Armina’s Reviews > Queen of Fire > Status Update

Armina is 78% done
“That won’t be necessary, my lord,” she told Adal before turning to Al Hestian. “The army will hold in place. Send word to bring up the ballistae.”

Ha! Why don’t you grin a little grin now, you red bastards?!!
Sep 05, 2015 05:02PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)


Armina’s Previous Updates

Armina is 76% done
"It was the disappointment, you see, the constant dissatisfaction. He tried so hard to build his perfect world, a civilisation that would see humanity ascend to something greater. But people are still people, however comfortable their surroundings. They lie, they feud, they betray and however much you give them, they always want more."
Sep 04, 2015 06:34PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 71% done
"He’s afraid, he realised. What could scare a man who cannot die?"

Yeah, I would like to know this, too. Very much.
Sep 03, 2015 04:15PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 63% done
He lifted his wrists, jangling the chains. “And yet, here we are. Brought here to die for their amusement.” “‘Despair is a sin against the Father’s love, for it is but indulgence, whilst hope is a virtue of the stronger soul.’”

These two make an entertaining couple. I'm glad they have each other for support and I love spending time with them. As a whole, Part III is quite good so far.
Aug 29, 2015 10:10AM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 50% done
The old gods are female?”
“One is. The other two are men, one a great bearded fellow, the other younger and handsome of face. I didn’t touch either of them, for the visions they impart are only for the bravest eyes. They say the Shield touched all three though, the only man ever to do so.”

Ha, very intriguing! And strangely but it makes me feel uncomfortable in some way. At least my gut tells me so.
Aug 21, 2015 05:54PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 50% done
“They knew many things, these Great Boat People, the working of metal and the reckoning of the stars, even the course of the future.”

The revelation at the end of Part II is the most exciting happening in the book for me so far. No doubt in a chapter from Vaelin's POV. I'm happy enough with all the other POVs but mostly drawn to Velin's.
Oh goodie, Part III starts with a Vaelin chapter! *happy dance*
Aug 17, 2015 07:53PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 48% done
"Just an ancient delusion, he knew. Life, death, love, war. It would all be played out on this earth until the end of time and Avenshura didn’t care. It was just a star."
Aug 17, 2015 06:20PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 42% done
“Take one, can still use,” he went on, miming the amputation of his thumb and making a fist. “But weaker now.”
“If we find other parts of it,” Vaelin said, “can you do the same to them?”
Wise Bear nodded. “If we find.”

Hm, Wise Bear is the shit! This 'meeting' was quite the interesting one.
Aug 14, 2015 06:57PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 29% done
“You are far from home, my friend.”
Lekran jerked, his chains snapping tight. “Then … get this fucking metal off me … so I can go back there. For time on this earth is short, and I have many men to kill.

This one sure gets his priorities straight! This is gonna be fun I think. :)
Aug 10, 2015 06:31PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 19% done
“Some men are brutes, some are kind. Every once in a while you meet one who’s both.”

What a fine description!
Aug 03, 2015 02:30PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

Armina is 14% done
“Wine dulls the senses and makes the mediocre artist imagine himself a great one.”
Aug 03, 2015 02:24PM
Queen of Fire (Raven's Shadow, #3)

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