Alfred Bates

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The Big Nowhere
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Garrison Keillor
“Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”
Garrison Keillor

Lemony Snicket
“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.”
Lemony Snicket

Oscar Wilde
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”
Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince and Other Stories

Garrison Keillor
“I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it. ”
Garrison Keillor
tags: life

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“And on the subject of burning books: I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength or their powerful political connections or their great wealth, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and have refused to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles.

So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.”
Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country

6206 The Gonzo Nihilist — 324 members — last activity Jun 25, 2018 04:11PM
Is nothing good enough, or weird enough? Read on. This group is for the out there, the freaky, the mental adventurers. What books do you like that tak ...more
35898 Weird Fiction Writers — 255 members — last activity Apr 13, 2022 03:50PM
Add new writing here for an honest and friendly critique or just to be read by those who love the genre.
21928 Dark Fiction — 620 members — last activity Jan 06, 2024 04:55PM
Because we think that a great piece of dark fiction will blow your mind, we are a group for people who enjoy all forms of dark fiction. Lots of discus ...more
16 Bukowski — 625 members — last activity May 31, 2023 01:43PM
This is a group for fans of the dirty old man. The words he wrote kept him from total madness.
29 Mystery Lovers! — 1792 members — last activity May 06, 2023 02:31AM
Rain-on-the-windowpanes, chains-in-the-attic, figures struggling on the moor...this group is for fans of mystery! Find a book series, chat over s ...more
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