Armina’s Reviews > The Reapers are the Angels > Status Update

Armina is 4% done
"But still and all, you can cherish a miracle without deserving one. We’re all of us beholden to the beauty of the world, even the bad ones of us. Maybe the bad ones most of all."

The prose in this book is gorgeous.
Apr 19, 2015 01:48PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)


Armina’s Previous Updates

Armina is 40% done
A complete sex scene in an YA novel! Holy moly, I'm kinda stunned!
Apr 25, 2015 05:47PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)

Armina is 40% done
"I don’t know", she said. "It makes people feel good to build somethin' big. Makes people feel like they’re makin' progress, I reckon."
"Progress toward what?"
"It don’t matter. Up higher or down deeper or out farther. As long as you’re movin', it don’t matter much where you’re goin' or what’s chasin' you. That’s why they call it progress. It keeps goin' of its own accord."
Apr 25, 2015 03:01PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)

Armina is 28% done
"Look at you now, Dapper Dan. Now you won’t befoul our ride."

Well, this was really nice of Temple to do.
Apr 24, 2015 05:09PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)

Armina is 13% done
"In her own experience she’s learned that happiness and sadness find their own level no matter what’s biting you, mosquitoes or meatskins."

So so true!
Apr 24, 2015 04:26PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)

Armina is 2% done
"Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant."
Apr 19, 2015 12:19PM
The Reapers are the Angels (The Reapers Novels Book 1)

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