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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams

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The new era of peace and prosperity is interrupted by a new type of enemy. One that travels amongst the walkers. One that will turn whispers of their appearance to screams.

Collects THE WALKING DEAD #133-138.

136 pages, Comics

First published April 29, 2015

About the author

Robert Kirkman

2,622 books6,546 followers
Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer best known for his work on The Walking Dead, Invincible for Image Comics, as well as Ultimate X-Men and Marvel Zombies for Marvel Comics. He has also collaborated with Image Comics co-founder Todd McFarlane on the series Haunt. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics, and the only one of the five who was not one of the original co-founders of that publisher.

Robert Kirkman's first comic books were self-published under his own Funk-o-Tron label. Along with childhood friend Tony Moore, Kirkman created Battle Pope which was published in late 2001. Battle Pope ran for over 2 years along with other Funk-o-Tron published books such as InkPunks and Double Take.

In July of 2002, Robert's first work for another company began, with a 4-part SuperPatriot series for Image, along with Battle Pope backup story artist Cory Walker. Robert's creator-owned projects followed shortly thereafter, including Tech Jacket, Invincible and Walking Dead.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 519 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,806 reviews1,220 followers
February 16, 2024
Seriously where's Michonne at? How many hits with a shovel does it take put someone down? Michonne, where are you? What's that whispering? Whisper. Whisper. Whisper. Jesus leads a small group in search of a wayward guard only to come face to face with the... Whispering Dead!! Gregory hasn't finished meddling in Hilltop politics!
[image error]
This volume concentrates on Carl at the Hilltop, and is a refreshing read, as we spend more time with the likes of Maggie, Gregory, Jesus, Dante, Sophia etc. making one realise just what a phenomenal job the creators do with such a large cast! 9.5 out of 12, very firm Four Star read.

2019, 2017 and 2016 read
Profile Image for Anne.
4,312 reviews70.1k followers
May 12, 2019
4.5 stars

Oooooh! Interesting new chapter in TWD!
Also, there will be SPOILERS.


So, not much of Rick in this one. And that's fine! He's been replaced by the equally interesting Carl & Maggie. Plus a bit of Jesus...
There can NEVER be too much Jesus.


Ok, so Jesus runs into these Whisperers, and brings one back for questioning.


After he peels off the grody zombie skin they were using to blend in with the walkers, he finds out his captive is a teenage girl.


A cute teenage girl.


A cute teenage girl that Carl befriends.
And by befriends, I mean she teaches him about the birds and bees.
{insert 70's porn music here}


But how do they end up becoming so close?
Well, Carl ended up next to her in a cell for several hours, due to an altercation with some boys who were trying to hurt Sophie. <--These were the same boys that got their asses kicked by Sophie in the last volume, for trying to beat up/bully another kid.
Yeah, so these little assholes were out for blood.


Carl ran off, and poor Sophie thought she was done for...





In retrospect, he may have gone a bit overboard. Nah.


No. No, you didn't kill them, Carl. But you did beat the ever-lovn' shit out of them, and their hillbilly parents are kinda pissed.


Whatever, Mama June. Maggie doesn't give a shit what you and your trailer trash cronies think about the boy who saved her daughter's life.
BUT. Maggie does think Carl went too far, and maybe needs some therapy or something. In the meantime, she needs to keep him safe from those two redneck families.
Annnnnd...now we're to the part where Carl is in the cell next to Lolita Lydia.


Prison Pals are forever!<--I take no responsibility for the accuracy of that website.
Also...no. Just don't.
Anyway, Carl & Lydia become friends, bond over scars, and fall into a Romeo and Juliet sort of love. Which, historically, always turns out well!

Meanwhile, Maggie is dealing with the disgruntled losers in her community, who are being stirred into a frenzy by Gregory.
Remember Gregory? The asshole that Maggie ousted in order to (accidentally) take over the role as Leader of her the Hilltop community?
Yeah. Believe it or not, the dude still has delusions of grandeur.
And he's willing to KILL Maggie to make his dreams come true.
Two problems with that plan:
This dude really needs his own theme song, amirite?!


2) He fucked up the poison...idiot.


Shockingly, Maggie is pissed.
I'm salivating right now! I just can't WAIT to find out what she does to this dickhead!
However, that isn't the biggest problem! Nope. the BIGGEST problem is all of the Whisperers standing outside of the Hilltop communities gates.
Guess who Lydia's mother is?


Ewwwww! I mean, awwww!
Er, so they are willing to trade the kid for several of Maggie's people.
Easy decision, right?
Well, Carl doesn't think so! Lydia has told him about a lot of rapey things that go on in that community, and he (rightly) isn't excited to see her head back into her mother's arms.


But Lydia volunteers to leave, so there's not much he can do about it, right?
Or, you know, he could just take off on his own to rescue her...


If I don't get my hands on the next volume soon, I'm going to explode.
That last sentence is for my librarians.<--You know who you are, make it happen!
Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews754 followers
August 26, 2015
In this volume, Robert Kirkman plays it smart and takes the focus off Rick and places the spotlight on Carl and to a lesser degree Maggie.

Poor Carl. Imagine a teenager trying to grow up and function normally in the post-apocalyptic world. Carl’s been shot, witnessed some horrible stuff, done some horrible stuff, all in a world where the rules and boundaries are changing and shifting, even as his father (and Maggie) try to set the world back to some form of old-school civilization.

Carl’s even more puzzled when he befriends a captured girl who is part of the new “threat”. She has accepted certain behavior that in pre-zombie apocalypse would be considered abhorrent and unacceptable.

Plus, the kid’s going through puberty.

Maggie is trying to wear the “leader” hat, but it seems like it comes with a target symbol that’s placed on her back as well.

Also more is revealed about the new menace. Nuisance or terror?

This makes two genuinely good volumes of The Walking Dead in a row. Apparently, Kirkman has stopped phoning it in.

And if I haven’t said it, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. Tonight's tuna casserole and sock puppets!
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,182 reviews3,680 followers
September 23, 2018
The Whisperers are coming!

This is the twenty-third volume of “The Walking Dead", collecting the comic book issues from #133 to #138.

Creative Team:

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Illustrators: Charlie Adlard

Additional gray tones to inking: Cliff Rathburn

Chapter Twenty-Three


You will fear us.

The different communities are doing their best to get civilized again, but how smart can be trying to get back that, in a world where modern society collapsed beyond any hope to rise again?

Survival instinct has been the way of life since zombies started to walk.

Killing has been the only safe way to remain alive.

They thought that they were safe now.

Zombies. The Governor. The Hunters. Negan.

Rick’s group seemed already having faced all the possible worst that this apocalyptic world could bring into them.


They were wrong!

Enter: The Whisperers.

And the shit hit the fan. Hard and big way...

...And the filth is everywhere.

They won't be safe anymore, anywhere...

...not matter how much they faced in the past...

...nothing prepared them for what's coming!

Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,646 reviews13.2k followers
May 21, 2015
Writing “spoilers” for a review of the 23RD VOLUME in a series seems a bit pointless, doesn’t it? I mean, if you’re considering reading this and have read the past 22 volumes, why are you reading a review BEFORE reading the book itself? You’re gonna read it whether or not it’s good. You’ve read 22 volumes, you’re in this ‘til the bitter end like me, which means you’ve read the book and know what happened. Other people reading this review, they don’t care about spoilers, they’re probably just killing time at work.

After a surprisingly decent 22nd volume, The Walking Dead, now set several years after the war against Negan, has settled back into its mediocre ways. The focus is (hopefully temporarily) gone from Rick Grimes and his son Karl is now the star of the show. Yes, the kid with a hole in his head, the one who should’ve died but didn’t for no good reason. You know the world’s in rough shape when a kid like this is getting the googly eyes from not one but two cute girls (though to be fair one of them is semi-crazy).

A new group of insaniacs calling themselves the Whisperers - who wear zombie skin over their own to blend into the zombie herds - attack Jesus and some of his disciples. Jesus captures one of the nutters, a 16 year old girl called Lydia, taking her back to Hilltop for some answers while Karl protects himself and Sophia from a pair of dickhead kids who attack them.

Dickhead kids have dickhead parents who say dickhead things like “Dude, my kid’s totally allowed to hit yours in the back of the head with a brick - but him fighting back and hitting mine with a shovel is totally out of line!” and dickhead Gregory (the former leader of Hilltop before non-dickhead Maggie) decides to be a dickhead and try to assassinate Maggie. Still awake? Karl gets some. Aww, yeah dawg!

I didn’t hate this volume but it does drag in places especially as the, uh, story, I guess, is a bit thin. There’s way too much time devoted to Maggie dealing with the dickhead kids’ dickhead parents, especially as the plot really doesn’t go anywhere. You think it does but apparently Maggie, like Karl, is unkillable, also for no reason. I guess their buddy Jesus didn’t get his nickname for nothing, eh?

The Whisperers stuff is ok and I’m glad an adversary has been introduced to fill the Governor/Negan gaps because this series gets good once the action starts a-flowing. But their former member Lydia, Karl’s new love interest replacing Sophia, is a bit of a downer - I shouldn’t be surprised though, this is The Walking Dead.

I saw Beetlejuice too but not every emo-chick interested in death needs to be called Lydia, Robert Kirkman. And, really, did you need to mention that she was raped repeatedly? She’s 16 and she mentions to Karl that when she was with the Whisperers that it’s been going on for a while. My god, can we make this series just a little bit less bleak? Was child rape the missing ingredient in this misery stew? Jeesh.

Maggie and Jesus are decent characters but Gregory’s a joke, and Karl has his moments, though I kept hoping we were going to see what Rick was up to. And, given that last page, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to rest the direction of the series on Karl’s invincible shoulders - or maybe that’s just a tease and we’ll be back with Rick and co. in the next book? We’ll see.

Despite Whispers Into Screams being an average addition to the series overall - it felt too unsubstantial - 23 volumes in, I’m not about to give up now. That’s probably the most depressing thing about the series actually, more so than the child rape and such: regardless of quality, onwards I trudge! The world's best-selling comic, everybody!
Profile Image for Heidi The Reader.
1,396 reviews1,545 followers
November 18, 2016
I forgot that I was reading this series and only remembered when there was that huge kerfluffle a couple weeks ago by the people who only watch the television show... something to do with a barbed wire covered bat. Those of us who read the comic had already mourned and moved on. Frankly, I think I put the books aside because I was getting a little tired of this series. But, to be fair, after 22 books... it's natural for enthusiasms to slow down. Whispers into Screams was a great re-introduction for me into the perpetually dark world of The Walking Dead.

The characters have settled down into one place. Rick drives a cart to collect/deliver supplies and has this awesome hook for a hand. Maggie is running one of the settlements and Carl is hanging out with her and Lydia. What could possibly go wrong now? What indeed. As for the other side characters, there's minor stuff going on but this comic predominantly deals with the Maggie/Carl side of the equation, which is good, because I had a hard time recalling who was involved or crushing on who.

First of all, that Carl Grimes. We've watched him grow, shoot people, take horrific injuries, and now- As a parent, I'm proud of him. He could have become a monster, but he just turned out to have a bad case of PTSD and, from what he's been through, who could blame the guy. "Everyone still alive these days knows how dangerous it is out there... and what you have to do to survive. Your people...in your group... however large it is, you've been surviving for a while." pg 72ish. Tell us about it, Carl. There has been some major misbehavior going on. It makes one lament the fact that a mild mannered librarian, like me, would never make it through a zombie apocalypse.

"Childhood was always a myth brought about by the illusion of safety... it was a luxury we could never really afford." pg 57ish. The Walking Dead has always been bleak, this episode goes just a little bit darker. I wish that something good would happen to these people. We cheer for them, follow them through hell and high water, but it never seems to get any better. Unfortunately, for me, this book ended on such a cliffhanger that I'm going to have to pick up the next one, but I may need a stiff drink to get me through it. Let's play some more favorite character Russian roulette, shall we? Sigh.

Recommended for graphic novel fans who are in for the long haul or really, really enjoy apocalyptic horror. I may have to warn everyone else to steer clear. The Walking Dead is one of a kind, but sometimes, it is an awfully hard road to walk for the perpetually optimistic reader.
Profile Image for Trudi.
615 reviews1,647 followers
August 18, 2015

Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed...

Sooooooo, here we are. Back to the more soap-opera-ish, plodding plot with a few interesting "twists" (for lack of a better word) thrown in. I was not riveted. Maggie going toe-to-toe with dickhole parents of dickhole kids is a less than inspiring sub-plot. More scheming by disgruntled community members. Eh, we've seen that number before too.

The Whisperers are sorta kinda interesting and new, I suppose, if you look at them with your eyes scrunched and squinting. It makes sense to me that there would be a group like this that would come along eventually. The real surprise is that it's taken this long, and perhaps how many of them there's rumored to be. Thousands? Really? That would be shocking indeed. For now, it's just a rumor and my fingers are crossed that this new "threat" turns out to be more than what they appear to be which is a step above same shit different day.

And Carl? Sweet jebus.

Sometimes this series feels like an albatross around my neck, a monkey on my back, Sisyphus's Rock. I NEED THIS TO END!!!! I NEED AN ENDING!!!! Do you hear me Kirkman???? For godsake man, take mercy on all of us and please JUST FUCKNG END IT.

Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,260 followers
December 26, 2022
To celebrate the series finale of the TV show, one of my favourite shows of all-time, I decided to read through the graphic novel series for the first time. You can check out my thoughts in a nearly 4-hour video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iJkZPl2ANOU
Profile Image for Ryan Buckby.
675 reviews93 followers
December 8, 2019
First read: July 29th 2016
Re-read: December 8th 2019

the whispers are one very weird group wearing dead people skin and putting it over themselves as masks to cover themselves and walk among the dead is creepy. I think they will end up being the next big threat for each community in some way.

more new characters are introduced Alpha and Lydia along with the rest of the whispers but i'm not entirely sure how big this group actually is, i hope to read some more or see more on the group because these hints aren't enough. This issue also spent time away from Alexandria and focused more on the Hiltop residents which i kind of liked because it moved the story away from rick's story and his life at Alexandria. Carl has more of a role in this issue to he has become more of the main focus in issues 22 and 23 which is an interesting choice, i still don't like carl at all he still annoys me and still feels like a kid making stupid decisions. But hey he has grown a lot in the two year gap maybe there is still a chance for me to like him.

Maggie as leader reminds me so much of rick in charge in the beginning she's still finding her way to me but i like how she has become a strong character in the series and is one of my favourites. I have said this many times in the last few issues but the character Sophia continues to surprise me with how independent and strong she's becoming, i just wish her tv counterpart was still alive!.

another fight coming? carl of course still acting like a kid is going off to save 'his new friend' and i'm guessing in true walking dead fashion it won't end well for anyone.
Profile Image for RJ - Slayer of Trolls.
968 reviews198 followers
March 31, 2017
Excerpted from Rick's Christmas letter:

We're so proud of Carl, who has moved to the Hilltop community and taken a job as an apprentice blacksmith! We don't get to visit him often because of all the roaming undead and apparently we don't have cars anymore, but we hear he's making lots of friends with the local kids. Carl has been making a special effort not to threaten to kill people more than once an issue and most of the time it appears to be working out great! He does have a special girlfriend...or two...or three...so unfortunately he doesn't have much time to carve unicorns for his friends anymore.
Profile Image for Anna.
597 reviews118 followers
June 18, 2017
Someone give Carl a big punch in his nose, because he is about to bring new problems to the communities....
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews959 followers
January 9, 2017
I must say, I am so tired of people being shit in this comic. Yes, the Carl-Sophia/asshole kids conflict was tense, and it added a lot of drama to this volume, but I would rather spend more time on the whisperers than on this soap opera crap. And that gross-out moment with Carl and Lydia near the end of the volume wasn't good, too. Kirkman hasn't done something like that in a while, and I didn't miss it. Also, child rape. Cause why the hell not. Aside from all of that, sure, it's not a bad volume, just a bit of a filler.
Profile Image for Crystal Starr Light.
1,404 reviews882 followers
April 29, 2016
Bullet Review:

What HAS come over me?! I've now rated TWO TWD comics 4+ stars - IN A ROW!

This was a nice continuation of the last volume, and while I really think Carl needs therapy + a stint in a jail, it's nice to be overwhelmed with Our Lord and Savior Rick Grimes.

But why do sexual assault and rape seem to always find their way into these? Hmmmmmmmmmm!!

Continue the drama! But if you kill Jesus, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,640 reviews337 followers
June 19, 2015
Oh, yay, we're back to treading water. It's kind of frustrating that Walking Dead stays just barely good enough to keep me coming back for the next volume. In other news, I'm week.

But I am still kind of interested in the concept of the Whisperers. It's a totally different way to survive a zombie apocalypse, and I do think there's some serious story potential there. But the storyline with Lydia is a total snooze to me.

Some day, I'll quit this series. Just maybe not yet.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,482 reviews1,842 followers
January 4, 2016
Interesting. As happy and proud as I am of Carl for being anti-rape, he's got a lot to learn about the world. And you know... Teenagers. They think they're soooooo smart. He's gonna start some shit. Again.

It was refreshing to not have a ton of Rick preaching in this volume, and have the focus shift to Maggie's community. Her problems stem from people, because, as Slipknot wisely reminds us, people = shit.

I can't wait to see how Maggie deals with her people problem.
Profile Image for Walome.
19 reviews15 followers
January 31, 2019
Carl má koule, ale pořád je to jen puberťák. A to je dobře. Rick je úozaděn, a to je ještě lepší. Šeptači jsou super nápad a překvapuje mě, že si je Kirkman nechal až na teď. A nevím jak je to možný, ale i překlad je dobrej.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,896 followers
January 5, 2024
This episode is focused on Carl and Maggie. Maggie gets embroiled with some malcontents following Carl’s brutal handling of two bullies who attacked him and Sophia. Lydia from the Whisperers is captured and seduces Carl while both are temporarily detained. Gregory tries unsuccessfully to poison and kill Maggie but is caught and detained by the ever-present Jesus who we also learn is gay. Overall, a sort of quiet one on the zombie front. A confrontation with the Whisperers seems imminent.
Profile Image for Cori.
925 reviews181 followers
February 23, 2020
The season of the Whisperers is upon us. One of the few season starts that literally had me anxious. WHERE ARE THE WHISPERS COMING FROM?! IS THIS SERIOUSLY HAPPENING?!

The books are not disappointing either. The characters and connections are changing to the point that I'm genuinely interested in reading to see what happens next. The story discrepancies between the books and show are pulling further and further apart. Not necessarily a bad thing! But it's keeping the reading interesting.

Without further ado, the differences between the show and books. Stop reading if you don't want spoilers.


Eugene tells Rosita he wants to be considered the father of her baby, whether or not it's his, as long as they can be a family.

Jesus takes a group out to look for Ken and Dante. Most of the scouting party is killed, and Jesus captures Lydia. (Show: Darryl captures Lydia.)

Gregory plots to kill Maggie. He gains support when two of the boys at Hilltop attack Carl and Sophia. Carl fights back and hurts them badly, but the parents of the boys are convinced that their children were the victims. Gregory convinces them to make him leader again if he can get rid of Maggie and Carl. (Show: The kids at Hilltop are stupid and get Henry in trouble, but they aren't mini-mobsters. Also, Sophia and Carl are both dead, so the characters in the show were Henry and another random girl I can't recall the name of.)

Maggie puts Carl in jail until she can investigate the attack further. While in the jail, Carl connects with Lydia and is able to get information from her. He also starts to have feelings with her (she's the third girl in this book alone he gets googly-eyed over). Unlike the show, no one is outside listening to their conversation. (Show: Henry rather than Carl, but accurate. And Darryl listened outside to gain information regarding the Whisperers.)

Carl is released from jail, but he continues going back to talk to Lydia. He gives her his hat. THE hat. Maggie releases Lydia to Carl's care. He shows her around Hilltop, and they end up having sex. She shares with him that the others in her group force themselves on her at times. (Show: Henry and Lydia end up walking around the community. Lydia reveals she has an abusive mother and lives more like an animal than Book Lydia [she eats worms in the show]. But she never mentions rape.)

Gregory tries to poison Maggie. Jesus shows up in time and saves her. They throw Gregory in the jail (which is probably getting more traffic at this point than it has in years). (Show: Gregory gets someone else to do his dirty work, but it doesn't work then either.)

Alpha shows up at the gate with Ken and Dante. She's actually quite amiable and trades them for Lydia. Naturally, Carl doth protest and follows them when they leave. (Show: Alpha was much more threatening, and there were significant plot points with a baby and the deaf girl's group, which never comes into play in the book. Alpha also tells Lydia she's proud of her, so seems to have a different parenting style than the show portrayed...at least thus far.)

I'd rate this book an R for swearing, violence and gore, a sexual scene, and adult content such as mention of rape.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,773 reviews274 followers
March 28, 2024
Seamless continuation of Volume 22. If you haven‘t read the previous issues, you should stop reading now.

Nice one! Sprinted through this! I am really enjoying this arc. I had a long pause after All Out War, because I was scared that the next story arc wouldn‘t measure up. And because the Whisperers really creep me out! So far, not too creepy. 😳

I still don‘t like Carl. He is one of the most unlikable characters I have ever come across. Is it me? My favourite character of this and the previous issue: Jesus. I like his looks and strength. Maggie is ok. Still haven‘t gotten used to Rick‘s looks and mellowness.

I‘m in new territory now, as I stopped watching TWD on TV during the Negan arc… Looking forward to the next one.

Collects THE WALKING DEAD #133-138.
Profile Image for amanda.
576 reviews30 followers
January 20, 2020
“I promise, nothing will happen to you while I’m around.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”

I just really love Carl’s character and want to protect him! And I’m scared he’s going to have the same fate as tv show Henry! His friendship with Sophia has come a long way and its really cute. Lydia was...interesting. Kinda (really) weird with Carl. And now he’s off to go find her.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,530 reviews144 followers
January 11, 2016
Damn this shit gets tedious *and* complicated to read after ten years.

Who the fuck is anybody? The art is so bland and boring and lacking in any distinguishing detail that even when a character gets named on page 20, it's impossible to know if it's them again on page 25.

Plus I don't even know who half of these wasted of ink are anymore. They don't entirely resemble anyone I remember, the characters introduced in the last few volumes are interchangeable, and they only serve to spout generic and repetitive lines anyway.

Plus Kirkman is playing around with jump cuts between scenes so quickly by now that there's almost no sense of continuity and no way to be sure if they're one scene or another. Ugh, I just want to nuke this planet and get it over with.

There wasn't even one zombie kill (in either direction) in this whole damned book.

It takes me at least halfway through before I get the rhythm of it, and goddamnit I'm gonna download the next volume on Hoopla right now to get it over with. Otherwise my next review is going to be just as bitter and misery-inducing.

Love you right back.
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,485 reviews28.1k followers
December 11, 2015
Wow, I really enjoyed this volume. There was hardly any Rick in it, but if I'm being honest t was kind of refreshing and it was a nice break from all the Alexandria drama. This one takes place almost entirely at the Hill Top with Maggie and Carl. I really love the idea of these people dressing themselves as zombies. It's so smart. They call themselves The Whispers. We get introduced to a new character named Lydia who is a young, cute teenage girl. I didn't think I would like her but I've got to say I'm really enjoying her character. I love that this volume really focused on Carl and his contribution to the Hill Top and his relationship with Maggie (and Lydia).

These idiots at the Hill Top want to kill Maggie because they don't want her to be the leader anymore just because of a stupid fight between Carl and these two boys he almost killed while defending Sophia. It was so dumb. The old leader Gregory actually attempts to poison Maggie but luckily Jesus saves the day and rescues Maggie and takes her to the doctor. Lydia and Carl talk while they are both being held in the prison and he starts to like her. He lets her out with Maggie's consent and they go out in the field together. Then, she asks him to remove his glasses so she can see his scars, it was actually pretty cute and sweet. But then, she licks the hole in his eye and says she thinks it's sexy and then Carl gets laid for the first time. I knew Rick should've given Carl some kind of sex talk (especially knowing Sophia lives there and he's no longer under parental watch) but oh well. I do actually think Lydia and Carl are super adorable though and I totally ship it. Then, all of The Whispers shows up at the door step of the Hill Top demanding that they get The Alphas daughter back, Lydia. Lydia volunteers to leave but Carl doesn't want her to go because he found out she was being raped by her people and they aren't safe. At the end of the volume, Carl leaves the Hill Top secretively and sets out to rescue Lydia.

I really enjoyed this volume. I thought it was great character development for Carl and Maggie and I really like Lydia as a new character. I think The Whispers are really cool and I'm interested in learning more about their group. It seems like this series is finally picking up the pace again, I love it.
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 33 books178 followers
May 16, 2015
Who would have thought zombies could have been used to tell a story so human?

In this volume we are introduced to The Whisperers, a group of humans who cloak themselves in the skin of the dead in order to live among them. (Technically we were introduced to them in an earlier volume, but this is where we actually learn things about the group.)

We also see that Carl (or "Coral" as I like to call him) has become something of a ladies man. He's got women all over him it seems.

There's more drama on the homefront with Maggie Green. One thing some may not like about this volume is Rick barely makes a cameo and unless I blinked and missed her Michonne isn't in this one at all.

At this point I think you're either reading The Walking Dead or just never will, and I wouldn't expect anyone to start reading with Volume 23. I'll just say this is another good volume of the series and if you read the Walking Dead, read this one.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
939 reviews85 followers
January 31, 2016
The Good: Crazy people. It's always crazy people. Whether it be the Governor or cannibals or Negan, at the root of it all is just people who mentally can't handle the world as it now is and act out in ludicrous ways. This new threat is no different, other then there is a whole hell of a lot of them. This new brand of crazy is unlike anything we've seen before and that makes this volume completely worth the read.

The Bad: We seem to be going from Carl being a reckless child to being a irresponsible teenager. He's gone from attempting to protect his friends and family is dangerous ways to doing whatever his hormones dictate. I suppose it was to be expected, but one would hope that growing up in this post-apocalyptic environment, a boy in his position would have developed better priorities. Never underestimate Carl's ability to find the most inappropriate way to deal with something.
Profile Image for Nayeomi.
256 reviews64 followers
March 10, 2016
I love where things are going right now. Seems like it'll all going to be more complicated soon.
It feels a little corny, this plot around an old character and a new one. But, i think it'll grow on me. I truly think one of them could be the other's downfall though.
We'll see. It may all play out nice in the next volume.
Profile Image for Darren Hagan-Loveridge.
272 reviews40 followers
June 10, 2016
**4.5 stars**
**No spoilers**

While I still highly enjoyed it, there just wasn't particularly much action involved in this one for it to be perfect. I still like where the story is going though.
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2,899 reviews83 followers
May 3, 2021
This was a good volume! We have multiple stories going on like the main one is with Maggie and all and where they live as Jesus has captured some talking zombies, turns out its normal people dressed like one and then the girl they capture is Lydia, Carl gets into a fight and is punished and there is this whole conspiracy of people in the town wanna murdering Maggie as they don't like her and then a sort of love develops between Carl and Lydia and then the drama that ensues and what Carl does in the end is something. Its a great setting up for the final act and changes so many things down the line for these characters. Also the art is just perfect atm and conveys a sense of doom and gloom at the same time! Loved this one!
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