Trudi's Reviews > The Walking Dead, Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams

The Walking Dead, Vol. 23 by Robert Kirkman
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Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed...

Sooooooo, here we are. Back to the more soap-opera-ish, plodding plot with a few interesting "twists" (for lack of a better word) thrown in. I was not riveted. Maggie going toe-to-toe with dickhole parents of dickhole kids is a less than inspiring sub-plot. More scheming by disgruntled community members. Eh, we've seen that number before too.

The Whisperers are sorta kinda interesting and new, I suppose, if you look at them with your eyes scrunched and squinting. It makes sense to me that there would be a group like this that would come along eventually. The real surprise is that it's taken this long, and perhaps how many of them there's rumored to be. Thousands? Really? That would be shocking indeed. For now, it's just a rumor and my fingers are crossed that this new "threat" turns out to be more than what they appear to be which is a step above same shit different day.

And Carl? Sweet jebus. (view spoiler)

Sometimes this series feels like an albatross around my neck, a monkey on my back, Sisyphus's Rock. I NEED THIS TO END!!!! I NEED AN ENDING!!!! Do you hear me Kirkman???? For godsake man, take mercy on all of us and please JUST FUCKNG END IT.

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August 17, 2015 – Shelved
August 17, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Mara (new)

Mara Man, I really have to get on this series!

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* That Carl scene will now haunt my nightmares. WTF? Kirkman has lost his mind.

Trudi Mara wrote: "Man, I really have to get on this series!"

Approach with caution. Once you start it's an abyss of darkness and despair seemingly infinite -- like a black hole -- with no end in sight. I would reccommend Saga and Y:The Last Man if you haven't tried those yet Mara.

Trudi Shelby *wants some flying monkeys* wrote: "That Carl scene will now haunt my nightmares. WTF? Kirkman has lost his mind."

Mine too!!! So WRONG and weird. It squicked me out!

message 5: by carol. (new)

carol. Ew.

message 6: by Ɗẳɳ 2.☊ (new)

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Trudi wrote: "Shelby *wants some flying monkeys* wrote: "That Carl scene will now haunt my nightmares. WTF? Kirkman has lost his mind."

Mine too!!! So WRONG and weird. It squicked me out!"

So the next volume is where he gets skull fucked? *shudders*

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