
Liar Quotes

Quotes tagged as "liar" Showing 1-30 of 227
Shel Silverstein
“If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!”
Shel Silverstein

Leo Tolstoy
“Be bad, but at least don't be a liar, a deceiver!”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

George Bernard Shaw
“The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”
George Bernard Shaw, The Quintessence of Ibsenism

Susan Forward
“Love is a verb, not a noun. It is active. Love is not just feelings of passion and romance. It is behavior. If a man lies to you, he is behaving badly and unlovingly toward you. He is disrespecting you and your relationship. The words “I love you” are not enough to make up for that. Don’t kid yourself that they are.”
Susan Forward, When Your Lover Is a Liar: Healing the Wounds of Deception and Betrayal

Shannon L. Alder
“If a man, who says he loves you, won’t tell you the details of a private conversation between him and another woman you can be sure he is not protecting your heart. He is protecting himself and the women he has feelings for. Wise women simply see things as they are, not as their low self-esteem allows.”
Shannon L. Alder

Susan Forward

When denial (his or ours) can no longer hold and we finally have to admit to ourselves that we’ve been lied to, we search frantically for ways to keep it from disrupting our lives. So we rationalize. We find “good reasons” to justify his lying, just as he almost always accompanies his confessions with “good reasons” for his lies. He tells us he only lied because…. We tell ourselves he only lied because…. We make excuses for him: The lying wasn’t significant/Everybody lies/He’s only human/I have no right to judge him.

Allowing the lies to register in our consciousness means having to make room for any number of frightening possibilities:

• He’s not the man I thought he was.
• The relationship has spun out of control and I don’t know
what to do
• The relationship may be over.

Most women will do almost anything to avoid having to face these truths. Even if we yell and scream at him when we discover that he’s lied to us, once the dust settles, most of us will opt for the comforting territory of rationalization. In fact, many of us are willing to rewire our senses, short-circuit our instincts and intelligence, and accept the seductive comfort of self-delusion.”
Susan Forward, When Your Lover Is a Liar: Healing the Wounds of Deception and Betrayal

Sara Shepard
“No one believes a liar. Even when she's telling the truth.”
Sara Shepard, Heartless

Chuck Klosterman
“Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything.”
Chuck Klosterman

Susan Forward
“When your lover is a liar, you and he have a lot in common, you're both lying to you!”
Susan Forward, When Your Lover Is a Liar: Healing the Wounds of Deception and Betrayal

Kamand Kojouri
“Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally.”
Kamand Kojouri

Daniel Wallace
“A storyteller makes up things to help other people; a liar makes up things to help himself.”
Daniel Wallace, The Kings and Queens of Roam

Mark  Lawrence
“I’m a liar and a cheat and a coward, but I will never, ever, let a friend down. Unless of course not letting them down requires honesty, fair play, or bravery.”
Mark Lawrence, Prince of Fools

Margaret Mitchell
“The liar was the hottest to defend his veracity, the coward his courage, the ill-bred his gentlemanliness, and the cad his honor”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Becca Fitzpatrick
“You're a liar!"

He turned around, his black eyes snapping. "I'm also a thief, a gambler, a cheat, and a murdered. But this happens to be one of the rare times when I'm telling the truth. Go home. Consider yourself lucky. You've got a chance to start fresh. Not everyone can say the same.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Silence

Susan Forward
“Reality Check
His lying is not contigent on who you are or what you do. His lying is not your fault. Lying is his choice and his problem, and if he makes that choice with you, he will make it with any other woman he’s with. That doesn’t mean you’re an angel and he’s the devil. It does mean that if he doesn’t like certain things about you, he has many ways to address them besides lying. If there are sexual problems between you, there are many resources available to help you. Nothing can change until you hold him responsible and accountable for lying and stop blaming yourself.

The lies we tell ourselves to keep from seeing the truth about our lovers don’t feel like lies. They feel comfortable, familiar, and true. We repeat them like a mantra and cling to them like security blankets, hoping to calm ourselves and regain our sense that the world works the way we believe it ought to.
Self-lies are false friends we look to for comfort and protection—and for a short time they may make us feel better. But we can only keep the truth at bay for so long. Our self-lies can’t erase his lies, and as we’ll see, the longer we try to pretend they can, the more we deepen the hurt.”
Susan Forward

John Green
“As a child I was an inveterate liar. As opposed to now, I am a Novelist.”
John Green

Pierre Corneille
“A liar is always lavish of oaths.”
Pierre Corneille

Gregg Olsen
“If only these walls could talk…the world would know just how hard it is to tell the truth in a story in which everyone’s a liar.”
Gregg Olsen, Envy

Kamand Kojouri
“We reveal most about ourselves when we speak about others.”
Kamand Kojouri

Leigh Bardugo
“Of course, Nikolai was the liar here. But kings did what they wished; bastards did what they must.”
Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves

Lisa   Maxwell
“But then, liars do make the best magicians, and he happened to be exceptional.”
Lisa Maxwell, The Last Magician

Israelmore Ayivor
“If you lose your integrity, you will also lose your identity, your sensitivity and your dignity. Integrity is honesty, modesty and security in all kinds of weather. It should be our priority!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Megan Crewe
“For a guy who claimed not to be a stalker he sure knows the tricks of the trade.
Give up the Ghost”
Megan Crewe, Give Up the Ghost

A.C. Gaughen
“You traitorous bitch!" he yelled. "You goddamn liar!"
I laughed. "You knew I were a bitch and a liar when you married me, Guy. It's your own damn fault for agreeing to it.”
A.C. Gaughen, Scarlet

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Whoever said that childhood is the happiest time of your life is a liar, or a fool.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Midnight Palace

Israelmore Ayivor
“There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan... Jesus is the way, the truth and the life... The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter...”
Israelmore Ayivor

Gillian Flynn
“I am smiling a big adopted-orphan smile as I write this ... I still love scribbling the word - WRITER - any time on a form, questionnaire, document asks for my occupation. Fine, I write personality quizzes, I don't write about the Great Issues of the Day, but I think it's fair to say I am a writer ... ('Adopted-orphan smile', I mean, that's not bad, come on.)”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Mikhail Bulgakov
“Everyone listened to this amusing narrative with great interest, and the moment that Behemoth concluded it, they all shouted in unison: 'Lies!”
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

Eileen Cook
“I wasn't sure which was worse - to know you were a liar or to believe your own bullshit.”
Eileen Cook, The Hanging Girl

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