The Power of Intention Quotes

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The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way by Wayne W. Dyer
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The Power of Intention Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“Friends are God's way of apologizing for your family.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“if we focus on what's ugly, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and ultimately into our lives”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“Remove all unloving thoughts from your mind, and practice kindness in all of your thoughts, words, and actions. Cultivate”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“When you’re connected to the power of intention, everywhere you go, and everyone you meet, is affected by you and the energy you radiate. As you become the power of intention, you’ll see your dreams being fulfilled almost magically, and you’ll see yourself creating huge ripples in the energy fields of others by your presence and nothing more.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“Until you transcend the ego, you can do nothing but add to the insanity of the world.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“if you aren’t doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn’t the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don’t love will appear in your life.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“ان أي شئ تريد ان تحققة يعتبر حقيقة موجودة قائمة و حاضرة فى الروح حرر عقلك من الافكار الخاصة بالشروط و القيود او احتمال عدم القدرة على تجلي و اظهار رغباتك . ان بقيت الرغبات و الافكار قائمة في عقلك بدون ان يزعجها شئ وكذلك في النية في نفس الوقت فسوف تتحول هذه الافكار و الرغبات الى واقع في العالم المادي”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“Always keep the thought of God’s abundance in mind. If any other thought comes, replace it with that of God’s abundance. Remind yourself every day that the universe can’t be miserly; it can’t be wanting. It holds nothing but abundance, or as St. Paul stated so perfectly, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance.” Repeat these ideas on abundance until they radiate as your inner truth.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“When you shift to an abundance mind-set, you repeat to yourself over and over again that you’re unlimited because you emanated from the inexhaustible supply of intention. As this picture solidifies, you begin to act on this attitude of unbending intent. There’s no other possibility. We become what we think about, and as Emerson reminded us: “The ancestor to every action is a thought.” As these thoughts of plentitude and excessive sufficiency become your way of thinking, the all-creating force to which you’re always connected will begin to work with you, in harmony with your thoughts, just as it worked with you in harmony with your thoughts of scarcity. If you think you can’t manifest abundance into your life, you’ll see intention agreeing with you, and assisting you in the fulfillment of meager expectations!”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“It’s through giving that we receive; it’s through acts of kindness directed toward others that our immune systems are strengthened and even our serotonin levels increased!”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“True nobility isn’t about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.” — Carlos Castaneda”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“In order to float an idea into your reality, you must be willing to do a somersault into the inconceivable and land on your feet, contemplating what you want instead of what you don’t have.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“By choosing to hang on to one’s corner of freedom even in the worst situations, we can process our world with the energy of appreciation and beauty, and create an opportunity to transcend our circumstances.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the power of intention, which is responsible for all of creation.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“Extend thoughts of kindness everywhere. Practice kindness toward Earth by picking up a piece of litter that’s on your path, or saying a silent prayer of gratitude for the existence of rain, the color of flowers, or even the paper you hold in your hand that was donated by a tree. The universe responds in kind to what you elect to radiate outward. If you say with kindness in your voice and in your heart, “How may I serve you?” the universe’s response will be, “How may I serve you as well?” It’s attractor energy. It’s this spirit of cooperation with all of life that emerges from the essence of intention. And this spirit of kindness is one that you must learn to match if connecting back to intention is your desire.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“Thomas Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“But there’s no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers (those who live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“You must learn to assume responsibility for the circumstances of your life without any accompanying guilt.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“The artist creates something out of nothing! Without the thoughts and feelings of the artist, there would be no art. It’s their particular creative mind in contemplation that links to intention to give birth to what we call an artistic creation. This is how the power of intention worked in creating you, someone new, entirely unique, someone out of nothing. Reproducing this in yourself means encountering the creative impulse and knowing that the power of intention is reaching for the realization of all that it feels, and that it is expressing itself as you.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“The spiritual journey does not consist in arriving at a new destination where a person gains what he did not have, or becomes what he is not. It consists in the dissipation of one’s own ignorance concerning one’s self and life, and the gradual growth of that understanding which begins the spiritual awakening. The finding of God is a coming to one’s self.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“That is, tapping in to the essence of originating Spirit, emulating the attributes of the creative force of intention, and manifesting into your life anything that you desire that’s consistent with the universal mind—which is creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance, and peaceful receptivity.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” — Mark Twain”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“… does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so? He replied, ‘All poets believe that it does. And in ages of imagination, this firm persuasion removed mountains; But many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything.’” — from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
“The genius in you isn’t seeking confirmation from others, but quiet space for its ideas to blossom.”
Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way
“creatividad, bondad, amor, belleza, expansión, abundancia y receptividad.”
Wayne W. Dyer, El poder de la intención: Aprende a usar tu intención para construir una vida plena y feliz

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