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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, Vol. 22: A New Beginning

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In the aftermath of ALL OUT WAR we discover...A NEW BEGINNING.

Collects THE WALKING DEAD #127-132

136 pages, Comics

First published November 5, 2014

About the author

Robert Kirkman

2,622 books6,546 followers
Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer best known for his work on The Walking Dead, Invincible for Image Comics, as well as Ultimate X-Men and Marvel Zombies for Marvel Comics. He has also collaborated with Image Comics co-founder Todd McFarlane on the series Haunt. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics, and the only one of the five who was not one of the original co-founders of that publisher.

Robert Kirkman's first comic books were self-published under his own Funk-o-Tron label. Along with childhood friend Tony Moore, Kirkman created Battle Pope which was published in late 2001. Battle Pope ran for over 2 years along with other Funk-o-Tron published books such as InkPunks and Double Take.

In July of 2002, Robert's first work for another company began, with a 4-part SuperPatriot series for Image, along with Battle Pope backup story artist Cory Walker. Robert's creator-owned projects followed shortly thereafter, including Tech Jacket, Invincible and Walking Dead.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 657 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,806 reviews1,220 followers
November 2, 2023
What the Hell, where's Michonne? Rick's a living legend. What the Hell, where's Negan?? Wait a minute, did that Roamer say something? Civilisation! They won, the communities have created a semblance of civilisation, they herd Herds, they grow food, they bake bread, everywhere is patrolled, surely nothing can go wrong? Pah, you're reading this serial, what do you think. It's a tough transition, especially for Adlard to start conceptualising and drawing what mankind would build in a post-technological age, but the boys done good. Story? Bubbling along nicely, as there are possibly two groups of enemies afoot inside, and out! 9 out of 12, Four star read, the series that just does not quit!

2019, 2017 and 2015 read
Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews754 followers
January 6, 2015
Just when I assumed the TV show had creatively eclipsed the comic book, Robert Kirkman pulls a stunner out of his hat.

The story takes place several years (?) after the last volume, with our group finally getting some traction on living a somewhat normal life. The group has slowly built itself back up to something resembling a society and Rick is the “Man”. All is good and getting better. Or so you would have thought.

Along the way, Kirkman drops veiled hints as to which direction the story might take, but the ultimate payoff is something I would not have guessed. Well done!
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,182 reviews3,680 followers
September 10, 2018
The Waking Dead is back once again in this third compendium!

This is the twenty-second volume of “The Walking Dead", collecting the comic book issues from #127 to #132.

Creative Team:

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Illustrators: Charlie Adlard

Additional gray tones to inking: Cliff Rathburn

Chapter Twenty-Two


It was the dead. They were speaking.

The war was over since some time ago...

...you have a “time jump” in the narrative of the story and all the communities are thriving...

...developing systems to provide valuable assets to trade between them.

The roads are being patrolled to keep them free of zombies.

They are accepting new groups into their towns.

Even killing other living humans is forbidden, trying to get back the sense of civilization that they lost before the zombie apocalypse.

Everything is looking good and hope is in the air.


...you know that this is The Walking Dead and hardly a good life can last here…

…and the zombies seems to become weirder…

…or are they?

A new mystery is rising...

...and soon the blood will run again!

Profile Image for Sesana.
5,640 reviews337 followers
December 13, 2014
Guys. The Walking Dead is compelling again. I was expecting... basically nothing. For the past five volumes, the quality has been steadily decreasing for me. Concept fatigue, maybe, for both me and Kirkman. But this truly is a new beginning, in many ways, and although many of the old characters are still around, this is the fresh start that this book desperately needed.

Some time has passed between the last volume and this one. How long? I'm not sure, but it's been several years. Rick has essentially become governor to a thriving colony of settlements. It's really cool to see traditional crafts and trades (there's a grain mill now!) get not just exposure but serious respect. As well they should, and it's cool for this knitter to think of the serious respect that the folk who churn out warm woolens will be getting. And God, but it's good to see forward momentum in the settlements. I love the idea of herding the zombies away from settlements and traveled roads.

There are several new characters introduced at the beginning of the volume, a group of travelers much like Rick and company had been just a few volumes ago. And, like Rick and company, they don't exactly trust everything they see. I wish we could have gotten to know them a little better, but it was nice to get some new blood, and to see that they're smart, resourceful, and tough. Looking forward to seeing more of them.

And wow, what an ending. Entirely unexpected, and a major shock. I have absolutely no idea where this is going, and I'm actually excited about the next volume. It's been awhile, and it's nice to get back to that place again. Yes, there's a lot of exposition in this volume, but I actually feel like we're getting somewhere here.
Profile Image for Trudi.
615 reviews1,647 followers
August 16, 2015

This is the turning point us zombified Dead Heads have been waiting for -- a genuinely new beginning, not just the illusion of one immediately undone by human depravity and Rick Grimes assholery.

A few years have past. We have actual thriving communities now. More than one! Fresh baked bread is happening! Can I get a hallelujah people? Community members are trading goods and favors and working together and sleeping with both eyes closed at night. Children are playing, carefree and silly. Adolescents are keen to take on an apprenticeship in order to learn a valuable skill. Good ol' one-eyed Carl is among them, eager for Rick to finally cut the apron strings so that he can forge his own path to independence and competency.

Maggie is thriving ruling roost over the Hilltop and breaking horses. She's also mom to Sophia and little Herschel. Glenn is a huge void in this scenario and I miss him still.

Rick has calmed the sweet fuck down. He even will take the time to watch a sunset now. And delegate and build partnerships based on trust and respect. But what of good 'ol Negan? He's still with us. Serving a life sentence behind bars and taunting Rick every chance he gets. Right now he's convincingly neutralized but this is the goddamn motherfucking Walking Dead. Guys like Negan don't survive to become the good guys or the defeated guys.

There are new characters who are behaving the way Rick's group would have three years ago -- angry, paranoid, mistrustful. They can't believe what they are seeing and are certain something more sinister HAS TO BE afoot.

If Kirkman wants us standing firmly in the middle of the rug so he can brutally and viciously pull it out from underneath us again I'm quitting this series for good. Don't take us this far only to HULK SMASH it all to pieces again. This new threat?

On to the next volume -- Whispers into Screams. Uh huh. Here we go -- out of the blue into the goddam black of an Arby's abyss again.
Profile Image for Crystal Starr Light.
1,404 reviews882 followers
April 28, 2015
Bullet Review:

The FIRST and so far ONLY Walking Dead trade I've given 5-stars. Despite the fact that "hole in head" Carl still miraculously lives. THAT should tell you how much I liked this.

Set some years in the future, life is going good until 5 newcomers appear. This sparks a chain reaction with HUGE HUGE new revelations.

Although the time jump was confusing, SO GLAD Kirkman did this. SUPERB MOVE. Now we can get about to some new stuff - and the looks of it, it is EXCITING.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,553 reviews2,487 followers
April 19, 2015
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding

Negan is finally vanquished (or at least contained).

Yee-haw! It's the dawning of a new Utopia.

Behold two shiny, happy communities where all is right with the world. Every lawn is devoted to growing space, there's a chicken in every pot and livestock in every yard.

There's even time to relax and enjoy a sunset, for crying out loud!

BUT . . .

It now appears the dead have learned a new trick.

SURPRISE! It's the dawning of a whole new shitstorm!

Damn you, Kirkman! Just as I was about to give up on this series, you go and suck me back in again.

*Age of Aquarius by Gerome Ragni, Lonnie Rashid Lynn, James Rado, Galt Mac Dermot, James Dewitt Yancey, James Jason Poyser
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,646 reviews13.2k followers
November 19, 2014
You know what The Walking Dead needs? Captions. Not a lot, just a couple. Like at the start of this volume, maybe mention that this is taking place one, two, maybe three years after the last book? It’s a small thing but it’d be really handy to have.

So some time has passed since Rick defeated Negan and the communities of Hilltop, the Kingdom, and Rick’s place, known as Alexandria, have thrived and developed into safe havens. Hole-in-the-head-yet-still-alive-for-some-reason Karl has grown into a young man, and he wants to move out from his dad’s place to Hilltop, under Maggie’s leadership, to be a blacksmith.

There’s no real story to this volume, it’s basically just a catch-up, see where everyone is, type of book, but it’s not boring either. Robert Kirkman’s created a rich world with a well-known cast of characters that it’s genuinely interesting to see how they’ve changed and what they’ve done without the threat of Negan. And it’s good to have a breather after the last two books which were so heavy on the action – take things slowly, reflect, etc.

Kirkman shows us just how far Rick and co. have come in an inspired way – and note he shows us, not tells us, which is another indicator of Kirkman’s development as a writer (remember “You don’t get it… WE are The Walking Dead!!”?). At the start of this volume, Kirkman introduces a new band of desperate survivors who’re rescued from a herd by Jesus and a few others. They’re brought back to Alexandria, see the community as a kind of paradise and meet Rick, the deformed but charismatic leader.

It’s a nod to earlier volumes of the series when Rick and co. were the ones on the ropes and having to trust large communities (who usually harboured dark secrets) that seemingly have their lives together. It’s a reversal of roles and now Rick and the others are firmly established and no longer the wanderers.

They’ve also become much more sophisticated in dealing with the walkers. From sending out squads to steer giant herds away from their settlements, to an effective fighting method: three guys, back to back with knives/swords, advancing one step at a time outwards, calling out one, two, three, etc. until they get to five and then backing up so they’re back to back again and repeating – ingenious and efficient!

It’s entertaining enough to read but towards the end I was hoping a plot would emerge – as dark as The Walking Dead has been, having things too upbeat is also a tad grating. Thankfully a new threat emerges by the end with quite a surprise twist to them so it looks like Kirkman’s given his characters enough of a respite before sending them back into the fray in the next book.

Volume 22 is a very well-measured book that shows us the characters’ new lives just long enough to stop it from being boring before introducing the next threat. It’s great to read a story about society re-establishing itself in the wake of the zombie apocalypse, which is a subject few books tend to look at; it’s usually all about the fall and survival, etc. But it’s clear Kirkman and co. are playing a very long game with this series and this volume shows that it still has a lot to offer with enormous potential in exploring the still wider world of The Walking Dead. A New Beginning indeed and a very enjoyable comic it is!
Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,260 followers
December 26, 2022
To celebrate the series finale of the TV show, one of my favourite shows of all-time, I decided to read through the graphic novel series for the first time. You can check out my thoughts in a nearly 4-hour video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iJkZPl2ANOU
Profile Image for Ryan Buckby.
675 reviews93 followers
December 8, 2019
First Read: July 28th 2016
Re-read: December 8th 2019

things have changed so much since volume 21, a two year time skip has occurred after the war against negan. Alexandria, The Hilltop and The Kingdom are all thriving and all working together which is finally a nice change of pace to see in the comics after all the fighting in the last few issues its nice to see things slowing down just for a little bit.

If anyone is wanting to know where michonne has been there is a game centered around her character and what she got up to in that two year gap, it was created by Telltale games. you should check it out if you like playing video games

A new group of survivors are introduced and its made up of Magna, Kelly, Luke, Connie and Yumiko i liked this group it reminded me of the early rick grimes group from the beginning of the series. I love how they were all sketchy of Alexandria as Rick and his group were when they first arrived, but i hope this group sticks around and lives at least.

Rick looks so different in this volume i was taken back by his appearance in this one not sure if i like the new look rick or not but i'll wait and see. Carl and Sophia have both grown up a lot they're like mini adults now, but i would like to see Sophia have more of a role in the comics since she has grown up and by the looks of it she has grown up a ton and has some pretty good fighting skills on her. Hershel Green Maggie and Glenn's child it makes me want Glenn to be alive and able to see his child.

New badies coming? once again nothing is smooth sailing because it looks like a new group is coming to cause trouble once again.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews959 followers
January 8, 2017
Holy crap! What was that?!
I really like the new status quo, with the farm and the newly established community. The time jump was a good idea, and the new characters are sort of a wild card, they could go either way. But what was that finale?! I am super intrigued by that! Is that actually a new and fresh idea from Kirkman? I guess we'll see! But so far, this was probably the TWD volume I enjoyed the most, and the first one that gets five stars from me. Now that's an achievement!
Profile Image for Stepheny.
382 reviews579 followers
November 21, 2014
Ya know something? I love these. The Walking Dead was one of the first comic books I ever read in my life and there is a special place in my heart for it. I see a lot of people complaining that Kirkman is recycling his ideas and I can see that....to an extent.

Sure, there are some volumes that are better than others, but I love the characters, the story, the world...and I really love that no one is ever safe. Ever.

This one was unchartered territory. Given the name A New Beginning and where the last one left off, you can kind of figure out that things are looking better for Rick Grimes and Co.


...what happens in the last sequence of this made my head spin. I am left reeling with my eyes wide and my mouth agape once again. It is not a matter of wanting the next volume- I need it.

5 Mind-Blowing Stars for this volume. Keep 'em coming, Mr. Kirkman and I'll keep throwing my money at you!
Profile Image for Dave.
3,258 reviews397 followers
July 2, 2018
The story arc following the all-out war moves so far into the future that it almost feels like a new series. This chapter of the story is now ahead of where the television series has got to.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,482 reviews1,842 followers
January 4, 2016
Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Halloween already??

Things are all looking up and stuff, and apparently it's been a good two years. Jesus had a man-bun, Rick head a new limp and a hook, Carl is all grown up. Though it really seems like his scars have gotten worse, not better. Someone needs to make that boy a patch. Those glasses are not working.

Anyway, this was a slow volume of near utopian daily life. Until the last few pages. Something is up...
Profile Image for Drew The Reviewer.
99 reviews87 followers
July 12, 2016
It was really surprising to see the jump ahead in time. Maggie already had her baby. Rick has developed as a leader for an entire community. He's basically viewed as a president. The whole thing with "The Whisperers" is really fucking weird and creepy. I can't wait to learn about them. My biggest question right now is WHERE THE FUCK IS MICHONNE?!
Profile Image for Anna.
597 reviews118 followers
June 14, 2017
new beginnings and my new addictive read! Some time after the events of the previous battles, life goes on as normal as possible; our heroes have found their place in the world, trades and product exchanges are also valid and peace seems possible at last.

But are they really done from all problems?
Profile Image for Ilana.
623 reviews177 followers
June 7, 2019
Now that peace reigns, with the dangerous sociopath Negan safely behind bars and the communities thriving under Rick’s rule, there is even spare time to do something as ordinary as watching a sunset. But is there really another kind of walking dead with the ability to speak in whispers?
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,485 reviews28.1k followers
December 10, 2015
Wow so this volume jumps a couple years ahead. Carl is much older, Maggie has had the baby, and Negan has been rotting in Alexandria's prison for some time now.. It's nice to see people living without fear again, and being productive and restarting civilization. I kind of hate the fact that Rick seems so old and unable to take care of himself now though. I just miss badass Rick. I actually like the new group they brought in, lead by Manga. I feel like they can trust her and she gets a good read on people.

I was so freaked out when the zombies started "talking" and I was like oh god no. I thought it would make this series so freaking cheesy and thank god that wasn't the case. But how interesting, people are disguising themselves as zombies. I think that's a great idea and I love this new plot twist. It's so weird to see Carl all grown up (or at least a lot older) and he wants to live on his own at the Hilltop, and Rick would still live in Alexandria. Even though the world is different now and safer, I would still find it hard if I were Rick to let Carl live somewhere so far. Also, I wonder what will happen with Negan.
Profile Image for Ellis.
1,225 reviews152 followers
December 24, 2014
Wow, the last page of this is so wrong. I actually shrieked a little when I saw it. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that I quite look forward to what's going to come from this .
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,896 followers
January 5, 2024
Things for Team Rick, Team Maggie, Team Elijah/Michonne, and Team Dwight start to settle in the aftermath of the war. We hear our first rustlings of the terrifying Whisperers. Can life begin again? There are glimpses of hope beyond the apocalypse.
Profile Image for Anthony.
798 reviews62 followers
October 27, 2014

To be honest, it's better than the alternative of it being the thing you think it might actually be.
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,014 followers
August 29, 2019
This one was quite different- interesting to see a community thriving and expanding so effectively. Meanwhile there are disturbing developments among the zombies- or are they?
Profile Image for Darren Hagan-Loveridge.
272 reviews40 followers
May 24, 2016
**No spoilers**

I really loved this volume so effing much. It's set a few years after the previous one and it felt like I was discovering the walking dead world again for the first time. Every second of this was really pure gold to me. There was humour and zombies and action and zombies and just great moments...and zombies ;) This has me really excited again for what's to come.
Profile Image for Whitney.
597 reviews
November 11, 2014
You know when that series you love is starting to lose that loving feeling? You still want to stay loyal and keep reading, hoping that one day it'll find the unicorns and rainbows again. Well, I'm glad I stuck around. This one was my absolute favorite. No spoilers. I'll just say that The Walking Dead found it's soul again.

Profile Image for RJ - Slayer of Trolls.
968 reviews198 followers
March 31, 2017
Slower than prior volumes in the aftermath of All Out War, but sets up some interesting storylines for the future. Quite a bit of time has passed since All Out War ended and seeing the changes in the group and the communities, while less action-oriented, is still very interesting. Several new characters are introduced too.
Profile Image for Kim.
265 reviews40 followers
December 5, 2014
We have some new characters in this issue. Are they good? Well who freakin knows! Carl is still annoying. And zombies are starting to talk? WHAT? The ending rocks! Excited to read the next issue. Kirkman leaves us in suspense with this issue.
Profile Image for Sv.
323 reviews105 followers
January 31, 2023
Serinin en şaşırtıcı cildi bu oldu benim için. Özellikle sonu.
Profile Image for Cori.
925 reviews181 followers
February 22, 2020
This season of the show reveals some of the biggest divergences from the books yet. Major spoilers ahead. Stop reading if you don't want to know.


Last chance.


The volume opens on the traveling group who were pulling a railroad car with horses. The show changed the names of these characters; none of them were deaf, and to the best of our knowledge, none of them is a music teacher in the book.

Rick is still part of the story. He and Andrea are together. He's AWOL in the show at this point.

In the show, Henry wants to apprentice at Hilltop. In the books, it's actually Carl. He's alive and well and a teenager. Rick struggles with letting him go.

Maggie and Rick are participating in the fair together. In the show, neither were present for this season and the show was very cryptic as to why Maggie was absent. Oddly enough, Michonne has minimal mention in this volume and her absence is quite cryptic.

Carol interviews the group of newcomers. I think Michonne did this with some of the others in the show.

Carl is talking with Negan. Judith doesn't exist at this point in the books, but in the show the role of Negan's compass and confidante went to Judith. She would sneak into Negan's prison and talk to him.

Eugene questions if Rosita believes he's good enough for her.

Carl has a little crush named Anna he leaves behind when he goes to Hilltop.

Rick and Carl head to Hilltop for Carl to start his apprenticeship. They are attacked by zombies on the way, which Rick kills off. He then loses his crap on the sentinel that was supposed to be keeping that section of the road cleared and bashes him on his helmeted head.

Eugene and ?Sasha? discover the Whispers in the show. In the books, two randoms named Ken and Marco discover them.

The new group finds Negan; he tries to convince them he's being tortured and wrongfully imprisoned, but they don't buy it.

We meet Maggie's baby, Hershel.

Carl panics, thinking that his preceptor has filled his place with another apprentice. His anxieties are relieved when he finds out his preceptors will take two apprentices.

We meet Sophia again. She's turned into a little badass protector and puts bullies in their place.

Maggie and a dude named Dante flirt. Dante goes out with a group looking for Ken (Eugene in the show); his group runs into the Whispers. Everyone is slaughtered except for Dante. He discovers the truth behind the new enemy and is then captured.

I'd rate this book an R for swearing, violence and gore, and adult content.
Profile Image for Ayman Gomaa.
477 reviews670 followers
April 18, 2016
A New Era , New System , World with rules
I guess this volume after 3-4 years of Negan's War , rick is really getting old and now not just his hand messed up but his legs too after Negan broke it :(
I really believed that all the evil gone after they defeated Negan But OMG What a finale xD I am so exciting , Negan or the Governor, after all, was humans and want to take control but those things are crazy and i think there won't be any negotiations with them too
Displaying 1 - 30 of 657 reviews

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