
Chemical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chemical" Showing 1-22 of 22
“Oh I believe in loving cats and dogs and children and parents – sometimes – but I don’t believe in romantic love. Of course, there’s the momentary rush of hormones and chemicals that encourages us to mate, but it’s biology – it’s no more inherently mystical than the nicotine in that cigarette you’re smoking”
Amy Jenkins

Mohsin Hamid
“And with a last stardrop, a last circle, I arrive, and she's there, chemical wonder in her eyes.”
Mohsin Hamid, Moth Smoke

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues. If the words from the mouth of an abusive man makes you angry, quit the whole arena and you'll discover he had got his mouth shut.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Marjane Satrapi
“The Germans sell chemical weapons to Iran and Iraq. The wounded are then sent to Germany to be treated. Veritable human guinea pigs.”
Marjane Satrapi, The Complete Persepolis

Toba Beta
“There's no such thing as emotion.
It's only body chemistry in action.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

“Love is a chemical reaction,
But it cannot be fully understood or defined by science.
And though a body cannot exist without a soul,
It too cannot be fully understood or defined by science.
Love is the most powerful form of energy,
But science cannot decipher its elements.
Yet the best cure for a sick soul is love,
But even the most advanced physician
Cannot prescribe it as medicine.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Everybody’s youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Jeffrey Eugenides
“This was a characteroloical prelude, but it wasn’t chemical or somatic. It was the anatomy of melancholy, not the anatomy of his brain.”
Jeffrey Eugenides

Hermann Kolbe
Liebig was not a teacher in the ordinary sense of the word. Scientifically productive himself in an unusual degree, and rich in chemical ideas, he imparted the latter to his advanced pupils, to be put by them to experimental proof; he thus brought his pupils gradually to think for themselves, besides showing and explaining to them the methods by which chemical problems might be solved experimentally.”
Hermann Kolbe

Amit Ray
“There are two types of cleanliness: organic cleanliness and chemical cleanliness. Often chemical cleanliness is toxic and harmful. Natural or organic cleanliness focus on maintaining harmony with nature.”
Amit Ray, Beautify your Breath - Beautify your Life

Steven Magee
“The global population of Earth are involved in the following corporate government experiments: The long term effects of - 1. Nuclear bomb fallout radiation. 2. Man-made wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation. 3. Exposure to man-made electricity. 4. Eclipsing of the Sun by the International Space Station (ISS), satellites, airplanes and jet aircraft contrails (chemtrails). 5. Eating food forced grown using a variety of toxic industrial chemicals. 6. Adding massive amounts of pollution to the atmosphere and water bodies. 7. Living in metal structures. 8. Exposure to abnormally high solar radiation levels. 9. Relocating to areas that the human has no genetic adaptation to. 10. An indoor lifestyle.”
Steven Magee

Enock Maregesi
“Mapenzi, kama ilivyo kwa vitu vyote hapa ulimwenguni, hayawezi kuwepo bila kujumuishwa na fizikia na kemia yake! Bila kemia hakuna mapenzi ya kudumu. Tamaa ya ngono kimsingi huanza pindi unapokutana na mtu. Tamaa hiyo huweza kukua na kuwa kitu kingine kadiri muda unavyokwenda lakini chanzo kinakuwepo toka siku ya kwanza mlipokutana. Kemikali inayosababisha tamaa ya ngono na hata kuikuza tamaa hiyo ni 'phenyl ethylamine' ('fino itholamine') au PEA ambayo ni kemikali ya mapenzi ndani ya ubongo. Husisimua watu na huongeza nguvu za kimwili (fizikia) na kihisia (kemia). Tamaa husababisha mtu azalishe PEA nyingi zaidi, kitu kinachosababisha kujisikia kizunguzungu (cha hisia za kimapenzi) na dalili zingine kama magoti kutetemeka, jasho kutoka viganjani na kutokutulia. Kemikali hii inapozalishwa kwa kiwango kikubwa, hutuma alamu ('signals') kutoka kwenye ubongo mpaka kwenye viungo vingine vya mwili na kutumika kama 'dopamine' au 'amphetamine' ambazo ni kemikali za ulevi ndani ya ubongo. Iwapo unajiuliza kwa nini wewe au mtu mwingine unavutiwa na mtu ambaye hamwendani kimapenzi, inaweza kuwa ni kwa sababu una kiwango kikubwa cha kemikali hizo kuliko mwenzako, kitu ambacho huzidi uwezo wa kutumia kichwa na kutoa maamuzi bora kulingana na akili ya kuzaliwa.

Kwa jumla, mapenzi yote ya kweli uhitaji angalau kiwango kidogo cha PEA kwa wale wanaopendana. Cha msingi kukumbuka ni kwamba kemikali hizi huja kwa vituo, nikiwa simaanishi kwamba tamaa ya ngono hupotea pale mtu anapoelekea kwenye uhusiano wa kudumu. Lakini mambo hubadilika. Hatuwezi kuvumilia zile hisia kali kadiri tunavyozidi kusafiri kuelekea kwenye uhusiano wa kudumu na kwenye maisha ya pamoja yenye furaha. Katika uhusiano wenye afya hata hivyo matatizo hutokea hapa na pale. Chanzo cha Murphy na Debbie kupendana kilikuwa kemia zaidi kuliko fizikia. Kama hakuna kemia hakuna mapenzi.”
Enock Maregesi

Steven Magee
“Avoid living in new homes and working in new offices due to the high levels of chemical out-gassing that they exhibit during their first year.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is common sense to avoid gluten, fructose and diary in a society that farms its food with industrial chemicals.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If you have been breathing industrial gas, you may have pernicious anemia, multiple chemical sensitivity and organ damage.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We are in the Frankenstein era.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“In 2019, it had emerged that I had a hypersensitivity to polluted indoor air that would cause daytime sleepiness, chronic fatigue and malaise. Thoroughly ventilating the indoor environment with fresh outdoor air daily would reduce the symptoms. The medical profession calls this Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).”
Steven Magee

“The Spirit of Christ causes a chemical change in the heart of human beings.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Steven Magee
“I had seen the strong chemical smelling urine before. It had occurred during researching the chapter “Body Voltage” in the book “Toxic Health”. You will find this statement in that chapter: “When applying a DC voltage between the foot and the wrist, a reaction occurred in my urine. It started to smell like a strong chemical, similar to WD-40”. I do believe the amino acids and creatine were creating the same DC voltage effect within the human body and triggered the same reaction.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“I was surprised the USA medical profession could not diagnose low blood oxygen levels, multiple chemical sensitivity to abnormal air, food intolerance, malnutrition, altitude hypersensitivity, loss of circadian rhythm and loss of moonlight synchronization.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Steven Magee
“Chemical exposure at high altitude is typically worse than at sea level.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude