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Life's Golden Ticket

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The classic inspirational parable from the top motivation and marketing trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Millionaire Messenger—a triumphant tale of personal growth and change that will inspire anyone who has ever wished for a second chance.

What if you were handed a golden ticket that could magically start your life anew?

That question is at the heart of Life’s Golden Ticket. Brendon Burchard tells the story of a man who is so trapped in the prison of his past that he cannot see the possibilities, the choices, and the gifts before him. To soothe his fiancée Mary, clinging to life in a hospital bed, the man takes the envelope she offers and heads to an old, abandoned amusement park that she begs him to visit.

To his surprise, when he steps through the rusted entrance gates, the park magically comes to life. Guided by the wise groundskeeper Henry, the man will encounter park employees, answer difficult questions, overcome obstacles, listen to lessons from those wiser than he, and take a hard look at himself.

At the end of his journey, the man opens Mary’s mysterious envelope. Inside is a golden ticket—the final phase in turning his tragic life’s story of loss and regret into a triumphant tale of love and redemption.

224 pages, Hardcover

First published May 8, 2007

About the author

Brendon Burchard

51 books1,479 followers
BRENDON BURCHARD is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, THE CHARGE, and the #1 New York Times bestseller THE MILLIONAIRE MESSENGER. He is also founder of High Performance Academy, the legendary personal development program for achievers, and Experts Academy, the world's most comprehensive marketing training program for aspiring authors, speakers, coaches, and online thought leaders. For these works, Brendon is recognized as one of the top trainers in the world on the topics of both motivation and marketing.

Brendon's books, videos, newsletters, products, and appearances now inspire two million people a month worldwide.

Brendon was blessed to receive life's golden ticket -- a second chance -- after surviving a car accident in a developing country. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals, teams, and organizations find their charge, share their voice, and make a greater difference in the world.

Brendon is regularly seen on public television, and he has been in media appearances on Anderson Cooper, ABC World News, Wall Street Journal TV, NPR stations, Oprah and Friends, and other popular outlets like SUCCESS magazine, Inc.com, Forbes.com, FastCompany.com, and the Huffington Post.

As one of the most in-demand trainers of our time, Brendon has shared the stage with the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Hsieh, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra, David Bach, John Gray, Jack Canfield, Tim Ferriss, and more. His clients include entrepreneurs and executives from 59 countries, and his advice and training has been in use at, or sought by, Accenture, Alcoa, Amazon.com, The United States Naval Academy, and 34 or the top 50 universities in the world.

Brendon's recent online marketing campaigns have set records in publishing, online product launches, and live video broadcast revenue, and he has become the go-to marketing advisor for many of the most successful companies and celebrities in the world. Anderson Cooper calls Brendon "one of the top marketing and business trainers in the world."

Brendon blogs on his FB page at http://www.facebook.com/brendonburcha...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 650 reviews
Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,274 followers
September 25, 2023
I need another ticket!

Unnamed MC has enough personal problems as it is, it doesn’t get any easier when he receives a phone call from the hospital. Mary, his fiancée, has suffered a major accident, and is agonizing. On her deathbed, Mary just asks him one thing, to go and visit the old Bowman Amusement Park, for her. When he arrives the place looks totally in ruins, and long abandoned since that terrible accident that happened many years ago; but when he walks through the doors, light floods it all, and everything returns to life.

I cannot begin to explain how much I LOVED this thing. This book came just at the right time, more than a decade ago, and left me so many tearing moments I’ll never forget . This little story tore me to pieces and disarmed me in ways few books ever did, then put back together a more hopeful version of me before letting me go, and I LOVE it for it. It was simply perfect.

This story is supposed to be a thinly veiled self-help book, so I don’t think this book is for everybody. I’m sure it’s plagued with symbolism, metaphors and whatnot; but as usual I never noticed a thing, and frankly I couldn’t care less. Did I remain at the most basic and obtuse level of understanding? Quite possibly. But often that’s the level where magic happens, and where magic, unexplained, remains magic.

For me this was just a magical tale, and doesn’t need to be anything else. One of the most tearing and uplifting things I’ve ever read, with a shattering ending I can never forget, and strongly wish I could, just so I can reread it, and surprise myself, once again.

[2007] [224p] [Inspirational] [Highly Recommendable]

¡Necesito otro ticket!

Un desconocido personaje ya tiene suficientes problemas personales, las cosas no se vuelven más fáciles cuando recibe una llamada desde el hospital. Mary, su prometida, ha sufrido un horrible accidente, y está agonizando. En su lecho de muerte, Mary sólo le pide una cosa, que vaya y visite el viejo Parque de Diversiones Bowman, por ella. Cuando llega el lugar parece estar totalmente en ruinas, y largamente abandonado desde ese terrible accidente que sucedió años atrás; pero cuando cruza las puertas, la luces se prenden, y todo parece cobrar vida.

No puedo ni empezar a explicar cuánto AME esta cosa. Este libro llegó justo en el momento adecuado, más de una década atrás, y me dejó un montón de momentos desgarradores que nunca voy a olvidar . Esta pequeña historia me rompió en pedazos y desarmó en formas que pocos libros jamás lograron, y luego armó una versión más optimista de mí antes de dejarme ir, y lo AMO por eso. Fue simplemente perfecto.

Esta historia es supuestamente un tenuemente disfrazado libro de autoayuda, así que no creo que este libro sea para todos. Estoy seguro que está plagado de simbolismos, metáforas y dios sabe qué; pero como siempre yo nunca noté nada, y francamente no podría importarme menos. ¿Acaso permanecí en el nivel más básico y obtuso de entendimiento? Muy posiblemente. Pero con frecuencia ese es el nivel donde sucede la magia, y donde la magia, sin explicar, sigue siendo magia.

Para mí esta sólo fue una historia mágica, y no necesita ser más nada. Una de las más desgarradoras y elevadoras cosas que leí jamás, con un final devastador que nunca puedo olvidar, y que fuertemente desearía poder hacerlo, sólo para poder releerlo, y sorprenderme, una vez más.

[2007] [224p] [Inspiracional] [Altamente Recomendable]
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,929 reviews17k followers
May 1, 2019
Fun book

If you liked The Shack or The Five People You Meet in Heaven, you will probably like this.

The metaphors are not too subtle and the symbols a little too over the top, not one of the better in this genre (does this even have a specific genre?) but a good book nonetheless. Turns out Burchard is a motivational speaker and life coach so throw in The Alchemist too. Maybe this is a genre: the fantasized and personified performance art as extended motivation / self help.

I do like the carnivalesque theme and this reminded me a little of Ray Bradbury.

[image error]
Profile Image for Ed.
23 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2012
I had come across this book at Goodwill and opened it to the front page with all the praise from some of the leaders in business development and success. I knew I had a winner.

And boy did I!

Everything I have learned over the years from self help books, life coaches, business coaches, lectures and videos were all crammed into an ingenious novel. Trying to distill the very essence of success and inspiration through fiction is a quite a feat. What Brendan Burchard has done is nothing short of a miracle; to have a character so thoroughly self evaluate his life through the lenses of a multitude of characters at an improbable and impossible amusement park.

At points in the novel you can not help but to evaluate your own life. I did so at several points and realized my life so parallels that of the main character in many ways despite very different circumstances.

I can not highly enough endorse this novel to anyone searching for purpose and success in their life.

To say anything more would diminish both the satisfaction and revelatory nature of the book.

Go read!
Profile Image for Farah.
174 reviews35 followers
September 7, 2011
Ada masa-masa dimana saat kita menyerahkan hidup kita sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan, Tuhan justru membalikkan semua, segala hal yang kita tahu, kita kenal, dan kita pikir pernah ada di dalam jangkauan tangan kita. Lalu hidup kita tidak pernah lagi sama.

Dan itu terjadi pada gue.
Hidup yang gue sangka akan baik-baik saja, berjalan sempurna seperti yang gue inginkan, mimpi yang pernah dirajut pelan-pelan, direnggut paksa melalui cara-cara yang tidak pernah gue duga sebelumnya.

Lalu gelombang rasa sakit menghantam.
Jutaan pertanyaan menusuk-nusuk kepala gue, ngga membiarkan gue melewati malam dengan tenang, bahkan untuk sekedar merebahkan badan sambil bernapas pelan-pelan.
Duri itu ada dimana-mana, bahkan terasa menembus paru-paru sehingga menarik napaspun rasanya seperti tercekik perlahan-lahan.
Bisa terlelap itu berkah yang tak lama kemudian menjadi musibah. Karena rasa perih itu bahkan muncul di dalam mimpi.
Apakah ini yang namanya setengah mati?
Bernapas saja sudah begini menyakitkan. Luka macam apa yang tertinggal ini?
Kegelapan di dalam kamar menyergap bersamaan dengan rasa nyeri yang bahkan tidak mau menghilang saat pagi tiba.
Patah hati, hilang mimpi, kecewa, marah, lemah, tak berdaya, semua menyatu, mendobrak bendungan yang tak pernah bisa ditahan. Semua mengalir deras. Sungai air mata itu bahkan tidak bisa benar-benar mengering hingga 2 bulan setelahnya.

Apalagi yang bisa gue lakukan, selain mempercayakan hidup di tangan Pemilik Kehidupan?
Malam-malam dalam sunyi akhirnya bisa terlewati, bisikan-bisikan serupa sedu sedan selalu mengalun. Berdoa 5 kali dalam sehari terasa tidak lagi cukup untuk mengadu.
Sebanyak yang gue bisa, sebanyak yang gue mampu, semua percakapan-percakapan rahasia itu terus menerus gue lakukan.
Dari sekian banyak tanya yang gue ajukan, satu permintaan yang selalu gue ulang-ulang.
"Ambil kembali seluruh rasa sakit, pertanyaan, amarah, dan kecewa ini, Ya Tuhan. Aku kembalikan lagi semuanya kepadaMu. Seluruhnya. Aku kembalikan semua kepadaMu. Tapi gantikan dengan kesabaran, dan keikhlasan untuk mengisi kekosongannya. Aku serahkan semuanya kepadaMu. Ambil lagi semuanya. Karena aku butuh kesabaran, dan keikhlasan yang luar biasa besar untuk menjalaninya. Dan hanya Engkau yang bisa. Tidak ada lagi yang lainnya."

Rasa ingin menyerah itu terkadang datang. Menggulung semua harapan yang pernah ada. Menjatuhkannya lagi berulang-ulang. Kadang begitu cepat hingga tak bisa dicegah. Kadang dalam gerak lambat.
Naik, jatuh. Merangkak lagi, jatuh lagi. Bangkit lagi, jatuh terpelanting lagi. Begitu terus berkali-kali.

Ada masa dimana rasa sakit menampar secara tiba-tiba, gue harus menahan air mata di hadapan murid-murid gue selama 45 menit, mengajar seperti biasa, lalu terisak menangis di kantin pada saat makan siang, kemudian masuk lagi ke dalam kelas, mengajar seakan-akan tidak terjadi apa-apa.
Oh iya, hal se-gila itu pernah gue lakukan.
Topeng baja itu pernah gue pasang di muka gue.
Senyum itu masih ada, masih tulus. Tapi satu detik setelah memalingkan wajah, mungkin jika ada orang yang berdiri cukup dekat dengan gue, orang tersebut bisa mendengar desahan yang bersiap berubah menjadi isakan tangis lagi.

Tapi bukankah gue sudah menyerahkan, mempercayakan hidup kepada Tuhan?
Itu cuma satu-satunya pilihan.
Menyerah memang bukan jalan keluar.
Jalan keluar justru ada di ujung sana. Dan untuk sampai kesana, pilihan apa yang gue punya selain untuk tetap berjalan?

Proses penyembuhan itu ternyata tidak selama yang gue pikirkan.
Semua berjalan begitu cepat.

Kemudian, hari ini datang.
Gue masih hidup untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia, gue bertahan.
Rasa sakit itu hilang dengan sendirinya.
Semua yang dulu pernah terasa begitu penting, seakan tidak berarti lagi.
Seakan tidak memiliki arti yang dalam lagi untuk kembali menyakiti.
Ini mungkin keikhlasan yang pernah gue minta. Dalam bentuk yang seperti ini.

Tapi, apa yang seakan-akan pernah hilang, yang belum sempat gue miliki tapi sudah gue bayangkan akan memiliki, digantikan dalam bentuk-bentuk lain yang lebih indah. Dan terlihat lebih kekal.

Cinta datang dalam bentuk keikhlasan dari restu orang tua.
Bahwa mereka percaya, suatu saat gue akan kembali bahagia.
Dan usia memang seharusnya tidak lagi menjadikan alasan untuk tergesa-gesa.

Cinta menyapa dalam bentuk persahabatan yang baru.
Ada seorang kawan yang menyediakan dirinya 24 jam setiap hari untuk membantu membalut luka-luka jiwa itu.
Kemudian apa yang dia lakukan, menginspirasi gue untuk melakukan hal yang sama, pada orang yang dulu cuma sekedar gue kenal aja. Yang juga sedang mengalami hal yang pernah gue alami dulu. Lalu, kami bertiga jadi berteman.

Lalu gue menyadari, ini bentuk cinta yang bisa gue berikan kepada orang lain.
Mendukung mereka yang memerlukan dukungan.
Memberikan pelukan tanpa harus diminta.
Menyediakan bahu untuk bersandar.
Mengusap air mata tanpa diminta.
Menyediakan telinga untuk mendengarkan, kemudian menyampaikan penghiburan bila diminta.
Bukankah gue dulu pernah berada disudut gelap yang sama?
Terpuruk dalam duka?
Menemani orang lain menyembuhkan diri ternyata juga menguatkan diri gue sendiri.
Bahkan gue masih ingat rasanya, bangun di pagi hari cuma mau mengirim pesan kepada teman gue yang mau mendengarkan semua keluh-kesah gue itu.

Cinta menyapa dalam bentuk kesadaran. Kesadaran akan hidup yang gue miliki sekarang, yang tidak akan mau lagi gue tukar dengan apapun di dunia ini.
Cinta diri sendiri, merawat dan menghargai diri sendiri, yang berujung kepada tekad dimasa depan.
Bahagia gue tidak perlu bergantung pada orang lain.
Lalu, cinta kepada manusia itu tidak boleh melebihi cinta kepada Tuhan. Dan akan lebih indah bila mencintai manusia, karena cinta kepada Tuhan.

Kesadaran seperti itulah yang membawa gue kepada rasa syukur.
Mensyukuri hal-hal yang dulu pernah luput dari pandangan. Hal-hal yang terlihat sepele, kini menjelma berkah. Semakin disyukuri, semakin malu.
Malu kalau beribadah cuma saat mau mengeluh.

Tapi bahagia tidak berhenti sampai disitu.
Cerita ini masih belum selesai.

Pertanyaan besarnya, saat gue mempercayakan hidup gue kepada Tuhan, dan ujian ini Dia berikan kepada gue kemudian gue berhasil melaluinya, sebenarnya, Tuhan menginginkan gue ini menjadi manusia seperti apa?

Tapi lagi-lagi, cuma waktu yang memiliki hak untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu.
Sampai hari ini, gue bertahan hidup untuk menceritakan hal ini kepada orang lain.
Gue sudah tahu, mau jadi manusia seperti apa gue esok hari.
Gue bisa bilang dengan bangga, "Saya Farah. Usia saya 26 tahun, dan diantara rasa sakit karena kehilangan mimpi-mimpi yang pernah saya miliki, saya menemukan diri saya sendiri."

Dan memang, tidak pernah ada kebetulan di dunia ini. Karena sepenuh hati setelah kita menyerahkan hidup kita kepada Tuhan, kita akan disadarkan bahwa memang Dia mengetahui segala yang terbaik untuk kita. Sedangkan kita tidak mengetahui. Karena itu, yang perlu kita lakukan hanya meminta. Meminta kebaikan dalam setiap hari, meminta pelajaran dalam setiap badai, dan mensyukuri pelangi yang kita lihat di penghujung hari, sebelum matahari benar-benar terbenam.

Hari ini gue tahu, gue telah menggenggam tiket emas gue sendiri.

Dan ya, dimasa saat gue meyakini bahwa mimpi gue berakhir, kenyataan membangunkan gue dari tidur, dan memaksa gue untuk membangun kehidupan gue dari awal lagi. Hidup milik gue sendiri.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning. " — Louis L'Amour

*Related note:
The letter I was too stubborn to send: Aku memaafkanmu
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books1,989 followers
November 15, 2018
Such an uplifting and powerful message! Highly recommend to all!

My Rating: 5 stars
Profile Image for Jeffrey.
Author 4 books84 followers
July 19, 2008
OK, first of all, let me tell you HOW I gave this book two stars. It's actually an average. I gave it 1 star for the story and 4 for intent. Since I can't give halves, it gets a 2. I'll explain story / intent below.

I was at a business seminar getting ideas for my business when Brendon jumped on stage and said some funny, mildly informative, and (a few) thought provoking things. Nothing spectacular here, on stage or in the book. It's really all been done and said before. But what propels people to the top in most cases is marketing and push, push, push. There's a lot of mediocre material out there that "makes it."

The book is rather contrived with a-man-goes-to-carnival instead of heaven theme (The Five People You Meet in Heaven) to discover truths about his life. But some serious detractors were the appearance of such characters as a wizard, a guy named Harsh the Hypnotist (Gee, what do you think he's going to be like?), and the title of chapter 3, The Truth Booth. At the end of chapter three, the main character asks, "What now?" Henry his guide replies, "Now we see the wizard." As I read this, I could hear strains of We're Off to See the Wizard rumaging about in the back of my mind. I'm sorry, but this is all too Mary-Higgins-Clark-forecasting obvious for me (Be careful, there's actually a character named Mary Higgins in the book. Really!). Brandon is obviously not a writer, so let me tell you what's going on here.

This guy teaches how to get your stuff into the public's hands. You do so by contacting for-profit and non-profit companies. He did so. You can see by the CEO's who wrote blurbs for his book. Well, they didn't--CEO's are too busy--they probably picked from a list of blurbs. And a good point of note here is that's how it's usually done. Either people who like you or benefit from association with you (a certain percentage of the proceeds go to the companies Burchard partnered with)give you a blurb for your book.

Also what's interesting is the people on Amazon who felt duped into having to read this book. Maybe the companies he partnered with made their employees read / buy it. Don't know. But just like email blasts on Amazon that shoots a book to number one based on who you know (joint ventures), this book will eventually fly or die on its own. With all his promoting, expert blurbs [even Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul guys), and James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy)] it's still only doing OK on Amazon. #237,324,392 to my #365,231 (Black Body Radiation and the Ultraviolet Catastrophe), which actually got as high as 17,000 WITHOUT CORPORATE SPONSORS. Go figure.

But he is making thousands if not millions training people to change and such, so he's used his book as an in to his profession. But in this day-n-age of the master marketer, people can shoot to the top with a book without much substance or content. So buyer beware!

Oh, as far as intent is concerned, Brendon's heart is in the right place and he does give a percentage to charity. However, he is digging the TONS of cash piling up because of his second chance, his Golden Ticket given for another chance. So learn from Brendon how to make change as he takes your change, and then some, to the bank.
Profile Image for Karen.
179 reviews
July 6, 2016
I knew nothing about Life's Golden Ticket when I downloaded it a couple weeks ago. I saw a post for the book on Facebook, read the blurb, thought it sounded interesting and downloaded it. I had not read any reviews or researched the author. I did not know what I was in for...

Life's Golden Ticket is a book about changing lives. Imagine taking a journey into your past and witness how every decision you have made has impacted your life today. Would it be enough to make you change your actions in the future?

“It’s a cycle of silence. You’ve lived your whole life holding in your feelings, your thoughts, your concerns, your dreams, your nightmares. You’re looping the same old story: ‘I don’t want to impose my world on anyone. . . . I don’t want to be a pest.” (Excerpt From: Burchard, Brendon. “Life's Golden Ticket.”)

I don't catalog Life's Golden Ticket as self-help, but a profound work of fiction. I found myself evaluating my own life on multiple occasions. The struggles of our nameless main character are entirely relatable by a vast audience.

"You see, you weren’t born feeling badly about yourself, you were taught to feel that way." (Excerpt From: Burchard, Brendon. “Life's Golden Ticket.”)
Profile Image for Debbie.
8 reviews
July 30, 2016
I finished this book at an impossible to predict time in my life where I lost my brother to suicide. We had been estranged for a number of years due to his struggle with alcohol addiction. Calling this book life changing with the ending and my own golden ticket is an understatement. Thank you for reminding me I have the choice to make a difference.
Profile Image for Jimmy.
152 reviews
October 20, 2008
Tiket Emas Kehidupan

Aku belajar tentang dunia:
Dunia adalah tempat yang gelap.
Dunia adalah tempat yang menyedihkan
Dunia adalah tempat yang tidak adil
Dunia adalah tempat orang-orang yang tidak tahu menghargai
Dunia adalah tempat yang tidak pasti
Dan dunia ini akan siap menyalahkanmu setiap saat.

Aku belajar tentang orang lain:
Orang lain itu tidak ramah dan suka menyakiti
Orang lain itu bersikap dingin dan tidak perduli
Orang lain itu berhati kejam
Orang lain itu tidak adil

Aku belajar tentang diriku sendiri:
Aku percaya bahwa aku adalah orang dungu, idiot, dan pengganggu
Aku tidak becus berkomunikasi
Aku tukang bikin onar
Aku tidak berharga
Aku tidak cukup baik

Aku belajar tentang dunia, tentang orang lain, dan tentang diriku sendiri, sampai akhirnya aku terkena mantra masyarakat. Mantra masyarakat yang membentuk karakterku ketika aku menjadi dewasa. Mantra itu terus membelengguku untuk menghancurkan hidupku. Aku butuh pengharapan untuk menghancurkan mantra itu.

Seekor gajah sirkus adalah gajah yang sangat besar. Tingginya bisa mencapai tiga samapi empat meter. Di alam bebas, tempat habitatnya berupa kawasan seluas 1300 kilometer persegi. Gajah itu bisa berlari 24 kilometer per jam. Dia mampu mengangkat beban seberat 500 kilogram lebih, dan sanggup mencabut pohon kecil dengan belalainya. Tapi di arena sirkus, gajah itu tidak mampu membebaskan drinya dari tali yang diikat pada pancang kecil. Kenapa? Dari kecil gajah tersebut sudah diikat dengan tali pada pancang kecil tersebut. Gajah itu selalu berusaha membebaskan diri tapi karena dia masih kecil dia belum cukup kuat untuk mencabut pancang kecil itu. Sampai akhirnya dia berhenti dan yakin tidak akan mampu untuk mencabutnya. Dan keyakinannya itu dia bawa sampai dia menjadi gajah dewasa yang kuat. Keyakinannya itu membuat dia tidak berani mencoba mencabut pancang kecil itu lagi. Dan gajah itu terkena mantra pancang kecil.

Namun berbeda dengan gajah yang tidak mempunyai pengharapan, manusia justru dilengkapi dengan pengharapan. Tergantung apakah dia mau menggunakan pengharapan itu atau tidak. Yang jelas, manusia butuh pengharapan untuk menghancurkan mantra masyarakat. Pengharapan untuk hidup lebih baik, untuk hidup menurut pilihan dan bukan hanya dari kesempatan. Pengharapan adalah kesempatan kedua untuk memperbaiki hidup, untuk mendapatkan tiket emas kehidupan. Grab your own life’s golden ticket!

Profile Image for Karen.
174 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2008
This is the first book my new book club selected. At first I thought it was going to be great, but very soon after I started reading, I found the main character deeply annoying. He just made me mad. Over and over again. The book is written too simply for me - needed a little more intrigue and wit and a better twist or something. But it has a moral point and it is a good one, if you can make it to the end. Basically I see it as yet another in a long line of the recent trend of self-help books disguised as fictional stories. I'm tired of 'em. I don't want to focus on myself anymore. I want a real made-up story (about someone else) to read. A gripping, can't-put-it-down novel that I can't wait to run home to, crawl in bed, pull up the covers and READ for hours on end. Anybody got one of those for a change?
Profile Image for Nilam Suri.
Author 2 books140 followers
April 28, 2010
it's a novel about second chance actually.
don't we human make mistake every once in a while, and sometime we are just too numb, or too tired, or too self-absorb to change it.

therefore we should thank people who care enough to be the living reminder. who never gave up hope on us, while we already gave up with ourselves.

and it won't be easy,we have to fight and we have to have courage, like Larry the lion-tamer said: ""hidup ini sprti di dlm kandang singa, kawan.takutlah, mundurlah, larilah dr apa yg ada didpnmu, maka tamatlah riwatmu."

somehow, Harun was right, Brandon Burchard is better than Mitch Albom. Albom talked about death, while Burchard talked about life.

And as we all now, life is harder than death. We have to fight to stay alive, to have a good life,meanwhile for death all we have to do is to give up.

So live ur life to the fullest fellas :D
Profile Image for Kathy Elstad.
Author 3 books
August 24, 2016
Every once in awhile, something happens that really touches my life! Well, today I read an amazing book -- Life's Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard! It's a fascinating story that takes place in an amusement park with little, life messages tucked away in the story! There is a special envelope that cannot be opened until the story is completed! The style was so unique -- it was a story, but it was also self-help too! What a gift reading this book has been :)
Profile Image for Jonathan.
238 reviews6 followers
November 19, 2016
A relative I love gave this to me, and I read it because they were very inspired by it. But the whole time, I knew what was in that stupid, gimmicky envelope. This book is just a drawn-out version of one of those insufferable inspiration posters. In reality, it will change your life about as much as a soggy sandwich.
Profile Image for Nathalia.
Author 18 books380 followers
August 2, 2018
Tengo tantas cosas para decir sobre este libro que incluso en mi blog la reseña es larguísima.

Esta es una novela sobre segundas oportunidades. No solo la que nos dan los demás, sino más que nada la que nos damos nosotros mismos. Es un libro sobre tener la fortaleza de cambiar nuestra vida para poder ser lo que queremos ser, sobre el coraje necesario para dejar atrás lo que nos ata y dedicarnos a lo que nos libera. Es un libro para perdonarnos a nosotros mismos y a los que nos lastimaron para poder sonreírle al mañana.

Es una novela de fantasía, es ficción, pero está pensada para tocarnos de una u otra forma.

Los que me conocen saben que a mí los libros de autoayuda no me gustan ni un poco, que todo el tema espiritual y de superación suele aburrirme. Pero esta novela pegó en el palo. Tal vez se debe a la ambientación de un parque mágico o al perfil de los personajes, no lo sé.

La cantidad (y calidad) de preguntas que nos hace el libro, al hacérselas también al protagonista, se meten en nuestra mente incluso si queremos evitarlo. Nos hacen reflexionar sobre elementos básicos y cotidianos que muchas veces pasamos por alto. Y aunque lo que nos represente a nosotros no tenga relación con la vida del protagonista, no podemos evitar notar que también actuamos como él más allá de tener un contexto diferente.


Pueden leer una versión MUCHO más completa de la reseña acá: http://pardonmispanglish.blogspot.com...
Profile Image for Kian.ting.
273 reviews1 follower
December 27, 2017
This is the best book I have read this year, reminds me not to be automatic and be present to the people I love around me, my wife and sons.

About forgiveness and liberation, if you are not a reader and won't ever go near a book, I am telling at least go through this one.

As you read the story you will be taken through a journey of life which gives you an opportunity to introspect on your own life.

one of the phrase that haunts me from the book is, "You will never change if you don't have a Goal", and a person without a goal is a drifter.
Profile Image for Lynn Kay Vogt.
47 reviews2 followers
September 17, 2016
I received this book for free, had only paid shipping and figured why not. It gave me much more than I expected. I was humbled and honored by the perspective and value it has gave me to improve and change my personal outlook on my life
Profile Image for Kim.
293 reviews
February 3, 2024
I might give this one 10 stars!!!!!! There’s nothing to tell in a review that wouldn’t give this away. Either it is truly awesome or God just knew I needed this story right now. I’ll give it a little bit of both. ;)
Profile Image for Cherihy808.
416 reviews
March 27, 2019
This one is a little hard for me to rate. I guess I would give it 3 stars. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. It’s just not the type of book I would normally read. I liked that the story was a motivational one BUT I also felt like I was stuck in a movie that was a mixture of Willy Wonka and A Christmas Carol. The writing style was good though...easy to read and quick with only about 200 pages.
Profile Image for Sam.
276 reviews49 followers
April 18, 2020
Z této knihy jsem opravdu nadšená - jde totiž o jednu z těch knih, které vám změní život a pohled na ostatní lidi.
PS: nejvíc bych chtěla vyzkoušet vyhlídkové kolo ;o)
Profile Image for Diah.
161 reviews15 followers
September 6, 2012
How often do you feel happy? How often do you get stuck in a negative loop that created by yourself? Simple things like this become the main point of this book.

Normally I don’t read any motivation/inspiration/self-help book since I found that those kinds of book don’t have any permanent effect to “motivate or inspired or help myself” which means it IS has a effect for certain moment, like few days or weeks and I’m gonna end up thinking what I am doing is suck and won’t change anything that it’s easier to told than actually do it. I’m pretty sarcastic and skeptical though.
Well, apparently more or less, this book also don’t give any permanent effect (by means I finished read this few… weeks ago?) but indeed inspired me and the moment when the very first time done reading it, I feel my heart warmed a little bit and makes me wonder that life is not, and will never be easy.
I mean, it is a lovely story. And the synopsis in the back cover has nothing to do with the story (yeah I’m going to give a bit spoiler….)
So, this man (I don’t know his name, is it Brendon?) is normal, common man that live in America, confusing with career and relationship mainly about his life and he has a fight with his current fiancée and just blow things up and right after the fight, his fiancée (Mary) just got in a car accident near an abandoned amusement park and can’t help clinging in a bed and machine and dying in the hospital. She gave him a mysterious envelope and told him to go there (the park) to know what actually happened to her and, and yeah sadly then she died.
The man visited the abandoned and deserted amusement park and well it suddenly, magically turns out into a life and every single rides is working and there are a lot of people there (I know how stupid and childish it sounds but…) then he met an old, wise and friendly ground housekeeper and also other park employees (circus dudes, and gypsy fortune-teller you know, kind of people you meet at the amusement carnival park) and in every time he try the rides like roller coaster and other carousel it just teach him more about his life and people around him, especially Mary what follows an unforgettable journey of personal transformation and finally uncover what happens to Mary and discover what’s inside the mysterious envelope and find out the people who gives her that. And the ending, it is happy ending I guess. Happy and touching ending indeed (;_____;) *sob*
I was cried because I felt exactly feeling like the way the main character feeling about his life, his lost, redemption, and finally, let go. And I just love the way Brendon mix things up between reality and fantasy. Frankly speaking, it was the first time I read sort-of-self-help-book that written in such a touching fictional and a lovely story. I mean, I’m glued to it like literally can’t stop reading.
P.S : I just hate it the background story about Brendon got car accident, I hate professional motivator (even Brendon Burchard is actually good looking) and the drama about him almost die in car accident in developing country is overexposed and overrated  I mean yeah if he weren’t crashed his car this book will never be existed but the content and the story and the message behind the story is most valuable thing compared to anything.

The book presents a fictional fantasy and philosophy that is lightweight and gives a little insight for those who want to make sense of life is soo simple: the courage to forgive yourself and confront the past to achieve a desired life. Highly recommended :)And I don’t know if self-help book and inspirational book are the same.
Profile Image for Angee Bartlett.
19 reviews2 followers
May 13, 2011
When my friend suggested I read this, I was a bit skeptical. She assured me it was a quick read and that I would learn a lot from it.

Okay, I gave it a try and was more than pleasantly surprised. Brendan Burchard has written a truly great book. I laughed, I cried, and I thought. It brought memories to the surface that had been long buried and made me think about where I am going with my life.

The main character narrates his fantasy trip which takes place in an abandoned amusement park that isn't abandoned when he arrives. The people in the park give invited visitors a second chance at changing their lives for the better, hence the golden ticket.

He is at the park at the request of his dying fiance who had been missing for 40 days. Each person he meets at the park and each carnival ride he takes shows him his past both good and bad. Each lesson he learns will help him - risk changing his life, forgive both himself and others, be bold, see the other person's side of an argument, learn how to contribute and a host of life skills one needs to be successful.

This is a very good self-help book that is easy to read, easy to understand, and inspirational for people who would like to change but hate self-help books.
Profile Image for Yoric.
178 reviews8 followers
January 25, 2018
I was expecting a life-changing book wrapped into a nice story.
But I found « self-help » cliché along a flat story line.

Some of those themes are:
- Take responsibility
- Set goals
- Ask yourself Who do you want to become
- Question your beliefs
- The power of visualization
- Fight your fears
- Don't give up…

It could be a good reminder, but I would say:
- Either get a solid Self-help book. You’ll grasp all those concepts in a better way, with more catchy/accurate sentences.
- Or get a book with a really nice story that will touch your heart, and that you can dream about afterwards.

The one thing i liked is this idea we all want to change our "just ok life", but 90% of us won't. We all get caught up in our daily routines. We all prefer security over risks. We all end up accepting a "limited" life. Change won't happen just realizing it, and saying "I want to change".

I usually take notes along my reading. I didn’t find anything new or worthwhile here.

I got disappointed with this one, but still, I want to try others from the same author: "The Millionaire Messenger", "High Performance Habits", "The Motivation Manifesto".
Profile Image for Gabriele.
98 reviews
October 15, 2016
I finally realized what an expression "isn't worth the paper it's printed on" means. This book is full of stupid analogies, simplistic psychology, idiotic new age ideas. The whole message of a book could have been printed on a postcard. And it actually is. By the end of the book you are allowed to open up an envelope in the back. In that envelope there is a ticket with the whole idea that the author needed 200 pages to portray. And it is useless.
Profile Image for Barb.
227 reviews
January 11, 2017
Lunch time work read. About life and second chances that may inspire you as it did me. The story engages you and makes you think about your past, present and future. It was the perfect New Years reflective read.
Profile Image for ReadingMama.
924 reviews
November 15, 2019
While I was waiting for “The Millionaire messenger”, this inspirational novel popped up by the same author. This book reminds me of “The five people you meet in heaven” by Mitch Albom, and “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coehlo; It is a quest of personal transformation. Henry goes to an old amusement park where he encounters so many experiences forcing him to revising his past, some beautiful, others painful, yet all of them teaching him life lesson.. In the truth booth, he learns how his abusive childhood made him feeling inadequate, ugly, weak and useless… The world is a dark and dangerous place. As he visits the following places, Screaming Carnies, Harsh the Hypnotist, Gus and the Elephant, Hall of Mirrors, and finally Tunnel of Love, he is becoming more empathetic, confident and willing to restore the relationship with himself and others. In the end, this is a story of love, loss and redemption. We are all given a life’s golden ticket to live our life to its fullest… how are we going to use it?
“Did I live?” “Did I live it fully the way God has designed?” “Did I love?” “Did I love openly, fully and completely?” After the author, Brendon survived a horrific car accident, he dedicates his life for inspiring others fulfilling their dreams and finding their destinies. This little book helps me to reflect my own life and reminds me how I should live. In the life’s journeys up and down; good and bad, I must take the responsibility. Be bold and contribute to the world. Forgive other’s mistakes because they all have their own cross to bear and unique life experiences that made them who they are. We all have a life’s golden ticket. Every morning I need to realize that this is my second chance.
Profile Image for Lynn.
28 reviews3 followers
June 7, 2017
Best book ever! Read it to experience the magic of second chances!
Profile Image for Lynn Coullard.
234 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2020
Kind of meh. It had a dreamy feel, but a lot of the significance of events seemed fuzzy and hard to interpret.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 650 reviews

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