We want to hear from you! What are your organization's Google Workspace adoption challenges?


Hi Google Workspace Community! 

On June 28th, we're hosting a live learning and Q&A session on Google Workspace change management and adoption best practices.

To help make sure the content is as helpful as it can be, we want to hear from you - what are your organization's most common or pressing challenges when it comes to change management and driving Google Workspace adoption?

Is it one or more of the following? Something else? Please let us know in the comments! 

  1. Users are struggling to adopt new ways of working
  2. Continued access to legacy tools
  3. Lack of information or enablement resources
  4. Unrecognized value or success metrics

Your feedback is critical to ensuring we can make the event and our content as helpful as it can be. Thank you!  

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My organization has over 18K employees and most struggle with "adopt new ways of working, and continued access to legacy tools" (Microsoft). We've provided years of migration training and resources however these trainings have been minimally focused on due to employees still having the old tools to complete tasks.  Current day, only leadership has access to legacy tools and don't quite understand how to properly send data to folks only using G. Workspace (ie: large data sets, complicated excel formulas, .xlsb formats, share permissions, protect sheets, etc).  Live trainer-led training is no longer available in our organization and we use online Google support pages heavily (thank you for making them easy to understand!), however this is a huge mindset shift for most people and the DIY learning isn't easily adopted. I find myself having to use Google online resources to paste into a Google Slide/Doc to recreate the steps with pictures and instructions.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share this info @Ericapulver! I'll be sure to surface it with the Workspace team.