Surface Studios Will Begin Shipping This Week

Surface Studio: Aspirational or Delusional?

If you ordered a Surface Studio, check your inbox; Microsoft has started sending out notifications that they will be shipping the devices in the near future.

Specifically, as you can see in the image below, the Microsoft will start shipping the company’s latest Surface device sometime next week. Considering that it is a holiday in the US in that latter part of the week, the devices should go out earlier in the week to those who ordered on the first day of availability.

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The early reviews of the Studio have been mostly positive, although it’s hard to ignore that the price is high and the internal specs are not the best on the market. But, if you are buying this device, it’s for the display and pen capabilities which have been well received; the specs that do come with the Studio will be able to handle the majority of the tasks artist throw at it,

This is the first wave of shipments as this device was ordered on the first day of pre-orders. If you were one of the first few to buy the Studio, check your inbox, as you should be getting a shipping notification in the near future.

Thanks for the tip Jim!

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Conversation 15 comments

  • 6844

    20 November, 2016 - 2:34 pm

    <p>So reviewers want higher specs for a lower price. That doesn’t make sense. :P</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      20 November, 2016 - 2:45 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#26333">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/kenhes">kenhes</a><a href="#26333">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>I think it’s they want current gen specs for spending $3000.</p>

      • 5592

        20 November, 2016 - 6:06 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#26335">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/brad-sams">Brad Sams</a><a href="#26335">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>Seeing that spending $3000 for a computer and color corrected display/drawing pad is $200 more than the&nbsp;street price&nbsp;of just a 27" Wacom Cinitiq that’s actually pretty amazing specs for what&nbsp;they spent.</p>

  • 4949

    20 November, 2016 - 5:13 pm

    <p>Would love to see this display and arm mount available without the computer bit. &nbsp;I’d love to see what a real desktop PC could do with this display compared to the glorified laptop parts it comes with.</p>
    <p>Granted… that display is probably $2000+ of the $3000 price tag. &nbsp;Lots of tech on a limited run makes for a pricey panel</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      20 November, 2016 - 5:50 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#26346">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/CaedenV">CaedenV</a><a href="#26346">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>That’s the exact problem…but i’d have to think if they were making more of them, the price would drop with scale.&nbsp;</p>

      • 6959

        21 November, 2016 - 1:23 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#26355">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/brad-sams">Brad Sams</a><a href="#26355">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>In a commercial setting the cost is a rounding error compared to the human cost.&nbsp; For example a heath care benefit is &gt;5K for an individual and &gt;15K for family.&nbsp; The fancy chair and designer cubical probably cost&nbsp;more.&nbsp;You might as well throw a Studio on their desks, if it makes the employee&nbsp;happy.</p>

    • 5592

      20 November, 2016 - 6:10 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#26346">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/CaedenV">CaedenV</a><a href="#26346">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Not $2,000. The Surface Studio’s screen is essentially similar to a Wacom Cintiq 27" which costs $2,800 street price. That you get a full computer for $200 more is pretty impressive. Subtract that price out from any of the Surface Studio models and see what’s left. If you can get an equivalent desktop computer with better spec for <em>that</em> price, that’d be reason to talk.</p>

  • 5592

    20 November, 2016 - 6:04 pm

    <p>Hard to see how the Surface Studio’s price is high for its specs&nbsp;when a Wacom Cintiq 27" display/digitizer costs virtually the same&nbsp;as the&nbsp;entry Surface Studio&nbsp;and doesn’t include an actual computer. <br /><br />Yeah. It costs more than an iMac. It also costs more than a toaster or a halibut. Those don’t have a large screen color corrected display/drawing pad, either.</p>

  • 8554

    20 November, 2016 - 7:35 pm

    <p>It’s a nice system but I will wait for the next rev primarily for the GPU, but also to see if any issues crop up.</p>

  • 5485

    21 November, 2016 - 3:31 am

    <p>I rreally like MS aesthetics for the Surface line.A breath of fresh air in the market.</p>
    <p>But given what they aim to solve, my experienxe with Surface Pro 3is that i does not work. the functioning is not robust and fundamentally it throtlles heavely, even for simple tasks. i wonder how this systen behaves.</p>
    <p>I think comparing this to Wacom is the wrong thing to do. MS seams to be trying to evolve the PC computing paradigm, and at this price it will not happen. The all 2 or 3 in one reasoning is flawed because it does not work.</p>
    <p>Both from a functional and price perpective.</p>

    • 5592

      21 November, 2016 - 6:57 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#26382">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/nbplopes">nbplopes</a><a href="#26382">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>What would you compare it to if not to a desktop PC with a 27" Wacom Cintiq?<br />That is the only system that is functionally similar that I know of.</p>

  • 5486

    21 November, 2016 - 4:55 am

    <p>The SP/SB looked great on design, until people actually started using them, then the problems appeared, and haven’t really gone away. Infact, they’ve been plagued with issue after issue which MS don’t really seem to be able to resolve satisfactorily. This does not bode well for the Studio range, and when you’re paying *that* much, you expect a certain level of quality, and QC is not Microsoft’s strong point!</p>

  • 6115

    22 November, 2016 - 11:54 am

    <p>I got the e-mail last week — can’t wait to get mine!&nbsp;</p>

  • 250

    Premium Member
    22 November, 2016 - 1:49 pm

    <p>I got the "expect it early" email on Friday. If MS was going to deliver before the Thursday holiday in the US, they would have had to ship yesterday or today and there has been no notification. I’m thinking now that there is a Black Friday tie-in and that the first Studios will be shipped that day for delivery on Monday or Tuesday — maybe over the weekend if the recipient lives near a distribution hub.</p>
    <p>No matter. I’m reasonably patient.</p>

  • 1775

    22 November, 2016 - 1:55 pm

    <p>(1st paragraph)<br />&gt;If you ordered a Surface Studio, check your inbox; Microsoft has started sending out notifications that they will be shipping the devices in the near future.</p>
    <p>And just in case you missed it…</p>
    <p>(last paragraph)<br />…If you were one of the first few to buy the Studio, check your inbox, as you should be getting a shipping notification in the near future.</p>

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