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16 Dec 2019

Rüsselsheim.  One year after announcing “Clever! Electric City Rüsselsheim”, Opel has reached an important milestones of the project: The carmaker has completed the installation of the 350 charging points it had announced for its fleet vehicle. The Opel fleet consists of company cars and development vehicles.

18 Dec 2018

  • Strong electric-mobility package: Up to 1,300 charging points in 2020
  • Environmentally friendly and cost-effective: Extensive use of renewable energy and minimum grid extension
  • User-friendly: Transport researchers from the RheinMain University to examine mobility behaviour and thus optimise the location of the charging stations
  • Unique partnership: Diverse consortium consisting of the local authority and representatives of business and science

06 Jul 2018

Rüsselsheim. Opel has now concluded the future collective agreement until July 2023 based on the position paper agreed in May. Amongst other elements, it includes extensive employment protection measures, investments in the German locations and the replacement of the hitherto applicable collective agreement on allocation and employment commitments, which was agreed when the company was still part of GM.

30 May 2018

  • Following the success of the SUV offensive led by its five brands, the Group is increasing production capacity in Europe to meet market demand
  • Conditions are now in place to achieve the highest levels of performance and quality in each of the plants concerned
  • Implementing these projects will ensure high capacity utilisation in each plant in the coming years

24 May 2018

“We repeat that there is a strong commitment to invest in Germany as long as the production sites can perform in a competitive manner to ensure a sustainable future for the company after nearly 20 years of losses. We have outlined this already in November last year when we presented the PACE! plan to the public with objectives until 2026. Building a new and sustainable Opel is the common goal of all stakeholders.”