Trudi's Reviews > The Walking Dead, Vol. 22: A New Beginning

The Walking Dead, Vol. 22 by Robert Kirkman
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bookshelves: zombies, graphic-novel, apocalyptic-types, series, 2015

This is the turning point us zombified Dead Heads have been waiting for -- a genuinely new beginning, not just the illusion of one immediately undone by human depravity and Rick Grimes assholery.

A few years have past. We have actual thriving communities now. More than one! Fresh baked bread is happening! Can I get a hallelujah people? Community members are trading goods and favors and working together and sleeping with both eyes closed at night. Children are playing, carefree and silly. Adolescents are keen to take on an apprenticeship in order to learn a valuable skill. Good ol' one-eyed Carl is among them, eager for Rick to finally cut the apron strings so that he can forge his own path to independence and competency.

Maggie is thriving ruling roost over the Hilltop and breaking horses. She's also mom to Sophia and little Herschel. Glenn is a huge void in this scenario and I miss him still.

Rick has calmed the sweet fuck down. He even will take the time to watch a sunset now. And delegate and build partnerships based on trust and respect. But what of good 'ol Negan? He's still with us. Serving a life sentence behind bars and taunting Rick every chance he gets. Right now he's convincingly neutralized but this is the goddamn motherfucking Walking Dead. Guys like Negan don't survive to become the good guys or the defeated guys.

There are new characters who are behaving the way Rick's group would have three years ago -- angry, paranoid, mistrustful. They can't believe what they are seeing and are certain something more sinister HAS TO BE afoot.

If Kirkman wants us standing firmly in the middle of the rug so he can brutally and viciously pull it out from underneath us again I'm quitting this series for good. Don't take us this far only to HULK SMASH it all to pieces again. This new threat? (view spoiler)

On to the next volume -- Whispers into Screams. Uh huh. Here we go -- out of the blue into the goddam black of an Arby's abyss again.
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August 15, 2015 – Shelved
August 15, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Ɗẳɳ 2.☊ (new)

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Vol 22?? How many goddam issues does Kirkman need to wrap this shit up?

Trudi Dᴀɴ 2.☢ wrote: "Vol 22?? How many goddam issues does Kirkman need to wrap this shit up?"

As far as I know, no plans to start wrapping things up yet. It's the Coronation Street of zombies! I figure I'll still be reading this when the actual zombies come.

message 3: by Ɗẳɳ 2.☊ (new)

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Ha, the show's becoming a bit of a soap opera as well.

Maybe that Outcast series will eventually take off, and he can finally put this series out to pasture.

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