Reckless Girls Quotes

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Reckless Girls Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins
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Reckless Girls Quotes Showing 1-22 of 22
“The truth is, when your world is falling apart, you stop having "a thing." You get so focused on just making it though each day that "interests" or "ambitions " kind of go out the window. You definitely don't have time for passions.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Give it time.
Nothing you feel is wrong.
There will always be a before and an after, and you have to learn to live in the after.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“A sort of madness sets in when one is away from society for too long, when one looks out to the horizon and sees only sea and sky.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Plus, it seems cool. To spend a little time off the grid.” She smiles and rolls her eyes. “I know, you’re probably thinking I’ve seen The Beach one too many times.”

“No,” I say, sipping my beer and grinning. “I was thinking you read The Beach too many times. You strike me as a book-before-the-movie kind of girl.”

She clinks her bottle against mine. “Fuck yeah.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“In friendships or relationships, usually one person is the cat—guarded, a little standoffish—someone where you have to work for it. And then the other person is the golden retriever. Loves immediately and completely.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“What am I when you strip everything else away? I’m a motherfucking survivor.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Dreams were for people who had choices, opportunities. I didn’t believe I had any of those things.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“When grief is still raw, drinking and drugs are a double-edged sword. They can numb you, make you feel the pain less, but they can also crack you wide open, leaving you vulnerable for a flood to come rushing back in when you least expect it.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“because she worked out that thing, that secret, that takes most people ages to learn—no one really wants you to be yourself. They only want themselves reflected back at them.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“There will always be a before and an after, and you have to learn to live in the after.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Sometimes she hates that past version of herself so much she wants to crawl out of her own skin.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“no one really wants you to be yourself. They only want themselves reflected back at them.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“how good it would feel to say what she actually thinks—but it would only last for a few moments, and then the regret would set in.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“that secret, that takes most people ages to learn—no one really wants you to be yourself. They only want themselves reflected back at them.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Don’t pick up what you don’t need to carry,” and you actually believe”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“because if I start regretting one thing, there will be a thousand other decisions to second-guess.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Funny how fast that happened, how easy it was for people I saw every day to fade away, disappear, become nothing more than a bunch of Instagram accounts I still followed.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“Dreams were for people with money and time, people who didn’t feel hollowed out from watching the only person who loved them die in agony. Dreams were for people who had choices, opportunities. I didn’t believe I had any of those things.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“But after the pain, there’s a kind of peace. It’s over now. All of it. She slips under. She doesn’t come back up.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“The truth is, when your world is falling apart, you stop having “a thing.” You get so focused on just making it through each day that “interests” or “ambitions” kind of go out the window.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls
“The truth is, when your world is falling apart, you stop having “a thing.” You get so focused on just making it through each day that “interests” or “ambitions” kind of go out the window. You definitely don’t have time for passions.”
Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls