
Vile Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vile" Showing 1-30 of 32
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night

Arthur Conan Doyle
“It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories, Volume I

George R.R. Martin
“The vilest of men and the wickedest of women likewise may do good from time to time, for love and compassion and pity may be found in even the blackest of hearts.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

Nikolas Schreck
“Flattery will get you nowhere. (In response to Wally George calling his band vile and evil.)”
Nikolas Schreck

Joris-Karl Huysmans
“I marvel at the placidity of the Utopian who imagines that man is perfectible. There is no denying that the human creature is born selfish, abusive, vile. Just look around you and see. Society cynical and ferocious, the humble heckled and pillaged by the rich traffickers in necessities. Everywhere the triumph of the mediocre and unscrupulous, everywhere the apotheosis of crooked politics and finance. And you think you can make any progress against a stream like that? No, man has never changed. His soul was corrupt in the days of Genesis and is not less rotten at present. Only the form of his sins varies. Progress is the hypocrisy which refines the vices.”
Huysmans Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-Bas

L.M. Montgomery
“Fear is a vile thing, and is at the bottom of almost every wrong and hatred of the world.”
L.M. Montgomery, Emily Climbs

George R.R. Martin
“This is a night for song and sin and drink, for come the morrow, the virtuous and the vile burn together.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

Jennifer Giesbrecht
“You're awful,' Florian hissed out between chuckles. 'You're a vile creature.'

'Herr Leickenbloom, please.' Johann smiled easily. 'Don't underestimate me. I'm more than vile; I'm an honest-to-god monster.”
Jennifer Giesbrecht, The Monster of Elendhaven

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Some things that goes out of your mouth can wrap itself around your neck and choke you to death in future.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Gustave Flaubert
“Contact with the world, with which I have been steadily rubbing shoulders now for fourteen months, makes me feel more and more like returning to my shell. I hate the crowd, the herd. It seems to me always atrociously stupid or vile.”
Gustave Flaubert, Correspondance

Aleister Crowley
“O Godhead of glory and anguish!
O Christ shone through Magdalen's tears!
Thy sons on the universe languish
In iron bands strong as the spheres;
With virtue Thy likeness we cover,
With priestcraft we mock at Thy power,
And the meanest on earth is a lover,
As vile as a flower.”
Aleister Crowley, White Stains & The Nameless Novel: Flowers of Eros and Evil
tags: vile

George Orwell
“The stuff was like nitric acid, and moreover, in swallowing it one had the sensation of being hit on the back of the head with a rubber club.”
George Orwell, 1984

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“As we are, so we associate. The good, by affinity, seek the good; the vile, by affinity, the vile. Thus of their own volition, souls proceed into Heaven, into Hell.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Shirley Jackson
“She shivered and though, the words coming freely into her mind, Hill House is vile, it is diseased; get away from here at once.”
Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If ten men are trying to lynch one allegedly vile person, than we can be completely sure that there are ten vile people and one allegedly vile person over there! Don’t forget, violence makes you a low man!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jasna Horvat
“Nepravedno je čitatelja ostaviti da traži i rekonstruira do pola pročitanu priču. Ne želim zamišljati kraj – ni svoj, ni bilo čiji drugi. Početak i kraj dobivamo, a ono što je između
njih stvaramo upravo zato da bismo izbjegli razmišljati o početku i kraju. Priču trebam!”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Obično želimo baš ono što izmiče.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Čak i kada silaze među ljude, vile su vjerne oblacima – mjestima svoga postanka i kasnijeg izgnanstva.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“U Kraljevstvu Hrvatskom po livadama raste vrlo neobično bilje, među njim tu cvate i posve neobična trava. To glavičasto jesenje cvijeće crvene je boje, a korijen te trave nalik je glavici crvenog luka. U rana jutra, kada je sva priroda rosom okvašena, ta biljka od sebe otpušta bijelu sluz i iz nje se otjelotvoruju mlade vile.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Žitelji južnog dijela Kraljevstva Hrvatskog vilama nazivaju nevidljive žene koje viju oblake i tjeraju ih nebom. Izgovarajući njihovo ime ti ljudi vide vihore koji se svijaju oko svojega tijela kao što se i bube svijaju u svoje čahure.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Vlast i moć dali su mu slobodu, ali i spoznaju da je svemir ipak ostao ravnodušan spram njegove veličine. Zato mu je i potrebna priča. Neka drugačija od onih koje je poznavao.
Treba mu priča s kojom se vrijeme zaustavlja, a ne ona koja vremenu pomaže brže protjecati.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Vile su satkane od svjetlosti. Takva su im i pribježišta – oblaci. Vilinska prozračna bljedoća odraz je oblaka – vilinskih stanova. Svoje stanove – oblake, vile vijaju, motaju, stežu, svijaju, vode i njima upravljaju.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Jasna Horvat
“Učenje je poput brzog putovanja: ni na trenutak nema zaustavljanja... Pripremi se na pripovijedanja o onome što moje oči ne će vidjeti. Slušat ću o nevidljivim ženama iz tvoga kraja.”
Jasna Horvat, Vilikon

Alexandra Casavant
“With her magic, and a new method of medicine called science, practiced by the Brotherhood of Moe, Cornelius meant to become immortal. But it came at a price – life would have to feed his immortality.”
Alexandra Casavant, Vile The Gorgon

Alexandra Casavant
“On the topic of drinking and jollying, I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your new child…” A sinister smile crossed his face.
His words struck a nerve within the king and queen, which might as well have been his intention.
“Our twins, you mean. Two lovely girls,” Mary clarified.
“Apologies. My mistake,” the old man chuckled. “That’s wonderful news. Twins – twice the fun. I will definitely drink to that.”
Alexandra Casavant, Vile The Gorgon

Alexandra Casavant
“Yes, I know. You feel it too.” The bearded man inhaled deeply, not minding the stench of the beast before him. “Can you sense it? Smell it?” he asked, but he knew the beast couldn’t speak. “Tis the season, my dear. A new sacrifice awaits”
Alexandra Casavant, Vile The Gorgon

Alexandra Casavant
“The queen of Aeris journeyed for three days through snowy plains before she reached a bridge that led to the mouth of the Mountain of Ash over a river of molten rock”
Alexandra Casavant, Vile The Gorgon

“To fools, vile, hypocrites
and all kinds of stupid and despicable people,
my indifference and my silence.”
Augusto Branco

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