
Acquaintances Quotes

Quotes tagged as "acquaintances" Showing 1-27 of 27
E.A. Bucchianeri
“An acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair-weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,

“I did not look for her, because I was afraid of dispelling the mystery we attach to people whom we know only casually.”
Colette, The Pure and the Impure

Terry Pratchett
“The city's full of people who you just see around.”
Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms

Connor Franta
“Friends are not a number. You can't collect connections. You can't just go out one day and be like, "Hey, I need some friends!" *goes shopping, scours social media*”
Connor Franta, A Work in Progress

J.G. Ballard
“They thrived on the rapid turnover of acquaintances, the lack of involvement with others, and the total self-sufficiency of lives which, needing nothing, were never dissapointed.”
J.G. Ballard, High-Rise

“Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.”
Dan Pena

Emily  Williams
“Sometimes there are people in this world that you meet. Most of these people remain just that, passing acquaintances that further down the line you will struggle to remember their names, let alone picture their faces and it all fades into a distant past almost like a dissolving aspirin. Some acquaintances become friends, but again these come and go with only a few remaining consistent. However, occasionally you will meet someone that changes who you are and who you will become.”
Emily Williams, Letters to Eloise

Peter Hedges
“He sees me through the glass. We both nod like we give a small shit about each other.”
Peter Hedges, What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Israelmore Ayivor
“You have to know who to keep near you and those you should be far away from.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

Dorothy L. Sayers
“Harriet had long ago discovered that one could not like people any the better, merely because they were ill, or dead—still less because one had once liked them very much.”
Dorothy L. Sayers, Gaudy Night

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Saying that you do not remember something or someone is a less embarrassing or hurtful way of saying that you do not know it or them anymore.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You are not really one of some of your friends’ friends.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Don’t allow people to come in and out of your life when it only benefits them.”
Dominic Riccitello

Kenneth Eade
“There are two kinds of people we meet in our lives who make a difference: those who remain in our lives and those we only meet once. Each kind has a different type of impact, but both are important.”
Kenneth Eade, Traffick Stop

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The wind taught me never to forget old friends, by blowing them back to me.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Toba Beta
“I have a lot of acquaintances, a few are buddies”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Laurie Frankel
“But by the time those acquaintances became close friends, it was too late. Perhaps there was a perfect moment in between, when you were close enough to tell but not so close it was problematic that you hadn't done so already, but it was infinitesimal, too fleet and fleeting to pin down, visible not even in hindsight.”
Laurie Frankel, This Is How It Always Is

“Life chooses your acquaintances, but you must choose your friends. My advice: choose wisely!”
Sebastien Richard, Lead Like a Superhero: What Pop Culture Icons Can Teach Us About Impactful Leadership

Frank Sonnenberg
“While toxic food is bad for your health and well-being, so are negative and unethical people.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Follow Your Conscience: Make a Difference in Your Life & in the Lives of Others

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Throughout our lifetime many people come ‘to’ us. But if they haven’t come ‘for’ us the coming doesn’t matter. And I would have us carefully consider that Christmas is God perfectly doing both.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“You’ll get lunch with your true friends. You’ll make plans to get lunch with your true acquaintances.”

Lara Prior-Palmer
“Every person I meet is lit by my impressions of those I used to know.”
Lara Prior-Palmer, Rough Magic: Riding the World's Loneliest Horse Race

“If I have been more backward in seeking her society, it is because I do not like her, and my acquaintance amongst those whom I do like is sufficiently extensive.”
Sarah Harriet Burney, Traits of Nature

B.S. Murthy
“It is a peculiar characteristic of people that for some inexplicable reason they feel nice about themselves when they cite their acquaintance with the successful.”
B.S. Murthy, Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Anne Marie Wells
“I get used to a new person like a gift I didn't ask for. I don't know what I'm going to do
with them at first. Sometimes I throw them out. Sometimes they get tucked away on the closet shelf, forgotten. But sometimes, I question how I ever lived without them.”
Anne Marie Wells, Survived By: A Memoir in Verse + Other Poems

Melissa Fay Greene
“But I believe we don't know folks, we're acquainted with them. There's always something in an individual you ain't never going to know.”
Melissa Fay Greene, Praying for Sheetrock: A Work of Nonfiction