from the start and she keeps that attention throughout the story. Jackie has created such realistic and likeable characters that you can't help but hope for the best for them. This book features real characters facing real issues. I took to Eve from the start but at the same time I did find myself wanting to shake her by the shoulders. I did feel as though she was a friend of mine by the time I got to the end of the book. Jackie writes so realistically and uses such vivid descriptions that I really did feel as though I was part of the story myself. This is a fun and festive tale told with warmth and humour.
In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Happy Christmas Eve' and I would definitely recommend it to other readers. It's a short read but a fabulous read. I will most definitely be reading more of Jackie's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.
Profile Image for Adele.
831 reviews
December 2, 2019
Happy Christmas Eve is an adorable festive romance in novella size. A perfect size to cosy up with on a cold afternoon with a pot of tea and biscuits … bliss! Novellas are great introductions to new authors and after reading and loving Happy Christmas Eve I will definitely be checking out Jackie Ladbury’s book list.
Eve Halligan has been hopelessly in love with Lucien Malikov since she was a young girl so to be invited to be part of his band two years ago was a dream come true. However, two years down the line and Eve is very disillusioned with Lucien and her life in the band. She’s fed up of her love not being reciprocated and it breaks her heart each time she witnesses Lucien’s womanising ways. She’s also starting to realise that her talents in the band are unrecognised. It’s not until Eve and the band return home for Christmas and to participate in a charity show that Eve’s mind becomes a lot clearer.
Eve reignites her friendship with old school pal Theo who set up his own catering business in his home town. Theo has been harbouring secret feelings for Eve but feels he can’t compete with her unrequited love for Lucien.
Eve’s other love is baking and she’s so pleased to help Theo out in a crisis and it soon feels like old times with great banter and warmth emanating not just from the ovens but from the friendship between Eve and Theo.
Eve knows she has to make a decision on her career and her personal life but she’s finding it so hard to accept the truth. Will the shared love of baking give her some clarity in her decision making?
A lovely festive treat of a read that I wished was a full length novel as I didn’t want to leave Eve and Theo and wanted to learn more about them. Maybe the author may revisit these characters in the future … please 🙂
Profile Image for Louise.
363 reviews17 followers
December 5, 2019
We are introduced to main character Eve, (a songwriter and musician) when she travels back to her hometown to perform with her band The Molotovs. The problem is she isn’t performing but sweeping the stage and running around after lead singer Lucien!

The next problem is she just happens to be in love with the Russian hunk despite the fact that he treats her like his personal slave.

When Theo re-enters her life, she begins to see that things could be very different and she wonders if she made the right choice when she joined the band. Theo is everything that Lucien isn’t… caring, kind and clearly in love with Eve!

My feelings for Eve bounced between frustration and sympathy. I just wanted her to wake up and smell the sausage rolls!

Talking of sausage rolls, the food in this book is totally mouthwatering (so be prepared if you have just started your pre-Christmas diet!)

Jackie Ladbury has done it again….engaging characters, wonderful location and a truly heartwarming story.
Profile Image for Tasha Mahoney.
1,159 reviews39 followers
December 5, 2019
This was a quick, enjoyable festive read and I am really pleased that it was on my Christmas reading list.

Singer, songwriter, Eve Halligan has long been besotted with the awful, bad boy, lead singer, of The Molotovs, Lucien. After coming back off tour she begins to realise what a prize ass Lucien actually is. I have to question her sanity given the amount of time she has been around him and how blinkered she has been.

Back home and around the successful and delectable caterer Theo, Eve begins to realise that she may well have been wasting her time with the likes of Lucien.

Ok, I am critical of how blinkered she has been regarding Lucien, but I really warmed to Eve, and Theo had my heart fluttering.

This is a sweet festive romance that while somewhat predictable, did definitely satisfy my taste for Christmas treats. (This is the kind of predictability that I like. The kind that when the last page has been read, it leaves a sense of the festive warmth in the heart.)
Profile Image for Laura.
3,206 reviews346 followers
November 30, 2019
A light hearted romance set during the winter holidays.
Eve was literally the girl next door, or to be more precise, at the end of the driveway.
She grew up with Lucien and even taught him how to play his first guitar. Together they wrote love songs, with Eve dreaming of the day they would perform them on stage as they happily gazed into each others' eyes.
Someone else who grew up with them and shared a dream with Eve was Theo. His shared dream was totally different. He and Eve made plans to open a bakery together after graduation. They were all set to begin when Lucien convinced Eve to come away with him and share the spotlight. Which do you think a young girl would choose?
A couple of years later Eve is beginning to see the true light. She is the talent behind Lucien's success and he isn't interested in sharing anything unless it furthers his career. As Eve makes plans to break his spell over her and sees new possibilities with a now successful Theo, others play roles to influence her choices and decisions. Will Eve be strong enough to see clearly and make smart choices, finally?
Sweet, with frustrating moments, and a few characters you will love to hate, this is a bright spot to read when in a holiday mood.
Profile Image for Tiziana Langone.
824 reviews8 followers
December 18, 2019
A story about seeing someone’s true nature and standing up for yourself!
I loved it a lot and even more!

Eve finds herself back in her hometown for Christmas after touring with her band.
Lead singer of the band is Lucien, a man Eve has been in love with since forever. Unfortunately, Lucien is a real playboy and doesn’t seems to see Eve as just a ‘handyman’ during the tours. And his while at the beginning of the band, she was promised so much more!
Being back home, Eve is determined to take charge of her life, and chase her dreams instead of chasing Lucien.
She discovers her love for baking again, thanks the help of her old friend Theo.
But will she also realize that her love for Lucien is wasted? And is there someone who will appreciate her love?

Everybody had an unrequired love in their lives, so Eve her despair is so understandable. 
But what if the other person is such an utterly dickhead??? Because let’s face the truth… Lucien is just a selfish, self-centered, spoiled BRAT!
He just doesn’t deserve Eve’s love! She is kind, generous, and is just longing for his love!

I like how Eve slowly realizes that she has been taking advantage of. She opens her eyes and sees that things have to change if she ever wants to be happy and loved herself.
And when she meets Theo again, she sees that for being in a loving relationship, you need two to tango. Love is not only about taking, but mostly about giving.

Again Jackie wrote a story that just was impossible to put away. An amazing woman trying to be loved, a serious a**hole of which you hope he’ll get what he deserves, a true friend ready to help, all wrapped into the magic of Christmas.
Profile Image for Pam Robertson.
1,215 reviews8 followers
November 30, 2019
Eve turned out to be one of those characters that you want to reach right into the book and shake her. She is so invested in her infatuation with Lucien that she cannot see what everyone else can: that she should run for the hills and take a certain someone with her. Full of sparkling snow and cosy baking sessions, this is a treat of a read for Christmas this year. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The contrast between Eve's family and many of the villagers and Lucien's self -centred relatives is written loud and clear. Eve has to learn for herself what her true worth is and where her talent should take her. You can see by Eve's reaction to Maisie, Theo's brother what a caring person she is. Maisie by the way is excellent value and brings some gentle humour to the story. Speaking of Theo, he has masses of good points and is a total contrast to the prima donna that is Lucien. From the very beginning, you are rooting for him.

In short: festive reading like a huge hug. Thanks to the author for a copy of the book.
Profile Image for Deborah J Miles.
Author 1 book14 followers
October 29, 2019
Well, there's none so blind as those who will not see! Eve Halligan believes herself to be in love with Lucien Malikov. Lucien is only interested in himself and keeps her hanging on, because without her, his career would nose-dive. She was taken on as a singer and writes the songs Lucien sings, but she has become a general dogsbody, looking after Lucien and the band. He claims he writes his own material, giving her no credit, and worse still, no royalties.

Eve is in love with a selfish man-child who is incapable of loving anyone other than himself. Until her eyes are fully opened to him, she will be unable to free herself from him and find true love.

Enter love-lorn Theo Wright, who has loved Eve for as long as she has wanted Lucien. Theo is now a successful caterer, and hopes to win Eve over. He knows that he has to wait for Eve to get over her infatuation with Lucien, and see him (Theo) for the man he is. And all this plays out against a Christmas backdrop.

This is a lovely, well-written, Christmasy novella with plausible, well-drawn characters. I was rooting for Theo from the beginning, and desperately wanted Eve to wake up and see that Lucien was merely using her. Lucien is absolutely despicable, wrapped up in himself, and only offers Eve the hope of a relationship with him when he thinks she is about to fall into the arms of another.

I felt very cross with Eve that she could not see what everyone else could about Lucien. She kept making excuses for him, and accepted that he was the authority in all things related to the band. In reality he was keeping her hidden in the background so that the limelight would fall on him alone.

Theo gives her the courage she needs to rectify the situation, and has a couple of friends help along the way.

Of the secondary characters, I particularly liked Maisie, Theo's step-sister. She wants to be an angel with gold wings in the school nativity, despite being given the leading role of Mary. Let's just say she goes a little off-script on the big night, and I found it hilarious.

A lovely cosy Christmas love story.
Profile Image for Marsha Keeper Bookshelf.
4,290 reviews85 followers
October 15, 2019
Reviewed at Keeper Bookshelf

I had such fun with HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE (I so want to add a comma to give that title a far different meaning – but perhaps that’s what we the readers are supposed to do – if so, that was a spoiler and sorry, not sorry *grin*)

Returning home for the holidays gives Eve and the band a bit of a break – and Eve what she hopes will be the chance for Lucien to see her in a different light. What she discovered when meeting up with childhood friend, Theo, was simply that she might have been mistaken all these years for what she truly needed was right at home all along.

Theo won my heart early on, he really is a nice man (handsome, sexy, yes but a nice man at his core). Watching Theo and Eve share Christmas experiences, gaining unexpected affection as the season went on was a delightful journey. I did like that Eve is portrayed as a talented songwriter, performer, singer in her own right – even if that light was kept from shinning too often by Lucien. I didn’t hate Lucien, I just felt bad that he couldn’t have let Eve down long ago when he knew there was no spark there for him. But… that’s life and people, right?

If you’re in the mood for a fun, sweet Christmas Romance then you’ll want to check out HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE. It will definitely get you in the Christmas mood. I had fun, and that’s why I read Romance, particularly Christmas love stories.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher, Ruby Fiction/Choc Lit. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*
Author 8 books12 followers
November 18, 2019
I read this before I’d even began to think about Christmas, but it still made me feel warm inside. Eve has been in love with Lucien for as long as she can possibly remember, convinced that one day they’ll be together and he’ll recognise her talent as both singer and songwriter, and they will have their own happy ever after. But her dream is derailed when she meets Theo again. Can Theo be the one to make her see sense? I read the whole book at one sitting, curled up in front of the fire and loved every minute of it. Jackie writes a compelling love story with some lovely light touches and heart-warming moments that will have you smiling and turning pages to the end. Enjoy! I did.
Profile Image for Emma Rowson.
170 reviews4 followers
November 5, 2019
Happy Christmas Eve is a short and sweet read, featuring – I have to say – one of the most infuriating female characters in Eve. I liked her, I really did, but her indecision where Lucien was concerned, drove me up the wall! I was invested in her though, and I was championing her to find a backbone and live up to her potential – because beyond the willingness to turn a blind eye and be treated as a doormat, lay a truly talented young woman.

Her developing relationship with Theo is lovely, but for me, this was less about the romance, and more about Eve’s journey, it feels almost as if she grows from an overgrown teen into a woman within the space of this novella. It is a tale of self discovery and I feel that the true romance is Eve learning to love herself enough to take control of her own life. The realisations along the way are perfectly plotted and although I really felt for Eve, particularly in the gift-giving scenes, I was also desperate for it to be the thing that tipped her into standing up for herself.

It’s a lovely, enjoyable story, festive (although, at this early stage I have to say the Christmas cheer was perfectly pitched and not too OTT) and with a great cast of characters who form a fantastic community around Eve.

An ideal companion to a mince pie and a warming mulled wine!
Profile Image for Isabelle D.
370 reviews
September 17, 2019
It's very early to read about Christmas decorations, nativity school plays or Christmas dinners but I still really enjoyed such scenes in this novella. No doubt they'll be equally (or even more) appreciated at the right time of year.
I also particularly liked that Eve is a songwriter, guitarist and singer (even if her talent is partly wasted because the band leader practically never allows her to sing), and Theo's sweetness couldn't fail to charm me. As for Lucien... Can't say I liked him but his difficult personality certainly contributes to the story.

This book was one of my reads for Choc Lit & Ruby Fiction's Tasting Panel (a group of ordinary, volunteer readers that helps the publisher select the best stories). Then I was offered an advance copy so I could read the final version and write a review without waiting for publication day.
Profile Image for Coco.
490 reviews3 followers
March 4, 2020
A lighthearted romance that I managed to read during one rainy day.

There are only three main characters.
Spoilt, selfish Lucien, lead singer to the pop band Molotov, blindly adored for years by Eve.
Eve, organiser, PA and general dog's body to the band Molotov, constantly on the receiving end of Lucien's countless tantrums. She's also written Lucien's hit songs, allowing him to claim total authorship, recognition and all the financial rewards.
Eve's other childhood friend, Theo the baker, has changed dramatically in the two years since she last saw him. Eve finds herself hugely attracted to him.

The characters were plausible and well described, those I was meant to like were likeable, Lucian and his family deserved the seasonal pantomime 'boo hiss'.

An ideal book to drop in and out of when you've a spare moment.
November 9, 2019
Absolutely blummin loved this, it’s just so addictive and adorable. I loved the tension between characters (and tension in plot) it’s done so well and you’re just sitting going ‘argh’ so much and to me that’s when you know you care about characters ! I won’t spoil the book at all, because you need to read it to find out for yourself. But if you want a book you won’t want to put down, one that’s Christmassy, full of characters you will connect with and a great story. This is definitely the book for you.

Thanks to Liz at Choc Lit & Ruby Team for an advanced copy for an honest review
Profile Image for Isobel.
102 reviews
October 16, 2019
If you will need a break from family and friends over Christmas then you could not do better than hiding this away for yourself and bringing it out when needed! Forget your problems and enjoy Eve's story as she realises that she has been on the wrong track with her life and needs to see what is under her nose. The story really shows that we need to make our own mistakes and that realising that we have been wrong, in our own time, is the only way forward.
Profile Image for Stacey.
177 reviews
October 16, 2019
Eve is a Jill-of-all-trades for a boyband led by her childhood crush Lucien. She keeps Lucien’s career going (and his guitars tuned), and someday Lucien will realize they’ve always been meant to be together (I mean, their kiss was fireworks for him too, right?). Then Theo shows up and maybe Eve’s dream happily ever after is the wrong ending for her.

I LOVED this book. The story was well-paced and I enjoyed every word. Highly recommend!!
142 reviews4 followers
October 15, 2019
This is a tale of three people - the eternal triangle! Eve, Theo and Lucien have known each other for years but the world of music was not for baker Theo. Christmas at home brings Eve a new clarity of vision. What happens is a Christmas present for them all, and you when you read this book. A gentle page turner to read with a glass of mulled wine and a box of chocolates.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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