
Semafor’s Ben Smith to Launch New Media Podcast ‘Mixed Signals’

Sponsored by Google and co-hosted with Nayeema Raza, the show will be available as an audio-only production and as a video offering on YouTube

Ben SmithPhotographer: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

Welcome back to Soundbite. Today, I’m coming at you from London where I’m attending the Podcast Show, a relatively new addition to the conference scene that has quickly become a must-attend event for executives from the US, Europe and around the world.

The chatter this week has been a bit all over the place. Formally, much of the talk has focused on the crossover between the US and the UK and how producers and others based here can benefit from the established podcast market in the US. For all the difficulties US networks have faced over the past year and a half or so — namely, falling ad revenue and downloads — there’s still more cash sloshing around than across the pond where producers are paid significantly less and shows make do with smaller budgets.