Micron sells out HBM capacity up to 2025
Micron sells out HBM capacity up to 2025
  • Noh Tae Min 기자
  • 승인 2024.06.28 07:22
  • 댓글 0
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Second to announce as such after SK Hynix
Image: Micron
Image: Micron

Micron said its high-bandwidth memory (HBM) production capacity has been sold out up to 2025.

Previously, SK Hynix also said it sold out its HBM production capacity up to next year.

Micron said it recorded US$6.811 billion in revenue in its latest fiscal quarter running from March to May, an increase of 81.5% year-on-year. It hit an operating income of US$719 million.

DRAM accounted for 69% of its revenue at US$4.7 billion, which includes revenue from HBM.

Micron said its HBM3E 8H, which it started production last month, contributed over US$100 million in revenue.

The US chipmaker said its HBM had 30% lower power consumption compared to its competition.

For HBM3E 12H, the company production will start next year, which is later than its rivals. Samsung plans to start production within the second quarter; SK Hynix begins production in the third quarter.

Micron said HBM revenue will contribute billions of dollars in revenue next year. It said its HBM market share will be similar to that for DRAM.

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