ASMPT supplies demo TC bonder to Micron
ASMPT supplies demo TC bonder to Micron
  • Noh Tae Min 기자
  • 승인 2024.06.26 08:36
  • 댓글 0
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Pair collaborating in bonders for HBM4
Image: Micron
Image: Micron

Back-end equipment maker ASMPT has supplied a demo thermal compression (TC) bonder for high-bandwidth memory (HBM) production to Micron, TheElec has learned.

The equipment maker is collaborating with the US memory giant in co-developing a TC bonder for use in HBM4 production.

ASMPT has also supplied TC bonders to SK Hynix and is looking to supply more units later in the year.

Micron is also procuring TC bonders from Shinkawa and Hanmi Semiconductor for the production of HBM3E.

However, Shinkawa has its handful in supplying the bonders to its largest customer, so Micron added Hanmi Semiconductor as a secondary supplier, sources said.

Micron is using thermal compression non-conductive film (TC-NCF) process to manufacture HBM3E. Samsung uses the same process. Both companies are expected to use TC-NCF again for HBM4.

However, for HBM4 16H, the pair are considering using hybrid bonding. TC-NCF and hybrid bonding are processes on how to bond the multiple DRAM dies of the HBM.

Meanwhile, SK Hynix is also diversifying its TC bonder supply chain. ASMPT’s units are used in small volume at the chipmaker’s Icheon fab. SK Hynix has also procured bonders from Hanwha Precision Machinery in June.

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