
Decieve Quotes

Quotes tagged as "decieve" Showing 1-19 of 19
Daniel Wallace
“A storyteller makes up things to help other people; a liar makes up things to help himself.”
Daniel Wallace, The Kings and Queens of Roam

“Most of the time, we see only what we want to see, or what others tell us to see, instead of really investigate to see what is really there. We embrace illusions only because we are presented with the illusion that they are embraced by the majority. When in truth, they only become popular because they are pounded at us by the media with such an intensity and high level of repetition that its mere force disguises lies and truths. And like obedient schoolchildren, we do not question their validity and swallow everything up like medicine. Why? Because since the earliest days of our youth, we have been conditioned to accept that the direction of the herd, and authority anywhere — is always right.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Anthony Liccione
“Knowing to do the right thing, but playing stupid to oblige to it, is still lying.”
Anthony Liccione

Anthony Liccione
“We are all actors, set on the stage of the world, as the curtains open we put on our best performance to this audience of life.”
Anthony Liccione

Anthony Liccione
“The best way to stay safe is, let them think your insane.”
Anthony Liccione

Anthony Liccione
“The mind can fool the heart, as the heart can fool the mind.”
Anthony Liccione

Anthony Liccione
“It's the giving that makes one stronger, but sometimes the taking can make one weaker, if even vulnerable or blinding.”
Anthony Liccione

A.G. Howard
“I coax my palm into his lapel in search of my wish, returning his feverish kiss. "Checkmate, you son of a bug," I say against his mouth two seconds before my fingers find an empty pocket.

"Sleight of hand, blossom," he says right back. "'Tis in fact in my pants pocket, if you'd like to search there."

I shove him off and drop to the floor, wiping my mouth. "It's mine!"

"And you'll receive it when the time is right." His lips, all I can look at, tilt into that smug smile that I've come to detest. He motions toward the chair. "Sit. You've just been soundly kissed. No doubt you're short of breath."

"Don't flatter yourself." I huff in an effort to hide the gulp of air and hold the teddy bear against my chest. "That kiss meant nothing. It had underlying motivation."

"Oh, to be sure. That kiss was nothing if not motivational.”
A.G. Howard, Splintered

Charles Dickens
“- Do you deceive and entrap him, Estella?
- Yes, and many others - all of them but you.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Anthony Liccione
“We are all innocent, until we die.”
Anthony Liccione

Ron Baratono
“Sometimes we have to push people aside, distance ourselves from others to remain happy. There are people that will try to place you in the darkness they live in, so there not alone. Their objectives so simple, as transparent as the life they live. You’ll walk pass them without a care, smiling when it’s time to leave.”
Ron Baratono

Anthony Liccione
“The one kiss that was stolen, was given in a lie.”
Anthony Liccione

Steven Magee
“Modern corporate controlled governments are in the business of covering things up.”
Steven Magee

Zaina Arafat
“When you don’t want to lose someone, it’s so tempting to deceive them.”
Zaina Arafat, You Exist Too Much

Jonathan Renshaw
“Without imagination, things were only as they appeared - and that was blindness. Things were more than they appeared, so much more. When he considered an oak tree, it was not just a tree. To someone small, like an ant, it was a whole landscape of rugged barky cliffs and big green leaf-plains that quaked when the sky was restless, a place of many strange creatures where fearsome winged beasts could pluck and devour someone in a blink.”
Jonathan Renshaw, Dawn of Wonder

“Do not deceive yourself”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“You can lie to me and I can remember events that may be used against you in the future.”
Steven Magee