
Humiliate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "humiliate" Showing 1-14 of 14
Janet Fitch
“Isn't it funny. I'm enjoying my hatred so much more than I ever enjoyed love. Love is temperamental. Tiring. It makes demands. Love uses you, changes its mind. But hatred, now, that's something you can use. Sculpt. Wield. It's hard, or soft, however you need it. Love humiliates you, but Hatred cradles you.”
Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You cannot really shame a man who sincerely does not care what others think of him.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Ljupka Cvetanova
“How do I deal with people who look down on me? I look up at them.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“Don't ever humiliate a man. If you're gonna have to dress him out, you take him aside and do it that way. That's the one thing I don't like about Hollywood: They go in for public humiliation. You shouldn't do that to a man.”
Rip Torn

“Do not humiliate people, shame is a lifetime lasting effect that can be nursed but can never be cured.”
Fort Free

Anthony Liccione
“Gain fame, and the paparazzi or media waits and watches for them to slip, just to shame their name.”
Anthony Liccione

Eileen Cook
“Pain and humiliation is always amusing when it happens to someone else.”
Eileen Cook, The Hanging Girl

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We sometimes consciously attempt to make someone feel inferior, usually as a subconscious attempt to make ourselves feel superior.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Israelmore Ayivor
“They may hail you like an Angel. They may claim you are the world's prince of princes. They may lift you with praise many kilometers above sea level. They may say you are the best of the bests. ....But always remember "you are a human being" with flesh and blood.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“If you don’t humiliate yourself, you don’t live.”
A.D. Posey

Ray Dalio
“Reading Campbell, I saw that heroes, like shapers, come in varying sizes—there are big ones and small ones—that they are real people, and that we all know some. I also saw that being a hero is typically not all it’s cracked up to be—they get beat up a lot, and many are attacked, humiliated, or killed even after they triumph. In fact, it’s hard to see the logic for choosing this hero role, if one were to choose. But I could see and relate to how a certain type of person would start and stay on that path.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

“Rylan!" Melanie squeals, high-pitched enough to break glass. "I'm, like, so sorry I haven't talked to you all night. Being a hostess is hard work." She dramatically wipes imaginary sweat off her forehead. "Anyway, I finally have some free time. So why don't we go dance, hmm?"
Gripping my waist a little too tightly for my taste, she tries to pull me back to the house. I stand strong., jerking Melanie back when I don't move.
"No thanks, Melanie." My free arm tightens around Ivy's waist. "I already am dancing with someone."
Melanie's sight flickers to Ivy, and for a moment contempt skews her big grin. But it's gone in an instant as Melanie stretches her fake smile to the point she's showing gums and asks, through gritted teeth, "Hi. What's your name?"
Ivy can tell there's something off with the girl in front of her, but she still gives her a polite greeting. "Hello. My name is Ivy. How do you do?"
Melanie completely ignores the question and turns back to me. "You never told me you invited someone else, Rylan." Melanie's smile goes harsh. "I'm sorry, but unless I give the okay, no one outside of school is invited." She glares at Ivy. "I'll have to ask you to leave."
Ivy tilts her head, befuddled at the sudden hostility. "You want me to go?"
Melanie rolls her eyes. "Uh, yeah. I just said that."
Ivy stares down at her feet, ashamed and no doubt guilty for the wrong reason. She nods. "Okay."
She begins to leave but I grab her wrist and pull her back against me. I glare at Melanie. "What if I don't want her to go?" I growl.
"Yeah, Melanie!"
To my relief, I see Aidan and Nadia wiggle through the crowd. Neither of them look very happy; Nadia's downright fuming. Despite the whole "my liking Ivy" case, she's still there for me.
"Don't go telling people they can't be here," Nadia growls, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Who died and made you think you can boss everyone around?"
"Last time I checked, this is my party, and therefore I choose who I invite or not," declares Melanie with an obvious edge in her voice.
"That's no excuse! The only reason you want her gone is so you can make Rylan your new boy toy, which he doesn't want!"
"Oh, like you know him so well?"
"I'm his best friend, bitch!"
" Excuse me!?"
With one word, I bring the argument to an end and all attention back on me.
"Nadia's right," I state, glowering at Melanie. "Nadia's always been right. You know one of the reasons I came, other than to show Ivy a good time? It was to tell you to leave me alone, okay? I. Don't. Like. You. So leave me alone!"
It was like I announced I farted. Everyone starts whispering with disbelief. No one has ever turned down the advances of Melanie Sweet—until now. It's turning into a night of first for them.
Melanie obviously isn't used to this, as her face reddens like a tomato, her beautifully manicured hands clench into fists, and her usually angelic face morphs into a full-blown snarl.
How sweet.”
Colleen Boyd, Swamp Angel

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The mountain will not humiliate in any era, and it will remain gloriuos.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih