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Transforming the way your business produces agreements

Your legal teams are busy and under pressure. They need the time and space to focus their energy on high-value and high-risk work. AutoMATE frees them up to do so by focusing on taking lower-value, lower-risk agreements and accelerating their production. AutoMATE combines legal and technological expertise to enable you to produce documents in your house style in a simple and straightforward manner.

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How will AutoMATE help me?

AutoMATE will put time back into your business by producing lower-risk agreements in a more efficient matter.

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How does AutoMATE work?

We take your static templates and turn them into interactive, dynamic logic-based questionnaires that allow for easy assembly and completion of the desired document via our online portal.

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What document types can AutoMATE be used for?

A plethora. AutoMATE can be used on anything from NDAs to Sale & Purchase Agreements, from Leases to Employment Settlement Agreements, and from Distribution Agreements to Licenses for Alteration.

If you would like to put more time back into your legal team and streamline your document production, please get in touch with us to talk about the relevance of AutoMATE to your business.


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