
Bachelor Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bachelor" Showing 1-18 of 18
Joss Stirling
“Xav sprinkled olive oil on his lettuce. 'Lola was very particular that it all had to fit properly.'
'Lola?' squeaked Diamond. I wanted to warn her not to rise to the bait Xav was dangling in front of her but it was too late.
Xav added some Parmesan and pepper. 'Suspicious, Diamond? You should be. This is a bachelor party I'm organizing, not a school outing, and it is going to tick all of Trace's boxes. Lola is either a very efficient water sports instructor or an exotic dancing girl; I'll leave it your imagination.'
I rolled my eyes at Diamond. 'Myabe she's both. I mean the guys will really go for that, I guess. Don't worry,Di, Luigi and his crew will not disappoint us girls.' Luigi was in fact Contessa Nicoletta's little bespectacled chef with whom I had been consulting about the menu for Friday, but the Benedicts weren't to know that. 'He has promised to provide something suitably spicy for our tastes.”
Joss Stirling, Seeking Crystal

Vicky Dreiling
“He'd missed matching wits with her. "Shall we duel with our lips?"

"You may find yourself eating grass for breakfast.”
Vicky Dreiling, How to Marry a Duke

John le Carré
“Martindale had no valid claim on Smiley either professionally or socially. He worked on the fleshy side of the Foreign Office and his job consisted of lunching visiting dignitaries whom no one else would have entertained in his woodshed. He was a floating bachelor with a grey mane and that nimbleness which only fat men have.”
John le Carré, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Margaret Way
“Every man is a bachelor out of his wife's sight!”
Margaret Way, A Lesson in Loving

Marcel Proust
“And the others too were beginning to remark in Swann that abnormal, excessive, shameful and deserved senescence of bachelors, of all those for whom it seems that the great day which knows no morrow must be longer than for other men, since for them it is a void of promise, and from its dawn the moments steadily accumulate without any subsequent partition among offspring.”
Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann

“People often tell you to "live your dream." But I think the better advice is to be faithful. Treat people well, even when you don't feel like it. Tell the truth, even when it's complicated. Admit your mistakes, even when they make you look bad. In other words, don't save your integrity for the big moments. Practice it at all times so you actually have some when the big moments come.”
Sean Lowe

Iris Murdoch
“I shall not attempt here to describe my marriage. Some impression of it will doubtless emerge. For the present story, its general nature rather than its detail is important. It was not a success. At first I saw her as a life-bringer. Then I saw her as a death-bringer. Some women are like that. There is a sort of energy which seems to reveal the world: then one day you find you are being devoured. Fellow victims will know what I mean. Possibly I am a natural bachelor.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Emilia Pardo Bazán
“La paternidad, en medio de sus calvarios, proporcionan goces generosos que no comprendemos los que vivimos acorazados en nuestra prudente abstención.”
Emilia Pardo Bazán

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“A bachelor always feels himself defrauded, when he knows or suspects that any woman of his acquaintance has given herself away.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance

Kate Stayman-London
“As though if I could make my body fit on one of these tiny barstools, I'd be in a perfect, fulfilling relationship instead of forcing myself to get through this date, wishing I could just disappear. Of course I know that none of that is true. That I can't change my body type (and don't even want to!), that thin women are no more happy than I am, that these insecurities are seeded and tended in my brain by the weight-loss industry, which profits from our collective self-loathing to the tune of $70 billion each year-despite the fact the 97% of diets fail. (Side note: What if we put all that money towards solving actual health problems instead? Could we cure ovarian cancer, like, tomorrow?) I know all these things, but tonight, I just can't feel them”
Kate Stayman-London, One to Watch

Jules Verne
“Phileas Fogg was not known to have either wife or children, which may happen to the most honest people; either relatives or near friends, which is certainly more unusual. He lived alone in his house in Saville Row, whither none penetrated.”
Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days

Kati Wilde
“Give me some credit, I text back. If I murder him, I won’t do it today. I’ll wait until we’re hiking in some backwoods location. No bail money necessary if I’m not caught, right?"

"You’re so smart. Glad to see you putting that shiny new bachelor’s degree to good use.”
Kati Wilde, Going Nowhere Fast

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“To the bachelor, the language of women is mystery. In those matters, a married man is already a scholar”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Karen A. Wyle
“She leaned against the wall and looked down at him, shaking her head. “Out in all hours and all weather, and he comes home to nothing!”

Joshua shrugged. He had a good idea where this was going.

“So where’s Mrs. Doctor? You need to get married!”
Karen A. Wyle, What Heals the Heart

Jean Baudrillard
“With the mechanics of the transpolitical, the transsexual and the transaesthetic, all desiring machines are becoming bachelor machines...”
Jean Baudrillard, Fragments

“His [E.T.A. Hoffmann's] uncle Otto was at this time a fussy, pedantic old bachelor, who was vegetating on into middle life without employment or ambitions, and quite devoid of ideas.”
Harvey W. Hewett-Thayer, Hoffmann: Author of the Tales

Sarvesh Jain
“Now all the long phone call begins and ends with the same question, 'When are you getting married?”
Sarvesh Jain