An exclusive Space for Google Cloud Partners - Let's build a community

Hello fellow Google Cloud partners,

Ages ago, some of us asked Google to provide us with a "Partner Only" type of community (see here). Unfortunately, that has never happened, despite the interest. 

I have now created a Google Chat space that is exclusive to Google Cloud partners. Anyone who is a confirmed partner (or works for one) is welcome to join. The goal of this Space is to offer a community of peers to ask partner-related questions and discuss anything that is related to the partnership. Exchange ideas, share experiences, collaborate. Technical questions can also be discussed. 

How do I join?

Detailed instructions below. In a nutshell: You join a Google Group, which is used to control access to the Space. Once membership in the group is granted, you will be able to join the Space. When joining the Google Group, you need to provide some kind of proof that you work for a Google Cloud partner. For example, your work email address and a link to your Google Cloud Partner directory entry. 

Step by step

  1. Go to the Google Workspace Partner group.
  2. At the top of the page, click on "Ask to join". It looks like this:



  3. A new dialog will open that looks like this:



  4. Make sure you leave everything at default settings, including the "Subscription: Every new message" setting (we might be sending announcements to the group - don't worry, it won't be spammy as no one is allowed to post there except group owners). 
  5. In the "Reasons for joining" field, provide some proof that you are or work for a Google Cloud partner. For example, provide your work email address and a link to the Google Cloud partner directory entry of your company (something like 
  6. Click on "Ask to join"

After completing these steps, wait for a confirmation email that your request to join has been accepted. This could take some time, even days. Because it is a manual process and not automated. 

Once your application has been accepted, join the actual Google Chat space:

  1. Go to Spaces in either Google Chat or Gmail
  2. Click on "New Space"
  3. Click on "Browse Spaces"
  4. Find the "Google Cloud Partners" space (it should be at the top of the list). It looks like this:



  5. Click on the "Plus" sign next to the space name.
  6. That's it. You're in. 

Note: Some of the screenshots above show the name "Google Workspace Partners". The screens are old, and the group and space names have since been updated to "Google Cloud Partners". 

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google thing. It's provided by one partner for other partners.

I would love if a Community Manager could pin this post or maybe even move it to a more prominent place. 

Looking forward to seeing you all in our new Space. 

2 9 684

@cryptochrome using your link, I just get a Content Unavailable error:




Hey KAM. Yes, it's an issue we are currently troubleshooting but with no possible solution in sight so far. See this thread for more details:

If you have any ideas, please feel free to comment there. Any help would be appreciated. 

Everyone, this problem has been resolved. If you were previously unable to join, it should work now. Make sure you use the updated link to the group in the initial post of this thread. 

This is a great initiative. Hopefully we can get the GCC team to create a section that is partners only.  @AndrewB @Willie_Turney  can we bring this up on the next CAF meeting perhaps?

@stevelarsen I saw you try and join the group. Google Groups says emails to you are bouncing. You should be in, though, with the address you provided. Check to see if you can find the Space.

Very random, and I apologize because I know this is a stupid question for u, but I genuinely don't know. I want to join the work space thing and help, as a part of a team, develop lots of things, but I'm still learning and I don't really know what to do or if I even can do anything to achieve that at this point? It's possible that I need to learn more first, and I was wondering where and how exactly I could do that (I'm disabled so going back to school isn't really an option right now, I was hoping for something online and free)? I really would appreciate any advice, thank u! @GoogleWorkspace, @help, @advice

@K_87  Here is something which you can use to learn google workspace:

In the future, I would recommend learning GCP as well.

Thank u😊

The link you are using is for user 1 (the second user after user 0 being the first):

The link for people who have their work email as the primary should be:


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