Since You've Been Gone Quotes

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Since You've Been Gone Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
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Since You've Been Gone Quotes Showing 1-30 of 85
“Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what.
The ones who go into the forest to find you and bring you home.
And real friends never have to tell you that they’re your friends.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I don’t think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it’s the little things that are harder anyway.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I somehow knew that the particulars didn't matter. She was my heart, she was half of me, and nothing, certainly not a few measly hundred miles, was ever going to change that.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“It just gets hard, always being someone's second choice”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“All the stuff you can’t wait to get away from, until it’s not there anymore, and then you miss it like crazy.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
tags: life
“He looked right at me as he gave me a half smile. "You're the brightest thing in the room", he said. He lifted his hand from my waist, and slowly, carefully brushed a stray lock of hair from my cheek. "You shine".

My breath caught in my throat. People said those kinds of things about Sloane-not about me.

"What?" frank asked, his eyes on mine.

"Just..." I took a shaky breath. "Nobody's ever said something like that to me."

"Then they don't see what I see," he said.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“4. Date someone who'll wait to make sure you get inside before driving away.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“In a well-ordered universe...”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“This felt like the way you get nervous right before something exciting happens-the moment when you're balanced on the top of the roller coaster, the hush before the surprise party, the second after the diving board but before the water, when you can close your eyes and imagine, for just a second, that you're flying. The feeling that good things were coming, almost here, any moment now.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“And I was realizing that it was pretty terrible to be sitting in silence with someone who you always used to have something to say to”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“Maybe she didn’t do something big. Maybe she just told someone something.”

Frank looked over at me, more serious now. “Like what?”

I shrugged. “Something they’d been needing to hear,” I said. I thought it over for a moment, then added, “I don’t think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it’s the little things that are harder anyway.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I know things might not work, and I know it's scary, but the things that are worth it are. It feels right.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“We were kissing like it was a long-forgotten language that we'd once been fluent in and were finding again”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“But you can't help who you fall for. The heart wants what it wants.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“Nothing worth doing is easy," frank said. "Especially not in the beginning. But I'm not about to give up.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“When you move as much as I know how it ends. You promise to stay in touch with people, but it doesn't work out. It never does. And you forgot about what the friendship used to be like, why you liked that person. And I hated it. And I just didn't want to do it again. Not with you.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“And it was a kiss that felt like it could stop time.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“How was I supposed to keep living in this town when everything I saw reminded me of someone I'd lost?”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I looked like someone who'd had a night, and had a story to tell about it.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I was still a little amazed that this was happening. That this, the thing that had seemed so impossible, so terrifying, so utterly beyond me, was happening. I was having fun. And that I was the one who made it happen. "I did it," I said out loud, sendind my voice up to the stars above me, not really caring if the others heard me.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“In a well-ordered universe...camping would take place indoors.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“Do you not like The Beatles?" Frank asked, sounding shocked. "Do you also not like sunshine and laughter and puppies? I don't think the Beatles get enough recognition. I mean, when you look at their body of work and how they changed music forever. I think there should be federal holidays and parades”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“It was like hitting the snooze button on your alarm—your sleep in that window is never very good, since you know it’s borrowed time, and that it will be over all too soon.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“Sloane: But what if it doesn't work out?
Emily: But what if it does?”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I was speaking without thinking about it first, not hesitating, just saying what I felt first.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“You're the brightest thing in the room," he said. He lifted his hand from my waist, and slowly, carefully brushed a stray lock of hair from my cheek. "You shine.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“It was like she knew a secret, a good one, and if you got close enough, maybe she'll tell you, too.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“I watched his taillights until they got more and more distant and then faded from view entirely. I realized, in that moment, that I hadn't needed to destroy Bryan's sunglasses in the Paradise parking lot. Because it was clear to me now that I'd already broken something.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“He kissed me back. It lasted just a moment, but he kissed me back, right away, without hesitation, as though we’d always been doing it.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone
“As we stepped inside, I waited for it to get strange, now that I could see him clearly again—his brown eyes, his reddish hair, his freckles. But it didn’t. And I didn’t understand why until I’d gotten back into the car and Frank had waved at me from the door and I’d turned in the direction of home. It seemed that somewhere between the arguments about the merits of ninja movies, he’d stopped being Frank Porter, class president, unknowable person. He’d stopped being a stranger, a guy, someone I didn’t know how to talk to.  That night, in the darkness, sharing our secrets and favorite pizza-topping preferences, he’d moved closer to just being Frank—maybe, possibly, even my friend.”
Morgan Matson, Since You've Been Gone

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