C. Lee McKenzie

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C. Lee McKenzie

Goodreads Author

in The United States




Member Since
January 2009


I always have free gifts for visitors to my Blog, so stop by. Sign up and get your gift today, and you can see all of my work on Amazon. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram, too!

In my other life--the one before I began writing for teens and younger readers--I was a teacher and administrator at California State University, San Jose. My field of Linguistics and Inter-cultural Communication has carried me to a lot of places in the world to explore different cultures and languages. I can say, “Where’s the toilet?” and “I’m lost!” in at least five languages and two dialects. Go ahead. Pat me on the back.

My idea of a perfect day is one or all of the following: starting a new novel, finishing writing a blockbuster novel, hiking on a m

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C. Lee McKenzie I follow this advice when I'm stuck. "Go take a hike!" It works every time.…moreI follow this advice when I'm stuck. "Go take a hike!" It works every time.(less)
C. Lee McKenzie I can write the stories I want, the way I want them.
Average rating: 4.05 · 1,223 ratings · 563 reviews · 24 distinct worksSimilar authors
The Princess of Las Pulgas

4.24 avg rating — 95 ratings — published 2010 — 5 editions
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Sliding on the Edge

4.11 avg rating — 85 ratings — published 2009 — 6 editions
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Sign of the Green Dragon

4.56 avg rating — 71 ratings3 editions
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Alligators Overhead (The Ad...

4.26 avg rating — 72 ratings — published 2012 — 6 editions
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Not Guilty

4.75 avg rating — 44 ratings — published 2019 — 3 editions
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Double Negative

4.27 avg rating — 48 ratings — published 2014 — 2 editions
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Shattered: A Story of Betra...

4.34 avg rating — 35 ratings7 editions
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Sudden Secrets

3.88 avg rating — 34 ratings — published 2014 — 3 editions
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The Great Timelock Disaster...

4.20 avg rating — 30 ratings5 editions
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4.63 avg rating — 24 ratings2 editions
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Something New This Way Comes

As it happens, I’m re-reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by Bradbury, so I couldn’t help but “play” with that title to announce my new book.

It’s titled Because No One Noticed and I should have a pre-order link soon. Here’s how the story begins. I hope it entices you to read more.

Saturday, The Day Of

Sirens slice through the early September morning silence. It’s only eight-thirty, and

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Published on July 02, 2024 22:19
Alligators Overhead The Great Timelock Disaster Some Very Messy Medieval Magic
(3 books)
4.33 avg rating — 123 ratings

Something Wicked ...
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The Art Thief by Michael Finkel
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The Art Thief reads like a soft-pedaled, but mesmerizing true-crime-psychological thriller. With each theft of a priceless piece, you’re sure the jig has to be up, but this most prolific art thief in the world eludes the police time after time for de ...more
C. McKenzie is currently reading
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
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The Heart of Winter by Jonathan Evison
The Heart of Winter
by Jonathan Evison (Goodreads Author)
10 copies available, ends on July 10, 2024 Enter to win »
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She voted for: Not enough
Karen M
Karen M is on page 16 of 304 of Spitting Gold
This Time Around by Tawna Fenske
"This Time Around is a stand alone romantic comedy by Tawna Fenske. Every time I read one of these books, I fall in love all over again. This is a sweet, heart squeezing second chance romance with a single dad and a woman who at thirty six years old, " Read more of this review »
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Bread Alone by Judi Hendricks
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When her husband sets her possessions on the front door and changes the locks, Wyn gets the hint. Their marriage is over before she realizes it has been over for some time. She's desperate to find a way to survive the loss of not only her husband but ...more
C. McKenzie rated a book liked it
The Alexander Cipher by Will    Adams
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The best part of this book was the final third when the Thriller part kicked in. The rest kind of slogs along. First, it was hard to identify with the characters because the characterization wasn't the best. One, Elena, was totally not believable, an ...more
Jessi Jessi is currently reading Jailbird
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Quotes by C. Lee McKenzie  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“Many journeys, often ones you didn't plan to make, take you to an unexpected destination that turns out to be exactly where you want to be.”
C. Lee McKenzie, The Princess of Las Pulgas

“My dad died of cancer in the month when spirits walk among the living. He's still here because I'm having a hard time letting him go. I need him to help me sort out the feelings inside me, like the funnel clouds that drop from the sky when you least expect them. You may think I'm mad, but when you read my story, you'll see that it's not about madness. Its about hating the person you love the most. It's about the guilt that keeps October's dark chill in my heart and won't allow the spring to come in.”
C. Lee McKenzie, The Princess of Las Pulgas

“catastrophe. What if they couldn’t find Aunt Lizzie? What if Harriet Hadley had disappeared for another hundred years? They picked their way along the trail, leading to the cedar grove where they hoped to find Cenozo. Before they reached the grove, a loud bellow brought them skidding to a stop and an alligator scout shot out of the grasses. His jaws gaped, and a threatening hiss came from between his jagged teeth. The war had made anybody with two legs the enemy. “Wait!” Pete”
C. Lee McKenzie, Alligators Overhead

“All things are ready, if our mind be so.”
William Shakespeare, Henry V

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.”
Richard Bach

“You're never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.”
Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planed for you? Not much.”
Jim Rohn

“It's strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

36506 Indie Book Collective — 2940 members — last activity Jan 08, 2024 09:41AM
A group of indie authors, helping each other out and bringing new books to the world
25x33 Q&A with C. Lee McKenzie — 13 members — last activity May 06, 2020 09:12PM
...February 17, 2011 to March 19, 2011...
33825 How to Promote YOUR book on Amazon — 8466 members — last activity 8 hours, 58 min ago
Are YOU an author? If so I am sure you are aware of how hard it can be to market your book successfully. There is so much you can do on Amazon.com to ...more
214387 The Insecure Writer's Support Group Book Club — 445 members — last activity Sep 28, 2023 02:57PM
IWSG Book Clubbers, The original IWSG Book Club has shifted gears to focus on the creative talents of its members. The book club will be spotlighting ...more
109784 GOOD REVIEWS — 8248 members — last activity 15 hours, 17 min ago
This Group is only for authors who are looking for reviews and Reviewers who love to read books and share their reviews.
55129 I <3 Reading and Writing — 31 members — last activity Mar 02, 2012 07:01AM
Do you like Reading? Writing? If you aswerd yes to those questions then join this group! This group is really layed back and just for fun + totaly poi ...more
3364 Writerpedia — 1273 members — last activity Jul 28, 2022 08:20AM
This is a place to share knowledge. If you are writing and need to know something maybe someone here can give you an answer.
12498 Writer's Paradise — 243 members — last activity Mar 29, 2011 04:15PM
Last year this group was our serious writing group (somewhat :D). This year, it's our party place! Come in and join in all the fun! Create a topic, an ...more
71883 Great Middle Grade Reads — 4221 members — last activity 12 hours, 38 min ago
ABOUT THE GROUP Great Middle Grade Reads is here to help you discover new books, discuss favorites, and find like-minded readers. Middle Grade books a ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 246737 members — last activity 3 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
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Comments (showing 1-29)    post a comment »
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message 29: by C.

C. McKenzie I've been jumping all over the map this summer in my reading choices. From who-dunnits, to ghost stories, to juvenile books, and now an Asimov classic called The End of Eternity. I've even read a couple of cozy mysteries that I enjoyed.

There are so many writers with such talent for weaving an excellent story.

message 28: by C.

C. McKenzie Stacy wrote: "Merry Christmas C.!!!!" Thanks for the good wishes. Hope you had a great Christmas and are ready to start 2017 off with some super books!

message 27: by Stacy

Stacy Merry Christmas C.!!!!

message 26: by C.

C. McKenzie Sign of the Green Dragon Giveaway starts August 24. I'm giving 10 books away, so hope all my friends will enter to win!

message 25: by C.

C. McKenzie Stan wrote: "A belated thanks for choosing me to be among your friends, C.Lee. It may interest you that my book Marvin Clark—In Search of Freedom in now a matching FREE download on Amazon Kindle. Enjoy it while..."

Just wanted to tell you that I haven't forgotten your book. I've just been buried and am way behind in my promised reviews. I'm hoping summer will let me catch up.

message 24: by C.

C. McKenzie Thanks for all the messages Nehro, especially because of the sentiments they express.

message 23: by Nehro

Nehro Tito “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools

message 22: by Nehro

Nehro Tito i am honored by your friendship ... more best regards

message 21: by Nehro

Nehro Tito the secret of happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it

message 20: by Nehro

Nehro Tito Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

message 19: by C.

C. McKenzie Stan wrote: "A belated thanks for choosing me to be among your friends, C.Lee. It may interest you that my book Marvin Clark—In Search of Freedom in now a matching FREE download on Amazon Kindle. Enjoy it while..."

Hi Stan,
I'll download your book and I always review books that I feel I can give 3 stars. Looking forward to reading what you've written.

message 18: by Stan

Stan Law A belated thanks for choosing me to be among your friends, C.Lee. It may interest you that my book Marvin Clark—In Search of Freedom in now a matching FREE download on Amazon Kindle. Enjoy it while you can. (A little review on Amazon wouldn't hurt either!)

message 17: by C.

C. McKenzie Glad I've got the giveaway started for Sliding on the Edge. It's spring. It's time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Giveaways seem a perfect way to celebrate all of that.

message 16: by C.

C. McKenzie Karen wrote: "Hi C., thanks for friending,
I've giving away #10 free copies of Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness
How did I Reclaim my Life?

That's very generous of you, Karen. Thanks.

message 15: by Karen

Karen Tyrrell Hi C., thanks for friending,
I've giving away #10 free copies of Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness
How did I Reclaim my Life?
Karen :)

message 14: by C.

C. McKenzie You bet! Am reading a bunch of eBooks at the moment. I'm finding my Kindle is quite a good companion.

Christine Hatfield thanks for being my friend

message 12: by James

James Caterino Hi Lee,
Thanks for accepting!

message 11: by C.

C. McKenzie Holly wrote: "Hi, Lee! Thanks for friending me!


I 'm not a very good friend here on goodreads. I've been totally swamped for a year with a new book coming out. Just catching up with other parts of my life.

message 10: by C.

C. McKenzie Michael wrote: "Hey, there! Thanks for adding me - and sorry it took so long to reply (d'oh!)... :-)


Talk about taking a long time to respond. Here's mine . . . a year later. It's not that I want to ignore people, it's just that writing, publishing, reviewing, promoting books take a lot of time. Whatcha reading?

message 9: by C.

C. McKenzie Rj1214 wrote: "I recommend "Shanghai Girls" by Lisa See. Good Read!

Hi Sorry I never did tell you thanks for recommendation. I got sidetracked with a book publication and then totally forgot. Anyway, thanks.

Rj1214 I recommend "Shanghai Girls" by Lisa See. Good Read!

Michael Hey, there! Thanks for adding me - and sorry it took so long to reply (d'oh!)... :-)


message 6: by Holly

Holly Jacobs Hi, Lee! Thanks for friending me!


Bradley Thank you for adding me as a friend. =)


Dreamsbane of Tamalor by Bradley James Simpson

message 4: by C.

C. McKenzie Guess Valentine's Day is almost finished. Anyone having a special night out? Where are you going? Did you go? What was the highlight of your Feb. 14th this year?

Andrea Kulman Hi & thank you for being a friend.

message 2: by C.

C. McKenzie Slowly but surely I'm making the rounds. Thanks.

message 1: by Liz

Liz Good to see you here!

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