Suad Shamma

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A Game of Thrones
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  (page 86 of 835)
"Just finished the first episode of Game of Thrones!" Jun 22, 2015 03:24AM

The Authenticity ...
Suad Shamma is currently reading
by Clare Pooley (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading, 2020, own
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  (page 37 of 357)
Mar 18, 2020 06:14AM

The Intermission
Suad Shamma is currently reading
by Elyssa Friedland (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading, own, 2019
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  (page 24 of 368)
Sep 03, 2018 06:45AM

See all 60 books that Suad is reading…
Jenny Joseph
“When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.”
Jenny Joseph, Warning: When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple

Carlos Castaneda
“You have everything needed for the extravagant journey that is your life.”
Carlos Castaneda

“All is calm, all is bright.”
Joseph Mohr

Louise Erdrich
“When we are young, the words are scattered all around us. As they are assembled by experience, so also are we, sentence by sentence, until the story takes shape.”
Louise Erdrich, The Plague of Doves

Stephen Chbosky
“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

115105 Everything Booklikes & Leafmarks — 737 members — last activity Oct 08, 2020 03:13PM
Want to know about BookLikes? Want to know how those of us who are on BL find it? It's here. If you have a BL account, please post your name. If you h ...more
133888 Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon — 4320 members — last activity 6 hours, 43 min ago
Our next readathon will be April 13, 2024. We'll start reading at 8am Eastern Time April 13th, and end at 8am April 14th. ...more
115631 The Chick Lits — 1520 members — last activity Mar 10, 2017 08:42PM
A Book Club where people who love books, love and books with love come together!
142309 Underground Knowledge — A discussion group — 21113 members — last activity Jul 06, 2024 07:12PM
This global discussion group has been designed to encourage debates about important and underreported issues of our era. All you need is an enquiring ...more
200604 An Author's Best Friend Author Services — 99 members — last activity Nov 12, 2023 09:19AM
I'm a personal assistant and book promoter. I work for authors, narrators, book designers, and anyone who needs an assistant. This group is for everyo ...more
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