
Hell On Earth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hell-on-earth" Showing 1-30 of 105
Shannon L. Alder
“Dear Child,

Sometimes on your travel through hell, you meet people that think they are in heaven because of their cleverness and ability to get away with things. Travel past them because they don't understand who they have become and never will. These type of people feel justified in revenge and will never learn mercy or forgiveness because they live by comparison. They are the people that don't care about anyone, other than who is making them feel confident. They don’t understand that their deity is not rejoicing with them because of their actions, rather he is trying to free them from their insecurities, by softening their heart. They rather put out your light than find their own. They don't have the ability to see beyond the false sense of happiness they get from destroying others. You know what happiness is and it isn’t this. Don’t see their success as their deliverance. It is a mask of vindication which has no audience, other than their own kind. They have joined countless others that call themselves “survivors”. They believe that they are entitled to win because life didn’t go as planned for them. You are not like them. You were not meant to stay in hell and follow their belief system. You were bound for greatness. You were born to help them by leading. Rise up and be the light home. You were given the gift to see the truth. They will have an army of people that are like them and you are going to feel alone. However, your family in heaven stands beside you now. They are your strength and as countless as the stars. It is time to let go!


Your Guardian Angel”
Shannon L. Alder

Thubten Yeshe
“There is no miserable place waiting for you, no hell realm, sitting and waiting like Alaska—waiting to turn you into ice cream. But whatever you call it—hell or the suffering realms—it is something that you enter by creating a world of neurotic fantasy and believing it to be real. It sounds simple, but that's exactly what happens.”
Lama Yeshe, Becoming Vajrasattva

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“In [The Mysterious Stranger, Mark Twain] proves to his own grim satisfaction, and to mine as well, that Satan and not God created the planet earth and “the damned human race.” If you doubt that, read your morning paper. Never mind what paper. Never mind what date.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., A Man Without a Country

Jason Medina
“This hell on earth is unlike anything that’s ever taken place. Who knows when it will end, or if it ever will? We might all be in for a lot of pain in the near future, so we need to be strong and we need to stick together. There’s no telling how bad things will get.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Kayla Krantz
“This is Hell, isn't it?"
"The closest I've ever come," Sam replied. "But don't give up yet. We might still make it out of here."
"That's the thing about Hell, once you're admitted, there is no escape.”
Kayla Krantz, Blood Moon

“Both heaven and hell lie in your own mind. As heaven is your good memories and hell is your bad memories. Whether you want to enter into heaven or hell. It's not at someone else hands. It's your own choice.”
Lord Robin

Sylvia Plath
“Once they’d even brought the minister of the Unitarian church, whom I’d never really liked at all. He was terribly nervous the whole time, and I could tell he thought I was crazy as a loon, because I told him I believed in hell, and that certain people, like me, had to live in hell before they died, to make up for missing out on it after death, since they didn’t believe in life after death, and what each person believed happened to him when he died.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

“Everyone has the right to create their own hell as long as they can keep others out of it.”
Michael Corthell

Cormac McCarthy
“A legion of horribles, hundreds in number...”
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West

Madeleine Ryan
“Hell is on earth. We create it. It isn't some faraway place that we get sent to once life is over, and we're being punished for all of our crimes, and indiscretions. Our crimes and indiscretions are the punishment. Anything that makes us feel shitty, and comes from a shitty place, and inevitably leads to the expansion of shitty-ness, is hell. Just as anything that gives us meaning, and comes from a meaningful place, and inevitably leads to the expansion of meaningfulness, is heaven.”
Madeleine Ryan, A Room Called Earth

“People on a train ride to hell find more comfort when all the seats are filled.”
Michael Corthell

Arthur Schopenhauer
“The world is just a hell and in it human beings are the tortured souls on the one hand, and the devils on the other”
Arthur Schopenhauer, The Essential Schopenhauer

Christopher Marlowe
“Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed
In one self place, but where we are is hell,
And where hell is there must we ever be.”
Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

Jonathan Harnisch
“The mental and physical terror, along with extreme discomfort, is excruciating and debilitating. To truly understand the enormity and cruel extent of the incapacitation and dread in the waking nightmare of akathisia, one must experience it firsthand.”
Jonathan Harnisch

August Strindberg
“Og la oss ikke anklage Herren om vi ser små uskyldige barn lide. Ingen kan vite hvorfor, men den guddommelige rettferdighet lar oss ane at det er på grunn av forbrytelser begått før ankomsten til denne verden.”
August Strindberg

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Since mankind lives both heaven and hell fully in this world, it needs neither a beautiful heaven nor a terrible hell!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

A.D. Aliwat
“Heaven, hell, purgatory: they’re not just for the dead, they are very much a part of living. The three primary modes of life—winning, losing, and waiting. Everything else we do falls on the spectrum between these three big ones.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“If you are going through hell, you forget about hellfire.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“If you've been through hell on earth. You would understand that the people you see are more dangerous than the devil you haven't met.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Finn Eccleston
“Hell has different meanings for us all. For those non-religious types, Hell exists inside of us or all around us or some shit like that. For others, it depends on their previous experiences.
For some, a hard math test may be Hell. For others, a shootout may not meet the standards. So really, Hell is a broad spectrum of personal bias.
Either way you cut it, if this was Hell breaking loose, it was pretty tame.”
Finn Eccleston, The Community

William T. Sherman
“There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.”
William T. Sherman

Jonathan Harnisch
“A relentless storm rages within me, a maelstrom born out of this irritating affliction called Akathisia. This isn't just restlessness; it's akin to being trapped in a never-ending marathon with invisible shackles chaining every muscle, nerve, and inch of my being. I see the world around me as vibrant, lively, and pulsating with life, yet I'm confined to this lonely island of agony, isolated and misunderstood. Every moment is a battle against an invisible enemy that holds my peace hostage. I clench my fists, grit my teeth, and ride out the waves of torment. But the relentless onslaught of Akathisia never ceases. An unseen demon has sunk its claws into my soul, forcing me to endure this relentless turmoil. I look into the mirror and see a stranger staring back, a hollow shell writhing in pain, enslaved by an unseen tormentor. The cruel irony is that the world continues to spin, oblivious to the infernal landscape that has become my existence. From sunrise to sunset, the silent scream of Akathisia echoes within me, a chilling reminder of the hell on earth I am condemned to.”
Jonathan Harnisch, Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia

“I am living now in a kind of present hell and god knows what ceremonies of life or love can patch the havoc wrought. I took care, such care, and even that was not enough, for my being deserted utterly.”
Heather Clark, Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath

Jonathan Harnisch
“Living with akathisia is akin to enduring a relentless storm, where extreme anxiety, distress, and a distorted sense of reality besiege one’s being. The symptoms are multifaceted: dizziness, uncontrollable movements, overwhelming agitation that scorches the soul, leading to a sense of decay that seems to spread from within to the outside world. Fraud, deceit, theft, and abandonment by those who once provided love and protection add layers of torment, fueling an intense remorse. This condition cripples one’s day-to-day functioning, reducing it to a mere shadow of its former state. In our desperate search for any sliver of hope, many find solace in the confines of their beds, foregoing essential self-care or any semblance of self-love. The excruciating ordeal feels like a relentless nightmare, with regular flare-ups and an omnipresent sense of doom.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“In a world bustling with voices, the solitude of one's own company becomes a sanctuary. When everything around you craves your presence, the wisdom of being alone shines brightest. Embrace the quiet, for in it, you find the true essence of peace.”
Jonathan Harnisch

Jonathan Harnisch
“I acknowledge the pervasive void that permeates existence—a relentless survival instinct devoid of inherent purpose. Once vibrant with hope and vitality, the core of my being now lies in tatters, tainted by the harrowing spectacle of human suffering and the apathy of those duty-bound to offer comfort. My thoughts, an intricate maze haunted by past attachments, reveal the futility of ephemeral distractions that provide temporary solace but ultimately lead to unabashed sorrow and deep regret.

Recent misfortunes, and cruel twists of fate, have stripped away the facade of resilience, unveiling a fragile and dispirited core. The whimsical cruelty of the world seems determined to obliterate any remnant of hope. Witnessing the agony of fellow akathisia sufferers mirrors the profound void within me, and I lament in eloquent existential despair.

In this quietude, I find myself estranged from my own identity—a spectral figure wandering amidst the ruins of unfulfilled dreams. Has the world transformed, or have I been tainted by the inherent malevolence of human nature? Perhaps it’s both, intricately woven in a cosmic farce that compels me to face existential dread. Amid this fusion of sorrow and acceptance, I ponder the fundamental essence of existence, time dilation, and the incomprehensible diversion of transcendence.”
Jonathan Harnisch, Second Alibi: The Banality of Life

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