Love, Pamela Quotes

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Love, Pamela Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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“Love is the quality of attention we pay to things.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“Women are really not respected to this day. That's why we need humor, style, stamina, art.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“I am who I am, which is a combination of all I know, and I’ve always believed that striving to be a sensual person, or being sexy, should not conflict with intelligence. Women have fought hard so that we do not need to limit ourselves.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“This is when I learned the art of leaving. I knew if I didn’t get away, I’d be no help to anyone. Freeing yourself is mandatory before you can help to free others.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“You can think your way out of living. This is when I learned To flip the script— When you change your thoughts, you change your life.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“Most people's lives go unrecorded, or worse unlived.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“Little birds are messengers, they carry secrets of the dead to the living..”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“Reading is my only true friend.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“Love is the quality of attention we pay to things”
pamela anderson, Love, Pamela
“To be nobody-but-yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“We must find our own self-soothing techniques—mantras, meditation, movement—and embrace them in times of difficulty.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“It would take a lifetime to understand another person. We all have complex, nuanced behaviors that make us who we are, or why we are. Acceptance is a better way to go.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“You can think your way out of living”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“Her advice on men was priceless. Auntie Vie said to never trust a man with a wandering eye—He’s most likely a sex addict . . . She said a woman should have a few men in her life—one for conversation, one for presents, one for sex. It was impossible to make one man responsible for it all. She told me that you get to have only one true love, and once you found it, whether you kept it or lost it, you’d never recover . . . Accepting that was the hardest part. Life was not going to be easy, and you couldn’t pretend your way through it. We’re all in the soup together, she”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“MY KIDS GREW UP IN A WILD WORLD AND HAVE NAVIGATED ITS ups and downs brilliantly. I would tell them, Happy is only one emotion. All the other feelings are just as important, even sad, even yearning, surprised, disappointed. I promised them that when they were upset or heartbroken, they would feel joy again, but that they must first sit with those difficult feelings—don’t hide from them. Accept them, relish them, then let them go. Honor them. To an artist, an actor, a musician, those feelings are gifts. They’re where art is born. They can be uncomfortable minutes, hours, days, but they will pass.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“When I decided to leave was when I learned and accepted that I can’t change people, I can’t save people, only love them. I can only change myself and my circumstances”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“She told me that you get to have only one true love, and once you've found it, whether you kept it or lost it, you'd never recover...Accepting that was the hardest part.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela
“we all search for any excuse for the people we love.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“I learned the importance of self-care. Breathing correctly, a healthy diet, and forcing myself to exercise. Meditation and prayer were lifesaving. And reading was an elemental way to process my feelings. Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth sat at my bedside, while Kahlil Gibran’s poetry and stories seemed a comfort, and fitting.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“I’d like to think all the dogs of our past await us in heaven.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“Before it became popular to be “green,” drive an electric car, or greenwash, I traveled across the European continent, from Graz and Berlin to Copenhagen and Brussels, pushing for a “Green New Deal” for Europe. The idea was ahead of its time.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“I spoke at a few big political events and traveled with activists and comrades, happy to contribute to the dream of Europe and countries around the world existing beyond capitalism. Our message warned that the poor should not be paying for climate change, yet it is the poor who are, once again, paying the highest price.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“Poetry is a political statement.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“I turned to activism and poetry when I was hurting, to express myself, and to remind myself who I was. It helped me tremendously to be busy doing what I felt was meaningful.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“There are multiple layers to a free spirit. It’s not just about being aimless and mindless—it’s a pure connection, it’s flow. It’s an adventure. Intelligence doesn’t look like any one thing. It’s a best-kept secret, it’s mysterious”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“To love anything is to accept its loss —UNKNOWN”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: Her new memoir, taking control of her own narrative for the first time
“Our trailer was a hot spot—people were drawn to it, and that made me proud. I took in a lot of kids over the years, some of whom became like family. I made breakfast for all. My famous waffles. My boys would just let me know how many friends were coming, and I’d get to making stacks of them. Kids in the park knew they could come to me with anything. I saw myself in some of them, and I wanted to support them with an open heart, lots of food and love. Like what had been done for me in my early life. Not everyone was as lucky as my boys—they knew that, and we’d make sure we helped others when they needed it.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“Gushing I look around and am able to digest where I’ve come from, in a whole new light. A Playmate, A small-town girl in Hollywood— and feel proud of myself. No one else in history has had the same story— I did it all on my own— and I did it against the odds.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“It would take a lifetime to understand another person. We all have complex, nuanced behaviors that make us who we are, or why we are. Acceptance is a better way to go. A delicious assurance.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir
“In poetry, there is a lot left to the imagination, but also a raw honesty. Poetry touches the vulnerable spots but doesn’t call anyone out. It’s poignant but also a shield.”
Pamela Anderson, Love, Pamela: A Memoir

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