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Palmer Luckey says his new headset is “driven by military requirements but it’s also going to be used for non-military stuff.”

Joking aside, Oculus and Anduril founder Palmer Luckey made good on his promise to announce a new head-mounted display during a talk at Augmented World Expo. He said little about the new project, though, except the quote above — and he suggested it’s still in the early stages.

Luckey also mentioned “adult entertainment” could be the most promising VR hardware niche for a small company, since mainstream companies won’t touch it. He emphatically did not say that’s what he’s working on here.

An image of Palmer Luckey and Darshan Shankar with their respective headsets (the DK1 and Bigscreen Beyond) on a panel talk.
That’s the Bigscreen Beyond headset next to Palmer Luckey’s old Rift development kit on the table.
Image: Adi Robertson