Evelyn Herold

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The Chalk Man
Evelyn Herold is currently reading
by C.J. Tudor (Goodreads Author)
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"Dnf" Jul 14, 2019 10:14AM

Far from the Tree
Evelyn Herold is currently reading
by Robin Benway (Goodreads Author)
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Book cover for The Girl with the Louding Voice
My eyes was just watching myself, watching as the picture of schooling that I put on top a table in my heart was falling to the floor and scattering into small, small pieces.
Evelyn Herold
Such a great book lovely writing.
146112 Top Reviewers — 55 members — last activity Jul 16, 2019 11:49AM
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85538 Oprah's Book Club (Official) — 77864 members — last activity 23 hours, 55 min ago
Welcome to the official Oprah's Book Club group. OBC is the interactive, multi-platform reading club bringing passionate readers together to discuss i ...more
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Book discussion based on the Reesesbookclub on Instagram. We also have a monthly group book, buddy reads, challenges and giveaways! Our Facebook gro ...more
140071 The Reading For Pleasure Book Club — 3803 members — last activity 2 hours, 55 min ago
This is a book club where we will share our current reads in ebooks, regular books, audiobooks, graphic novels and more. This is where we can all shar ...more
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