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23 Feb 2024

Leasys prices Euro 500 million Euro Medium Terms Note Programme Issuance

Leasys S.p.A priced on 21st of February 2024 a Euro 500 million offering of unsecured senior debt securities due March 2028, with a fixed rate coupon set at 3.875%.

Leasys S.p.A priced on 21st of February 2024 a Euro 500 million offering of unsecured senior debt securities due March 2028, with a fixed rate coupon set at 3.875%.

This transaction represents the third public issuance under the established EMTN Programme by Leasys, attracting a very high-quality order book of more than Euro 3.5 billion from over 200 investors. 

This issuance, the first one in 2024, further strengthens the group’s funding position, confirming the investors’ confidence in Leasys. 


Rome, 23rd February 2024


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Leasys, a joint venture between Stellantis and Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, offers mobility solutions which range from medium and long-term rentals to management systems for company fleets, guaranteeing efficient, rational, safe and sustainable mobility. Created out of the merging of two leading companies in the sector, Leasys and Free2Move Lease, the new company has established itself as a pioneer of the new idea of fluid, integrated and global mobility designed for individuals, professionals and companies of all sizes. Leasys boasts of a managed fleet of 870,000 vehicles which is already operational in 11 European countries: Italy, Spain, France, UK, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Luxembourg and Austria.


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For further information

Bruno Maria Criscuolo
Finance Department - Head of Investor Relations

Leasys Press Office +39 011 7732952 -