Archive by category Environment

Climate Change Tops Environmental Concerns in South Korea, Survey Finds

Climate Change Tops Environmental Concerns in South Korea, Survey Finds

SEOUL, Jul. 10 (Korea Bizwire) – In a significant shift of public opinion, South Koreans have increasingly identified climate change as the most critical environmental issue facing their nation, according to a recent survey. The Korea Environment Institute (KEI) released its “2023 National Environmental Awareness Survey” on July 9, revealing a surge in concern about climate [...]

Seoul Introduces Reusable Containers at Samsung Medical Center’s Funeral Hall, a First for Major Hospitals

Seoul Introduces Reusable Containers at Samsung Medical Center’s Funeral Hall, a First for Major Hospitals

SEOUL, Jul. 2 (Korea Bizwire) – The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on July 1 that it will introduce reusable containers at Samsung Medical Center’s funeral hall starting this month. This marks the first instance of a large-scale funeral facility in a top-tier general hospital participating in Seoul’s reusable container policy.  Last year, the city government unveiled [...]

South Korea Reports 2.4% Increase in Air Pollutant Emissions from Large Facilities

South Korea Reports 2.4% Increase in Air Pollutant Emissions from Large Facilities

SEOUL, Jun. 28 (Korea Bizwire) – Air pollutant emissions from large-scale industrial facilities in South Korea rose to 220,441 tons in 2023, marking a 2.4% increase from the previous year’s 215,205 tons, according to a report released by the Ministry of Environment.  The increase is attributed to an increase in the number of facilities equipped with [...]

Seoul’s Climate Card Transit Pass to Go into Full-fledged Operations Next Month

Seoul’s Climate Card Transit Pass to Go into Full-fledged Operations Next Month

SEOUL, Jun. 26 (Korea Bizwire) — An all-inclusive monthly transit pass has proven successful during a four-month trial run and will go into full-fledged operations next month with more diverse choices for users, the Seoul city government said Wednesday. The Climate Card went into service on Jan. 27 on a pilot basis as part of [...]

Animal Rights Group Challenges Removal of Feral Cat Feeding Stations in Busan Wetland

Animal Rights Group Challenges Removal of Feral Cat Feeding Stations in Busan Wetland

BUSAN, Jun. 25 (Korea Bizwire) – An animal protection group has filed an administrative appeal against the Cultural Heritage Administration and local authorities for ordering the removal of feral cat feeding stations on Eulsukdo Island, a crucial migratory bird habitat in Busan.  The Korean Alliance for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (KAPCA) held a press conference [...]

Climate Anxiety Surges in South Korea as Extreme Weather Intensifies

Climate Anxiety Surges in South Korea as Extreme Weather Intensifies

SEOUL, Jun. 25 (Korea Bizwire) – As South Korea grapples with increasingly severe weather patterns, a growing number of citizens are reporting heightened levels of stress and anxiety related to climate change. A 34-year-old office worker referred to only as Lee recently opened up about the severe stress caused by experiencing extreme weather. “When I go [...]

South Korea to Remove Tire Mats from National Park Trails by 2025

South Korea to Remove Tire Mats from National Park Trails by 2025

SEOUL, Jun. 19 (Korea Bizwire) – In a move to enhance the natural aesthetic of its national parks, South Korea has announced plans to completely remove tire mats installed along hiking trails by 2025.  The Korea National Park Service, under the Ministry of Environment, revealed on June 18 that tire mats covering 20.17 kilometers of trails [...]

South Korea to Host Global Ocean Conference Next Year

South Korea to Host Global Ocean Conference Next Year

SEOUL, June 18 (Korea Bizwire) – South Korea’s oceans ministry said Tuesday it will host an international maritime conference in the southeastern port city of Busan next year to discuss pollution, climate change and sustainable fisheries. The 10th Our Ocean Conference, which will run for three days starting April 28, 2025, will be held under [...]